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Everything posted by thescientist

  1. if the id wasn't there, maybe you did something wrong when you generated the HTML. Passing by an id or something similar is fairly common. It's being used in this forum.
  2. if you have designs, then that is your portfolio. Put that up on the web somewhere so people can see it for themselves. If you aren't a developer but want to be, then a portfolio site is the prefect thing for establishing your skills and offering and a great small project to get your feet wet.
  3. what are the error messages? What are your data structures like? Maybe you want to do something like this? //assuming $profile is an array $profile = array() foreach ($profile_array as $key => $value) { $profile[$key] = $value;}
  4. welcome to world of development. the key in all projects is to start small, and work your way up in functionality piece by piece before moving on to the next. It usually takes lots of debugging and verification of the code through echos, loggins, unit tests, etc. It's something we all have to do everyday.
  5. proof of your abilities doesn't mean anything unless someone can see it in action. What you think may be good may just be average, or maybe not even good. As niche has pointed out, people want some degree of certainty. The easiest thing to do, to show people you are serious, and as has been mentioned, is to give examples of your work on a website. You can then tell everyone, hey, here is some proof of my skills. Who's going to hire you just on your word over the internet? Would you hire/work with someone just on their word? This is why people make portfolio's.
  6. As opposed to what? The only bad practice before was using tables. Now better developers know to only use them for display tabular data. I mean, there are really only two types of elements, block (<div>, <p>) and inline (<a>, <img>). It's just that <div> is the most semantically meaningful tag for making a section of a page (minus the new H5 specially purposed ones).
  7. I guess so. You posted a picture with error messages. My response was to address those error messages. Maybe start by fixing those and see what your code does after that? Like in the other thread though, what debugging are you doing? You should have echo statements all over the place initially if you don't know why your code is working. echo every conditional, what the values of all your variables are, and see if they match what you expect them to be. The script is only going to do what you tell it to do, so make sure you are giving it the right instructions, and prove it by tracing your code's execution path.
  8. maybe show us the <head> section of your HTML, confirm the file names are correct, and make sure you have the files in relative paths to each other. If you have an error console open in your browser while opening the HTML page, if the path is wrong (and thus the stylesheet can't be loaded at the path specificed by the <link>) then you will see a GET error when the browser tries to open the file.
  9. I could have sworn we went over this in your other post. the problem is you don't know if cat_id is set, so that's why you have to test it first.http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=43401&st=20&p=240017entry240017
  10. you realize your example is an image, right?
  11. did you read the documentation? (an example is right there at the top of the page with an explanation of 'success') You need to define a callback function in order for it to be asynchronous. That's how it works. And pass that in a property of the request object. You can name the function anything you want, or assign it the property anonymously. But the property needs to be called 'success' as dictated in the documentation.
  12. show your updated code, but it didn't look like you were providing the callback correctly, which is what you need to make it aysnc. It needs to be a property called 'success', like in the docs
  13. http://www.w3schools...php_if_else.asphttp://www.w3schools...php_looping.asp while is a looping structure, likefor($i = 0, $l = count($someArray); $i < $l; $i += 1){ echo $i;}; if/else is a conditional structure. They are not interchangeable.
  14. read the documentation. http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.get/ to make it async, you need to provide a callback function to be run when the request is completed, which is the function literal you are defining after you make the request.
  15. As helpful as the tutorials and references are, they are only that. I have no idea what the scope of your project is, but for full scale, enterprise level webapps, the knowledge needed to build them requires more than what can be found in this pages alone, IMO.
  16. too ridiculous a reply! too much pre(judices!). I need to be spoonfed! I will not listen to anything, blah, blah. we have given you the simplest of explanations. and so does it look like other people. I think the end of your web dev career is in sight...
  17. can you be more specific about what is actually happening? Are you checking for errors in the console? What debugging have you done to find out where the issue is? You should use console.log('some text or variables here') to trace the functions and find out what the values of the variables are and when so you can understand what each line of your code is doing. don't just assume what is going, verify for yourself what is actually going on.
  18. If you have little experience, I would expect to at least spend a good 3-5 years of learning and practicing before you even get get to that point.
  19. yeah, I'm sure giving us the error message would be of no value... for the record, I don't think anyone in this thread really has any clue what's going with your site. Probably because you aren't presenting your issue clear enough, because you are confused. It's the viscous cycle that never ends.
  20. well, what's the problem? that might be helpful.
  21. I would just add, if you can't understand what each line of your code is doing, and explain it (at the very least to us) then you aren't ready to move on to more advanced stuff. I.e. this means knowing what elements, attributes, selectors, etc are. the basic terminology is part of the learning process too. If you can't explain it, then you don't understand it enough yet. That's when you know you aren't ready to move on. It's plainly obvious when someone doesn't know what they're talking about.
  22. that's not strange. you are setting the innerHTML of the div to the response you are echoing. I'm not sure what the issue is, if your concern is printing out </div>, because your actual result already shows that happening. (as it should)
  23. I don't even know where to begin
  24. the whole point of returning false to keep the form from submitting automatically (in favor of AJAX doing it instead). It is in fact preventing the default action of the form element from happening (the submit event). JS has a method of the event object that can do that. event.preventDefault() (i.e. prevent the default behavior from happening)
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