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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. Welcome feck!Hope you figure out how to get back on your hotmail account .
  2. It probably is the colon instead of a semicolon. I have had includes and requires act weird some times, like I couldn't include a url to the whole site, just files. maybe thats just my site!
  3. Well of course there wont be 99 mods! But there is a need for a few more. I mean, 3 or 4 more mods would be nice for the forum. It would put a lot less work on the current mods (how many are there? 3, or 4?). So no one is saying get 10 or 15 mods right now, just double the amount right now.
  4. Yeah, there HAS to be something else. The big bang is still going on, so it means space is rapidly growing. But why universes? Why define them? Why not just space? Told you I could start it back up .
  5. No, unfortunately you couldnt use it anymore . Just replace the div with an iframe? I dont know, have fun!
  6. Well, you will need to use ftp. To do this you will need to set up a ftp account. I tried to acces your ftp (ftp.anetw.com) but it didnt come up with anything. So that means you dont have ftp set up at all. Now this is about as far as I go, you will have to wait until someone with more knowledge and experience comes on (aspnetguy or justsomeguy are the two best).
  7. You will have to give them some time, I never received a reply from when I emailed them about the hacking (a while ago..). But they probably will respond to you. They do have other things to do. So just give them about a week to get back to you and send another email. Please do not double post, people will try to help you if they can.
  8. Sure thing!!What do you think about the universe being created and such. I think there are multiple universes out there, not just one. But there are more and more every day and they are expanding. I saw this thing once that said our universe was like a big shape thing (cant think of name). It was like a sphere and they said when something goes through the edge of it it appears at the exact oppesite of where it was. So like a loop, you could just keep going straight through the universe forever. I dont know about that though..
  9. More moderators could help. But you need them to be spread out in time zones. Most of the times when I am on is when the spam shows up, I report it immeadiatly. But if more members are promoted to mods and they live within one or two time zones it wont be much help. Sooo..
  10. Oh, but I wish to disagree! If you really want it to keep going in the direction of space just ask. I can stir it up again .
  11. No, it looks as if the site he is talking about is using javascript. They just make it so you can slide a selected image up and down the side of a div and the div slides with it. You will HAVE to use javascript.
  12. He wants it so if you resize the window, things get smaller. Sure you can! Just add style="width: 100%;"; to everything you want to resize.
  13. How is it not shown in the right place in the div? What exactly is wrong with it. Too low? Too High, Too far over? What?
  14. Also, unless you are using an old version of PHP (I think anything below v. 4) you don't need to use $HTTP_GET_VARS['blah'], you can just use $_GET['blah']. May be a bit easier.
  15. ROFL, so you wanted it so when you clicked on a link in the right or left iframe it loaded in the middle? Ok, you would just need to put name="content" in the middle frame then for each link add content="content" and it would have worked..
  16. Oh, yes! I forgot to tell you, thats because you don't have any spaces in between each list element. You could do what jlhaslip, but 3em is a tad large. Thats the size of a tab. So just change that to what you want. You could also use px or pt.
  17. Welcome and I and yep, a lot of people here are very good at programming. Enjoy the forums!
  18. try this: <style type="text/css">li { float: left; }</style><ul><li>aaa</li><li>kkk</li></ul> That should work!
  19. Its easier to learn, but less powerful and slower (PHP). So you could just learn both.
  20. After, you set some session such as this: $_SESSION['online'] to yes if the database result turned up with one result (one user) and don't set it at all if no results were returned. Then on every page use and if to check is $_SESSION['online'] == "yes". (You could also set it to true if on false if not on. Don't use quotation marks then.) So try that out.
  21. Other browsers don't completely ignore it. It makes the scrolling smooth and makes it scroll longer than you scroll for. I hate it!
  22. Yea, that was probably something like a U.S. Battleship or an oil tanker. They use a TON.
  23. reportingsjr

    OT: Humans

    Ohhhh, so thats how they all died!! I see.. Or maybe the just did the mass suicide? So they all got constipated at once...
  24. Nah holme, well, here is the crawlers gas/length ratio: Diesel fuel mileage is about 350 liters per kilometer (less than 0.007 miles per gallon). So.. Its a lot smaller. I am guessing that this machine gets about 500-700 liters per kilometer? Maybe more?
  25. Well, I guess its all been solved. I hate my brother (usually) and he hates me (usually). So when Christmas comes hopefully I will get my own computer . I guess I could just get a new hard drive and switch it for the current one every time I wanted to use it..
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