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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. php doesnt have anything to do with xhtml or html. It just displays information so you can make pages dynamic. So it wont affect anything about your html, just the html will . There is also a secure html include. but you need to save pages as .shtml.
  2. Im sorry, but I have to ask: Whats with the picture of the crying baby?!?!
  3. Hmm, pretty crazy!I feel like we have broken a record . Check how many views for this topic..
  4. Wow.. Thats one bad host! That would be the same program. Wow..
  5. It doesnt really matter. You can use either or. XHTML isnt really.. hard to do. Mostly you just need to add / to the end of tags that dont have a closing tag . So, you do what you want! I have had issues where when I use a certain DTD it messes with the HTML alot, and I had to get rid of it. I doubt that the consumers really care if your web page is validated.
  6. Yeah, I used to say use regex. But they kept telling me it used extra overhead, which you dont want! Overhead means you use extra resources, in this case the regex engine (yes, it has its own engine...). So for this I say just use nl2br!
  7. You might want to use PHPMyADMIN, google it. Its alot easier to use when managing your database.
  8. Ohhh, didnt realize that! So if I just did echo nl2br($post->content); it would do something like these forums? Hmm cool!
  9. How could I do something like this forum, where if you hit enter and submit a post the enter stays, and everything doesnt just get reduced to one space? I have already tried the html <pre> tag but that seems to double all spaces for me... Odd! And it wouldnt be nl2br I dnot think because im not using \n or a text file.. Any thoughts?
  10. I see the bending light. Whats that supposed to mean? 2d objects?I saw that fiberoptics thing a while ago and it didnt fit inside my definition of invisible..And the caveman was who I was talking about .Hmm, waiting for someone to click the link in the signature. How many you think will click it? Its for something you must find out..
  11. What happened to the other discussion about gabbly?
  12. Can we really consider all of those people scientists?I saw a thing on "alien" technology. One of the things was invisibilty. They must have no realized it but a place over in England has already discovered how to "make" invisibilty. They rearrange the electrons into a specific was and you can see through that area! Maybe the could use a mthod of black holes I saw. It was the bending light. Couldnt they just bend the light around an object?
  13. Its pretty much a language that holds info. Here is an example that holds, say a date: <day><date>2006-10-30</date></day> Now, there are many more things you can do with it. so you make your own tags to define content like <post><id>1</id><author>Reportingsjr</author><content>Testing</content></post>etc.. Like I said, you can do alot more.
  14. Hello, my name is Jon Neal1. What is the purpose of XML?It is a structured data lanuage (holds infromation)2. What do normal progammers (everyday ones) do with Javascript? Do you use it constantly?Anything they need, it depends on what you are asking. I dont use it constantly, but I use it in most of my web pages3. What browser do you think is the best? (your honest opinion)Firefox4. Will XML affect the future of data transfer?I dont know, it may or may not. SQL and XML are kind of at a tie right now. I havent seen too much done with XML besides RSS features. Its not a very safe thing to use with passwords and such.5. Do you use XML frequently on a daily basis and what do you usually do with it?Nope, ive never used it on a large scale6. What browser do you think has the best web standards?Firefox and Opera have the best. IE worst7. In 2010 or something, what browser do you think will have the most users?IE, other browsers have a loooong way to go before they catch up with it. Its almost 2007 and aout 80% of internet users still use it. Plus since its default for windows, most people dont realize that there is another web browser besides maybe Netscape Navigator.8. In 2010, what browser to you think will have the second most users?Most likely firefox, Opera has a good chance but very few people actually use it. I think it was around 1~2% last time I checked. While firefox had 15% at that time9. Are WYSIWYG editors good? Or some hand coding thing?No, most definetly not. They add many many uneeded things into your code. I do believe that dreamweaver has another option that leaves your code alone though.10. What do you normally use?Editpad lite, suites my needs!Hope you like these responses!
  15. Yeah right! War isnt only for humans. I count fights as wars. Everything libing has wars between ech other. Ants, Birds, Tiger, Apes, Ants, Fish, Ants, Coral, Ants, etc...
  16. reportingsjr

    PHP/MYQL Help

    http://programmingtalk.com/showthread.php?...age=2&pp=10Thats where I was told..
  17. Of course it is! Thats part of it. Look at my post (above yours, we posted in same minute)
  18. That brings us to our next random topic! War!We need war.. No doubt about it. It just wouldnt work out.
  19. reportingsjr

    PHP/MYQL Help

    Yes but that is it. I already gave you an example. The person could just type in DROP `table_name` and the whole table would be dropped.
  20. Man, I always feel so stupid . Lol... I read the math thing somewhere though. So it was wrong.. Back to black holes and space shall we?
  21. ok, so 2 of his formulas. Oh well. What does E=MC2 mean anyways? So far ive figured out Energy = Mass*C2, I guess I will go look it up now .EDIT: Yay! I got the first two right, and C is the speed of light. And C2 it the square of light. The speed of light is somewhere around 186,000 Miles per hour. Pretty much rediculously fast. Too fast for anything we have to go without breaking apart and disappearing (you can feasibly do time travel and warp speed and such if you reach speeds above the speed of light).
  22. reportingsjr

    PHP/MYQL Help

    Actually justsomeguy, I have been pointed out that mysql_real_escape_string can really only help hackers. Since all it does is clean up mysql code it wont prevent hackers from doing something like putting in "DELETE `table`" so yeah..
  23. I dont think so ruud.. It was actually his wife who came up with most of his ideas. He was reaaaaaaallly horrible at math. Hence why he dropped out of school. Ok, private eye wasnt a porno but penthouse is
  24. go to dynamicdrive.com and search for dropdown menus. I do believe thats what your looking for! Those will be alot better suited anyways..
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