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Everything posted by dsonesuk

  1. cookies are specific to one domain for security reasons.
  2. #menu-bar li:last-child {padding:0; }to/*#menu-bar li:last-child {padding:0; }*/
  3. dsonesuk

    finel edit

  4. You can't use server script (php, asp/.net) to include instead of iframe??
  5. dsonesuk

    finel edit

    var num_list=chater.slice(0,-1)num_list=num_list.split(",");$("div").addClass("back2");for (var i = 0; i < num_list.length; i++) { $("#mem"+num_list).removeClass("back2").addClass("back3");}
  6. $header .= 'From: $fromrn';hhmmmmm! would have thought that they would be separated $header .= 'From: $from'."\r\n";
  7. dsonesuk

    finel edit

    Not its NOT! you made a mistake somewhere, it will never show the comma, the number after the comma will be stored.
  8. You haven't gotmysqli_close($con);above it anywhere have you.
  9. dsonesuk

    finel edit

    var num_list=chater.slice(0,-1)num_list=num_list.split(",");for (var i = 0; i < num_list.length; i++) { $("#mem"+num_list[i]).removeClass("whatever_class").addClass("back3");}
  10. dsonesuk

    finel edit

    Well keep going I'm pretty sure your hit the correct solution pretty soon, it's like we can't do anything this end, as we have no idea what the html code with id, and classes looks like, or any js errors you are getting, so we can't help can we!
  11. dsonesuk

    finel edit

    var num_list=chater.split(",");for (var i = 0; i < num_list.length; i++) { $("#mem"+num_list[i]).removeClass("whatever_class").addClass("back3");}
  12. http://w3schools.com/svg/svg_intro.asp Viewing SVG FilesFirefox, Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari support SVG.IE8 and earlier needs a plug-in - which is available for free, like Adobe SVG Viewer.
  13. By default browsers apply there own colour scheme to links (a), unless you target them specifically they will remain that colour so applying color: #FFFFFF; to #MenuContainer a will overwrite the default colour.
  14. dsonesuk

    Select option

    Done this kind of think many times with select and option elements before, not exactly like this, but similar.
  15. Does IE8 even support svg? I've never used svg, and knowing how bad IE support for new features such as these, makes me wonder? it took several year for IE to match what better browser support with IE9!
  16. You have got into a real mucking fuddle with this posted code
  17. dsonesuk

    Select option

    Try <?phpfor($d=1;$d<=31;$d++){ echo '<option'; if($day==$d){ echo ' selected="selected"';} echo '>'.$d.'</option>'; } ?>
  18. dsonesuk

    one line

    If quotes are required try $("#whatisit").html('<a href="#" title="chat" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:togglechat(\''+chat+'\');"><img src="chat.png" alt="chat" width="44" height="40" /></a>').show();
  19. dsonesuk

    one line

    You can't use double quotes with an event call that uses double quotes as opening and closing, try $("#whatisit").html('<a href="#" title="chat" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:togglechat('+chat+');"><img src="chat.png" alt="chat" width="44" height="40" /></a>').show();
  20. IE OR old versions of IE (not sure about IE9 if this still applies) uses a different method of accessing iframe as in .contentWindow, while other better browsers use the other. only .contentWindow will use '.document' as in .contentWindow.document To determine which method to use for specific browser we find out which one it recognises var obj=(doc.contentWindow || doc.contentDocument); //use method that browser will support if (obj.document) // does the method you support use .document, if yes the selected method will apply .documentobj=obj.document; Edit: instead of 'top' try 'parent' instead var doc=parent.document.getElementById("trafficdoc");
  21. Your unique identifier is id="lead_row_3" from<li id="lead_row_3" class="gf_css_class odd" style="gf_cssall">It also depends if it is displayed in a constant uniform state, how many sublevel listings. you could use nth as below, each row has individual colour text, and row with id lead_row_2 has its colours reversed. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*//*---->*//*--*//*]]>*/</script><style type="text/css">#list ul li:nth-child(1){ color:red;}#list ul li:nth-child(2){ color:blue;}#list ul li:nth-child(3){ color:lime;}#list ul li:nth-child(4){ color:purple;}#list li#lead_row_2 li:nth-child(1){ color:purple;}#list li#lead_row_2 li:nth-child(2){ color:lime;}#list li#lead_row_2 li:nth-child(3){ color:blue;}#list li#lead_row_2 li:nth-child(4){ color:red;}</style></head><body><ul id="list"><li id="lead_row_1" class="gf_css_class odd" style="gf_cssall"><ul><li class="text" title="Your First Name">xxxxx</li><li class="text" title="Website"><a class="thickbox colorbox lightbox" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.xxxxx.com">xxxxx.com</a></li><li class="textarea" title="What's your Inspiration Quote?"><p>dfghegvrtshvtwrbhvtrw</p></li><li class="textarea" title="Now we'd love to know why you find that one so inspiring."><p>Eugiat alis hac faccummy aptent vulla cilit, esse put ilisismod, exeriure atis consenisim obor. Aliquatem velessectem endre gait consequ nostra do eraestrud senisl, quatums num augue. Ute endre tis, vero odolorperos dolutem modolore, elementum vendiatie irillam mi. </p></li></ul></li><li id="lead_row_2" class="gf_css_class odd" style="gf_cssall"><ul><li class="text" title="Your First Name">xxxxx</li><li class="text" title="Website"><a class="thickbox colorbox lightbox" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.xxxxx.com">xxxxx.com</a></li><li class="textarea" title="What's your Inspiration Quote?"><p>dfghegvrtshvtwrbhvtrw</p></li><li class="textarea" title="Now we'd love to know why you find that one so inspiring."><p>Eugiat alis hac faccummy aptent vulla cilit, esse put ilisismod, exeriure atis consenisim obor. Aliquatem velessectem endre gait consequ nostra do eraestrud senisl, quatums num augue. Ute endre tis, vero odolorperos dolutem modolore, elementum vendiatie irillam mi. </p></li></ul></li><li id="lead_row_3" class="gf_css_class odd" style="gf_cssall"><ul><li class="text" title="Your First Name">xxxxx</li><li class="text" title="Website"><a class="thickbox colorbox lightbox" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.xxxxx.com">xxxxx.com</a></li><li class="textarea" title="What's your Inspiration Quote?"><p>dfghegvrtshvtwrbhvtrw</p></li><li class="textarea" title="Now we'd love to know why you find that one so inspiring."><p>Eugiat alis hac faccummy aptent vulla cilit, esse put ilisismod, exeriure atis consenisim obor. Aliquatem velessectem endre gait consequ nostra do eraestrud senisl, quatums num augue. Ute endre tis, vero odolorperos dolutem modolore, elementum vendiatie irillam mi. </p></li></ul></li></ul></body></html> As you see the list is uniform, with 1 single sublevel.
  22. Well, if your too tired to use you skills, you will obviously be too tired for me to give you the answers today/tonight so i suggest you gets some sleep, and apply YOUR knowledge in the morning, with a clear head.
  23. Why are you asking me? apparently you know the answers, now apply your knowledge.
  24. None of your images, or video uses inline-block, if they did you would not need float OR clear.
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