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Everything posted by birbal

  1. ye yes i was doing these in object oriented manner as you stated. thanks for confirming. do you think its relevent to draw UML before for web application? @lh9 thanks for your input
  2. That is how i was doing that too. but i realised it was becoming critical and time consuming to manage as it was growing and i thought there should be any better orgnaized way of doing this. that is why these questions were coming in my mind. i did not know actually what to ask. I will follow your advice from next time rely thanks for helping me so far..
  3. so nice to hear about your works. motivating! do you have any personal project? if yes how do you manage those? do you write design document for those too? i guess it is not the case where anyone will need to write design documents for clients but i belive there should be something written. is there any technical term of that? how do you start to approach a problem when you develop larger system?
  4. Actualy when you access any file it uses request on server. it does not matter the file type. It was my mistake that i did not notice in hurry, you are using syncronized ajax request. Sorry for that. when you synced request it waits till its gets the response from the server. which is not in the case with async. actual problem is... y=x.childNodes[0];it is not pointing the node you are intending. you have \n after your book node. new line is considered a node here, text node.y=x.childNodes[1]; <== it will point it to the title node remember y is pointing to this <title>XML</title>node. "XML" is also considered a node (text node) which is child node of title. so to get its vvalue you haveto get childnodes of title element and then you have to get the node value of itsomething likebook = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("book");console.log(book[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
  5. you have to check the readystatechange in ajax in onstatechange callback and the response will be available when it success. send() does not mean it recives the response in the next line. it sends the data and wait for the response. here you are trying to get that what is not set yet,
  6. birbal

    Any idea ?

    http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=java+data+types&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CGMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocs.oracle.com%2Fjavase%2Ftutorial%2Fjava%2Fnutsandbolts%2Fdatatypes.html&ei=ziGsT_WBG8fqrAeK2NmmDw&usg=AFQjCNEruY-b-nO4TIUBFesUMFBl8NHFSQ apache tomcat that is what run the jsp pages jsp is used for web page though there are java applets which also works in webpage which are being embded in page. You have to see swing,awt if you google the bold words it will get you what you want. sun official website has good tutorial and manual of jdk which is also comes with downloadable format.
  7. birbal


    can you explain more what you are trying to do?
  8. birbal


    http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=url+rewirting&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CH8QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhttpd.apache.org%2Fdocs%2F2.0%2Fmisc%2Frewriteguide.html&ei=wairT_7oFMGzrAeTxr2jDw&usg=AFQjCNHv7afc9FaA2urMwsoWPuxHDholeQhttp://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=url+rewirting&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CH8QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhttpd.apache.org%2Fdocs%2F2.0%2Fmisc%2Frewriteguide.html&ei=wairT_7oFMGzrAeTxr2jDw&usg=AFQjCNHv7afc9FaA2urMwsoWPuxHDholeQ http://in2.php.net/manual/en/security.hiding.php <= it may be usefull to you
  9. thanks.i got it now. BTW can i know which type of system do you develop for your client?
  10. Thescintist and justsomeguy thanks for giving the helpfull information. is the design document comes into project management? does it comes into analysis phase of software development? is it the design document which helps to estimate the hours of work? i mean design documents are made first to measure the work to yourself? before give them a quote or before you are hired? as it involves time investment so does those hours is counted for charge? or is it being charged to initiate it(design document) first?I am willing to know how does things work from intial point when client comes to you.
  11. is those written in any legal papers or just usual signed paper? how to handle this situation for outsource work where client is commuinicated by net? is those agreement covers about milestones? is there any sample example of those agreement to see how does it look? When "you" say "hard" it makes me afraid. it seems like it is completely a different skill.
  12. how does those agreement happens? are there written agreements or just oral?
  13. birbal

    what debugger

    no it should not be problem. your local site will be there you need to point out out correctly your web root when you install those manualy to get it worked. but it wont collapse your site
  14. array_search() is case sensitive so that it is not matching. you can use str_ireplace() fo case insensitive replacement. rather than searching through the array you can directly replace the cid using str_ireplace(). if you need to determin the count of replacement occurance you can use the 4th param of that function. http://php.net/str_ireplace. that would be more efficcient. str_replace('cid:', '', $srcArr,$occurance);if($occrance===0)echo 'No cid affix found<br />';
  15. birbal

    backup your DB

    I cant see anything in your provided code which will cause to query the database and save it and compress it to zip. is that your complete code? Set the appropiate content-type header for zip file in email header
  16. AFAIK you have to pay everytime you will participate in exam
  17. mysql_real_escape_strin() returns escaped string which you need to store in some variable and later use that variable to get insert into db $content=mysql_real_escape_string($content, $db);
  18. the query is being broken for quotes you need to escape the inputs before its geting inserted into db using mysql_real_escape_string()
  19. Have reached into top most stress level

  20. what is id refering here? id of directory or file? are you storing the file in filesystem or database?
  21. your about me tutorial (debuging of css js) is great. i dont knew about it before and never use it before thanks for the sahring. :D

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