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Everything posted by vchris

  1. I guess I fixed it... I commented a lot of his code. The guy doesn't know how to program CF but somehow is able to create complicated SQL queries with sub-queries. The guy had the navigation to the page setup so that if you come from a certain page of the site you view a certain thing on the page and if you didn't come from a page on the site, error occurred...I set it up so that it doesn't matter where you come from, all that matters is where you are!!!
  2. vchris


    What trouble are you having? Oh yeah and h3, h4, h5, h6 can all be done on one line, like so: h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-color: #000000; }
  3. Ok I got another similar problem. I want to do the same except I have 3 values to play with. 1st one is the identifier (will tell me when to show certain options), 2nd is value (option value) and 3rd is the description (option description).I know how to handle 2 values but how would I handle 3 values? I can't just create a dup select like you did earlier, I got 3 values... Anyway around this?EDIT: Maybe this could work with commas. If the value was <option value="unique identifier, option value">option description</option> and when getting the info with JS I could remove the comma and everything in front. What you think of that and how can it be done?I am so close! for(i=0;i<invisibleDocType.options.length;i++) { docType.options[i] = null; if(invisibleDocType.options[i].text.search(/optionFilter/) != -1){ docType.options[i] = new Option(invisibleDocType.options[i].text, invisibleDocType.options[i].value); } } Somehow it doesn't find the match in the list but there is many matches. The output is no options in the list when there should be 3-4.
  4. For some reason the page works exactly as it should in Firefox but in IE as soon as I open it, I get a CF error. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it:<cfif parameterexists(http_referer)> <cfset framed=compare(right(http_referer,1),"/")></cfif><cfif NOT evaluate("parameterExists(http_referer)") OR http_referer CONTAINS "main" OR http_referer CONTAINS "sources" or not framed> <!--- If the user came from this page (has selected an ISIC code), set the page source to ISIC ---> <cfif NOT parameterExists(http_referer) OR http_referer CONTAINS "sources" or not framed> Any idea?
  5. vchris

    mp3 album finder

    I'll try that sometime this week. Thanks!
  6. vchris

    mp3 album finder

    hmmm interesting... So if I have 1000 mp3s and some are missing the album and year it could fill it in for me? Instead of me having to input them 1 by 1.
  7. Anyone know a program that can automatically find the album name and year of a certain mp3 based on it's artist and title and update the ID3 tags?Note: If anyone is looking for a program to edit ID3 tags and mp3 file names many at a time, I found a great and free program. It's called ID3 TagIt 3, just thought some people would like that.
  8. vchris


    We just got it pretty hard today. Yesterday it was 14C and today -10C with 50km/h wind + snow + rain/freezing rain + ice pellets. Ah the beauty of All-Wheel-Drive
  9. NP and if you have a gap on the left and you want to get rid of it just do this:margin: 0; instead of top. This way all margins: top, bottom, right and left are removed.
  10. <body style="margin-top: 0;">ORbody { margin-top: 0; }
  11. That was a close one! You almost beat me
  12. vchris


    Exactly what I had on my mind for #1 :)Unbelievable how much unnecessary code it creates.
  13. Here's mine I work at the Canadian governmentHere's a second one
  14. change :link for :hover, :visited or :active.
  15. http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/accesskey.html
  16. a.whitelink:link { color: white; }<a href="fasfasd.html" class="whitelnk">asdfsa</a>
  17. I didn't realize it was deprecated. Thanks for the info.
  18. vchris

    CSS Help

    Your body color css is automatically used when you have <body> in your page. So your text should me black. No need for classes. Without classes this means all occurrences of <body> will have a color of black since there is only 1 <body> by page this makes sense.By using .center {text-align: center}, this means any tags with class="center" will have it's content centered. It can be a <table class="center"> or a <ul class="center">. Your code <p class="center">Text</p> is correct and will work. Your first example p.right {text-align: right}, this means only <p> tags can be affected by your style. So if you have <table class="right"> it would not have any effect.
  19. My name is Chris and I'm new here. Disregard my post count :)Welcome aboard everyone.
  20. vchris


    Where are you from justsomeguy?EDIT: duh signature...
  21. vchris


    same here only 2-3 days/year. I never plugged in any of my cars and they all started one shot! This is my first winter with the subaru we'll see how it starts for the driving I think I can handle it
  22. vchris


    Coldest weather I've been in is probably around -50 C to -55 C with wind.
  23. vchris


    Justsomeguy did you create a new account under the name Tarte and referred yourself to be a mod?
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