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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. reportingsjr

    OT: Humans

    O rly? I have to disagree, there are actually 3 or 4 fish that can breathe on land and walk around. There are some fish that were imported to America fro China and they can walk around in bad conditions for quite a few hours, in good conditions they can live and walk around on dry land for up to 2 weeks at a time, no water at all. What might you call fins? They are pretty much like legs, except the are wider and allow fish to move around through water. The fish I was talking about above uses it fins to "walk", it drags its body around with them.Monkeys have only a few chromosomes different than us, I think its only one or two out of 46. Many of them look like small hairy humans and they eat the same stuff. (Some people eat bugs..) The closest looking monkey has no hair on its face... like us (except beard) and a very small stubby tail, only like 3-6 inches long.What might you have to say to that? And if humans are only 6k years old how come they have found skeletons of humans in the range of 90-100k years old?
  2. reportingsjr


    I may be interested, I know all of those languages.
  3. Not cool! I have cable but apparently its like dsl -.-.
  4. But the thing is, wont the person get stuck if they go over and it is equal to these values? I will try this soon.. Gabbly chat?
  5. No, the "atom dot" or whatever it is called has to be followed by a letter or whatever Steve said.Offtopic: Pulpfiction, I have been wondering if you based your name off of the movie by Quentin Tarintino? Good movie
  6. Doh! I messed up . So thats why it was moving. I forgot to remove the {}else from all of them. Checking it now!EDIT: No , it still doesnt work! What do you think is going wrong here? I would love for this to work!!FULL CURRENT CODE: if($_POST['way'] =="up"){ //GO UP if(!($position->y <= 0 || ($position->x >= 48 && $position->x <= 168 && $position->y >= 502))){ $database->query("UPDATE `map` SET y = y-2 WHERE name = '{$_POST['username']}'"); }}elseif($_POST['way'] =="down"){ //GO DOWN if(!($position->y >= 594 || ($position->x >= 48 && $position->x <= 168 && $position->y <= 320))){ $database->query("UPDATE `map` SET y = y+2 WHERE name = '{$_POST['username']}'"); }}elseif($_POST['way'] =="left"){ //GO LEFT if(!($position->x <= 0 || ($position->x <= 168 && $position->y >= 502 && $position->y <= 320))){ $database->query("UPDATE `map` SET x = x-2 WHERE name = '{$_POST['username']}'"); }}else{ //GO RIGHT if(!($position->x >= 594 || ($position->x >= 48 && $position->y >= 502 && $position->y <= 320))){ $database->query("UPDATE `map` SET x = x+2 WHERE name = '{$_POST['username']}'"); }}
  7. I see someone got on it! Well, it works. Sort of , I have this: but I tried to move down and it wouldnt move down! Here is my whole code so far: if($_POST['way'] =="up"){ //GO UP if(!($position->y <= 0 || ($position->x >= 48 && $position->x <= 168 && $position->y >= 502))){}else{ $database->query("UPDATE `map` SET y = y-2 WHERE name = '{$_POST['username']}'"); }}elseif($_POST['way'] =="down"){ //GO DOWN if(!($position->y >= 594 || ($position->x >= 48 && $position->x <= 168 && $position->y <= 320))){}else{ $database->query("UPDATE `map` SET y = y+2 WHERE name = '{$_POST['username']}'"); }}elseif($_POST['way'] =="left"){ //GO LEFT if(!($position->x <= 0 || ($position->x <= 168 && $position->y >= 502 && $position->y <= 320))){}else{ $database->query("UPDATE `map` SET x = x-2 WHERE name = '{$_POST['username']}'"); }}else{ //GO RIGHT if(!($position->x >= 594 || ($position->x >= 48 && $position->y >= 502 && $position->y <= 320))){ $database->query("UPDATE `map` SET x = x+2 WHERE name = '{$_POST['username']}'"); }}
  8. I hope that works! Well, I do have a test account that you can see it in. go to http://excibius.com and login as "blehe" with a password of "blehe". Then on the right menu when you log in click the big red link that says "NEW 2D MAP". The on the right there are arrows you can use to move around. It supposed to make it so you cant move around the lake, or off the right edge of the page. Thanks! I will test when I get home!
  9. Do you actually know all of those languages? If not tough luck, no one here is going to give you that much code!
  10. Ahhh yes! Wiki and google for everything .
  11. Ohh nice pics! Where do you find these??
  12. The th tag is another option instead of td, it just makes all text inside the th bold. I have no clue what area you are talking about, what do it say inside to the table column?
  13. Haha! But what about monsoons? You get oodles of rain then! (can I just cal you steve? I dont feel like typing in justsomeguy!) Warn level, I dont like that thing.. Im at 20% =\ 10% for being mean and another 10% for having "want to be a mod behavior". Which I dont remember getting contacted about or anything, I just saw it .
  14. Ok, so right now im making a game. So im turning it into a 2d game. I have moving around set. But there are areas I dont want people to go to. I tried to figure it out but it wouldnt work! Here is my code: //GO RIGHT if($position->x >= 594 && ($position->x >= 48 && $position->x <= 168 && $position->y >= 502)){}else{ $database->query("UPDATE `map` SET x = x+2 WHERE name = '{$_POST['username']}'"); } you wont be able to see it because you need to be logged in and I dont think anyone here wants to register etc.. So $position->x is the left right distance and $position->y is the up down value. What do I have to put so it wont allow you to move into a square of any size?
  15. Little explosion things? You mean freaking huge mongous explosion things?ohhh ahh! http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap061127.html
  16. Well, if you are using PHP it will be alot easier to read and write cookies, but you can with javascript. Just takes a it more code!
  17. Whats with all the whitespace? That could be an issue with the define()s. When using $_POST or any of those I wouldn't recommend using double quotes, just single quotes .
  18. I have a question regarding .htaccess, I tried to edit mine so php could be parsed through .html. But instead it just forced a download. What did I do wrong! I had it like you posted Jonas but with more such as .php and .htm. It would be nice to figure it out.
  19. reportingsjr

    OT: Humans

    I say its at least 4.99999999999999999999999 billion years old. At least thats just what I think.
  20. Umm, you will need a form. Have it have a dollar amount, then a <select> with things like USD to UK Pounds and UK Pounds to USD. Google currency converter and check their code, just borrow snippets!
  21. I dont think we ever will either. Asteroids should be followed religously to . I think there are quite a few universes. Not just one.
  22. Looks much better! Keep up the work!!
  23. The stuff from the last big bang?
  24. reportingsjr

    using sessions?

    Yes, anywhere you want to use sessions at the top of the page you MUST have session_start();
  25. I dont think too deep. Maybe deep enough to require a 14 foot ladder. But anyways, we need Kaijim he cause he IS the one who has the final word..
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