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Everything posted by reportingsjr

  1. See, told you we needed Steve! He has plenty of cool links. Where do you find these at?!
  2. He forgot the ending tags on his other template to.. =\ Its not the best.. I now think I rated it too high.
  3. I dont think the html would work for very many codes actually. Maybe not even any.. <style type="text/css">body {background-color: black;}</style><script language="php">echo "hello world";</script><?phpecho "hello world";?><script type="text/javascript">document.write("hello world");</script> etc... Im sure you can go on the main phpbb forums and someone has taken the time to write addons or "mods" for a few language. I know there is a php one because on programmingtalk.com thery have it. Im surew they have other ones. This would be nice for troubleshooting.
  4. When you type in the url in your ftp progam, at the end of of put this, :21 so if you were going to ftp w3schools this would be the URL:ftp.w3schools.com:21try that, if it doesnt work then it doesnt have to do with port 21.
  5. $document = ereg("(.*?)/?(.*)\.(.*?)", "$2", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); I hope that is right, because I haven't tested it. Should work though.. Try it out to see if it works, if not tell whats happening.
  6. add another <br />, one line break will push the content after it down one line, so it is on the next line, 2 line breaks will push it down 2 lines so there is a line in between the content.
  7. Well there you go! Where is justsomeguy? So have any of you seen/heard of the columns of creation? They are pretty neat.
  8. It is okay, but one thing you need to do is put repeat-y or whatever to repeat. That way it will go across the page.. and set the background color to the color at the bottom that is darkest. So if the page goes farther down it wont be messed up. Not too good, not too bad.
  9. No, at least I cannot yet. Ask boen, he has over 2 times as many as I do. Maybe it is at 1k or something?
  10. I see, edward, I can imagine staying on a computer for 15 hours +, I am usually on it 8-10 hours a day =\. I am on it a tad too much..
  11. God! Lol, say you are a junior.. or you are in your 11th year of school. Something like that! I had no clue what you where talking about .
  12. Ohhh, you are 11 years old.. Ohhh, I didnt know thats what you meant. Sometimes people are confusing. I am 14 years old, or as you would say "I am in year 14" .
  13. Yes, I am very sneaky! , I knew it would work because most people are curious. Thanks for giving me some gold and blood! That game is kind of fun..I like the columns of creation in the eagle nebula (never heard of them? Google it under images, you will see..).
  14. But you then have the issue of internet explorers transparency (with PNGs). wow, 11 years you say? Ive been doing this for around a year now. Still going strong!
  15. Yes, but funny. I guess its the same as being in space, without the rotating. I loved that article..
  16. If you are having issues with loading images there are actually javascript image preloaders on dynamicdrive.com, you could just stick it on everypage, but it would be disabled when someone puts no javascript on.As for what boen said, I would get a different host. You could just get one at some place like 275mb.com and get a free site, then use a redirection site such as http://www.freedomain.co.nr/ to mask the url (it would turn in specified-site-name.co.nr). As for sever side scripting I am a pretty good PHP coder an I could do it for you. Im sure you could ask some of the people here about me. I dont think they have much time to do free projects though, they have jobs.
  17. Umm, just like the tables and such stick out too much, its too out of line. Things need to be centered better. Ill post a complete code that is valid.. sort of:<html><head><title>Template</title><style type="text/css">a:link {display: block;height: 100%;width: 100%;text-decoration: none;color: #656565;}a:hover {color: #DDDDDD;background-color: #808080;display:block;height: 100%;width: 100%;}body { color: #656565; background-color: #000000;}</style></head><body><table width="80%" height="25%" align="center" bgcolor="#222222"><tr><td><p> Picture/banner/title goes here</p><! pic/title here></tr></table><table border="0" width="75%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" valign="top" align="center"> <!-- LINKS GO BELOW --><tr><td align="center" onmouseover="linkHover(this)" onmouseout="linkAway(this)"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link1</a></td></td><td align="center" id="navlinks"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link2</a></td><td align="center" id="navlinks"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link3</a></td><td align="center" id="navlinks"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link4</a></td><td align="center" id="navlinks"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link5</a></td><td align="center" id="navlinks"><a href="www.w3schools.com">Link6</a></td><!-- More can be added (copy+paste and change class) --></tr></table><table height="120%" width="80%" bgcolor="010101" border="1" align="center"><tr> <!-- Main Info --><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top" height="60%"><p> left side</p></td><td width="50%"><p>Main area</p></td><td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" height="60%"><p>Right side</p></td></tr></table><br /><table border="0" style="margin: auto; background-color: #232323; width: 100%; position: fixed; top: 95%;"><tr><th><a href="http://w3schools.com">Copyright whoever... blah site</a></th></tr></table></body></html> Take a look at that and see what I have done. Just get rid of the advertisement thing entirely, not many people do use them. Plus they would probably put it somewhere else. So it is just best to leave that out in a premade template. I think I messed up the links.. So try and fix it? lol..EDIT: updated it, links fixed... updated something else to.Cration kid: tables are actually meant for organizing data and for site layouts. its not just limited to one thing. The people that made HTML thought on it a bit..
  18. Yes, it must be on every page you want to use sessions on.
  19. It looks, ok for a first. Did you forget the rest of the code or something? You need to start with an <html> tag. and you forgot to put ending tags for the table and body. Im not a big fan about it, sorry. It is too blocky.
  20. Well, look who it is! , long time no see SFB. I learned about sessions from a zend tutorial, zend is the php engine that converts code to html and other stuff. They had byu far the best tutorial I have ever seen on PHP, yet.. Here is a direct link to session:http://devzone.zend.com/node/view/id/646Read through it, very easy to understand!
  21. It is nice, but plain. As with everyone else I say it certainly does need to be centered! You did much better than I did on my own first site . Of course I hand coded mine with notepad so of course it was going to look horrible. I dont know what is missing, it just seems a little boring.
  22. Yeah, thats what I meant. No pother thread that isn't stickied has gotten this many views. I think .Have you gotten Firefox 2 yet?Did you know the world has found out how to make anti-gravity? (float) Yep, so simple an idea to.. Just to cheer every one (warning to little ones: a little bad language):http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Murphy%27s_la...ravitatory_catsYou need to read through the whole thing to understand it.. Its hilarious though! It also leads to cat huffing..
  23. That also means it has come to an unexpected end. So, in other words you need to find some logic you didnt close (if, while, for, etc..). I took my ten seconds of time and found it for you: <?php$uname = $_POST['uname'];$pword = $_POST['pword'];if(isset($_COOKIE['user']) && $pword == "bobville"){$loginText = "You are already logging in.<br /><a href='index.php'>Return to the Main Page.</a>";}else if($pword == "bobville" && !isset($_COOKIE['user'])){setcookie("user", $uname, time()+360000);$loginText = "You've been successfully logged in, ".$_COOKIE['user'].", <a href='index.php'>Return to the Main Page.</a>";}else{$loginText = "Your password is incorrect, please try again.";}?><?phpif(isset($_COOKIE['user'])){$loginDisplay = "Welcome back,".$_COOKIE['user']."<br /><div class='menu'><a href='accountinfo.php'>Account Info</a><br /><a href='updateprofile.php'>Update Profile</a></div><br />";}else{$loginDisplay = "You are not logged in, <br />Please go to the home page.";}?><html><head><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style.css'><title>!!Bobville Online!!</title><script type='text/javascript'>function addAdmin(adName){document.getElementById("update").innerHTML += "Posted By "+adName+".";}function sigWeek(theSig){document.getElementById("sigDisplay").src ="images/sotw/"+theSig+".gif";}</script></head><body><object width='980' height='150'><param name='banner'><embed src='banner.swf' width='980' height='150'></embed></object><br /><table cellspacing ='0'><tr><td width='210'><?phpinclude("menu.php");?></td><td width='580'><?phpinclude("sotw_content.php");?><br /><div class='maintitle' align='center'><div class='valign'>Logging In</div></div><br /><p id='update'><?phpecho $loginText;?></p></td><td width='210'><?phpecho $loginDisplay;?></form></td></tr></table></body></html> You just didn't end the if/else that checked if the user was logged in . I dont know if I ended it in the right spot though.. you need to fix that.
  24. Any text editor. Doesnt mac come with a text editor like textpad or something? The reason it can be edited in anything is because its no where near any of the C lanuages, it doesnt have to be commmmmpiled .
  25. reportingsjr


    Or since you already have the image just add position: fixed; to it, then when you scroll it will stay "fixed" on the page. But there is also the issue of different resolutions. Just go with utopias. Its the easiest.
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