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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Skemcin


    ok, well I may not be 100% clear on the use, so lets not worry about the whole session variable thing, lets make sure the idea of a structured array is worth considering first.It looks like you are trying to avoid querying the database 8 times for the sake that the only thing you might be changing is a where clause. True? If so, then maybe using structured array will save time. Essentially, you would put each of your arrays of information in a row of a structure. Then when you need the array you can pull it out as needed. Your intitial query just needs to be written with the right sorting or group by commands to set up your query results to be conducive to this approach.But, I'm not quite seeing exactly what your code it doing cuz I've not had the time to give it a good look - sorry. Oh and I am not sure that <cflocation> performs a <cfabort>. I do know that in previous version of ColdFusion it would not retain session or cookie variables set on the page a <cflocation> was being used. I do believe the entire page gets process but only server side scripting is done - nothing is ever passed to the client - so that may be why it might seem like an abort, but it would only be if server side scripting was not executed.I rarely use <cflocation> out of old habits caused by the point I made and because I always like to make sure I have the opportunity to communicate a redirect or action to the client if needed.I typically do this instead of a <cflocation> <cfoutput><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //alert('optional Message.\nCLok OK to continue!'); document.location="#webroot#xxxxxx/xxxxxx.xxx";</script></cfoutput><cfabort>
  2. Skemcin


    did you consider a single structured array. that is, create one structure and then dump each array into it. then you reuse that pretty easily. Even creating this as a session variable on a previous (less consuming) page may be an idea too. I do not know how fast your page loads, but you could run all the preparation on another page, set the structured array to a variable in the session scope, and then call it at will without having to run the process again. This could be especially helpful if the content is pretty static.
  3. Skemcin


    didn't really give it a good look since I wasn't sure what to look for - I'll take a look and see what ya have . . .
  4. Skemcin


    lol - I've done that before.:)all set then?
  5. Skemcin


    having any issues still?now sure if you are completely set herebtw - I hijacked your signature!
  6. Skemcin


    more effort should be put into preventing the spam than cleaning it up. Adding more mods for this sole purpose is not the solution, in my opinion. (you guys sound like the president of the united states)
  7. Skemcin


    warned, stay on topic please - and research crap like this before you post.HINT If you start your post with "I'm not here to upset anyone" then you should not post it.
  8. Skemcin

    Need help

    open note pad and write some html - save the file and open it with Firefox, Internet Explorer, or what ever you browser of choice is.Once you have seen that, choose a very simple topic that you alot about - maybe it is your dog or maybe your resume. Make a simple web site, three pages. If you use the dog, then make a home page with links to these three pages, this is how mine would look:a.) What is a Norwegian Buhundb.) Pictures of Marleyc.) Pictures of ZekaOn each page there should be links to everything, so you site navigation would look like this:Homepage | Norwegian Buhund | Marley Zane | Zeka MarliesCreate a folder on your c: and set up your directory structure:c:\mysitec:\mysite\imagesc:\mysite\cssc:\mysite\jsPut all your HTML files in c:\mysite and then all your supporting files in the respective folders.Try that out.When you have it all set on your machine, then we can talk about sharing it with the world by putting it on a web server.
  9. Skemcin

    Chaning our name

    no problem, so long Tarte, hello . . .
  10. ok, cinci, I've tried to be discrete about this, but you are leaving me no choice. read the rules while your posting priviledges are suspended for a day.
  11. Skemcin


    I don't think a develop without a site is necessarily a bad thing. In fact, before I had mine, I always tell my clients or prospects this:"I don't have a site right now because I understand the commitment. Right now, I a more committed to my clients than making a fancy website for myself. I'd rather exert the effort on my clients."I know, I know, sort of corny, but its true. However, I must disclaim, this is not a long term solution. It is very easy to be consumed in short term work that ends up postponing marketing efforts. And, since marketing takes time itself, one cannot afford to put that off to a time when business is slow - its simply too late.Anyway, there is a positive spin to almost any situation. Don't get infatuated with having your own site until the time is right/manageable.
  12. Skemcin

    Chaning our name

    create a new account - we do not have access to changing log in names - sorry.
  13. Skemcin


    @reportingsjrMy teaching involved two totally different subjects. For 3 years I was the only certified Snowbaord and Tobaggon Handling Instructor on the east coast for the National Ski Patrol. As my career changed (for better and for worse) so did my topic of instruction. For about the same amount of time, I was a HTML and Graphic Design instructor for a private company in the Chicago area. And yes, the dude's site is hideous.@Ible-WhiteThanks for your supportive reply. I've encountered the same challenge in giving presentations. Sometimes its easy and sometimes its impossible to get any participation from an audience. I've figured out few ways to encourage participation. For one, if my presentation is on Internet Safety, I might ask who uses the internet for banking and then ask if they close the browser or use the log out button. Then that ends up tieing directly into my presentation and thus other can identify with it and then start "worrying". Anyway, thanks for your feedback.@AgustineIf your instructor mentioned that and you (as many of us may agree) feel that is a ridiculous idea - then ask him when that would be a good approach. Learning goes beyond just knowing the fact about something - its not just about this is how an image map is map. Learning goes beyond the example that attempts to reinforce the principle - it extends to application of that knowledge. For instance, does knowing HTML mean you've learned it? Or does the actual process of doing it constitute learning? In any case, I, for one, would be interested to hear what your professor was thinking. Not, necessarily to laugh or discredit him, but more to understand something I might not have seen before. Basically, what I am saying, you (that being everyone in general) need to have respect for what you don't know. So, I do not know why he was thinking a 1024x768 image map makes a good website, please enlighten me.BTW, it would take quite a bit of light to convince me its a good idea.@justsomeguylol - and I tell you what, when I started my own business years ago, my website was one of the first things I addressed. This is what I decided - keep it simple and design by SSI. I can change my entire site by just changing a couple include files. In fact, before I sold out, I had worked 9 themes into my site and had them dynamically changing every quarter - automatically. I never got bored (like I am now with my iribbit.net) with my site.
  14. Skemcin


    Having once been a teacher, I think it is important to be certain you are understanding everything in context.I am not defending your teacher or what he/she has said or claimed, but bare with me for a sec. When I mention context, you have to remember that a teacher is thinking of things from one perspective (knowing what they are talking about) versus a student who is from another (having just learned). Now, regardless of whether or not the teacher knows what he or she is talking about, the student is going to naturally question it - its our human nature. So, unless you question it out loud, you will never know exactly what the teacher was intending. As a student, many folks don't question a teacher enough - students tend to absorb the information and find ways to discredit it without ever involving the information provider (the teacher).So, the next time you are in class, do yourself and the teacher a favor - bring the topic back up and find out exactly what the teacher meant. Let the teacher know why you are questioning it - even if (even back then) you did not know the right answer but your gut was telling you that you were being fed BS - QUESTION IT.What if the teacher was thinking about a map of the United States. You can't cut that up into squares and make links out of that. What if a graphic design for a site is similar to that - image maps would be a good alternative to slicing the image up and figuring out a way to link things correctly. Granted, this are not likely the case, but you still owe it to yourself, your teacher, and your class mates to question anything you doubt. The answer will only reinforce what is already believed to be the truth.As for the question regarding which is better - one 300kb file to thirty 10kb files - one file is preferred for reasons that justsomeguy pointed out. Thnk of the broadband analogy like this: when you do laundry, it is easier to carry 25 lbs of clothes in your arms or in a basket? Which has a great risk of dropping things?Anyway, thats my perspective.
  15. don't all hosting companies provide this information anyway - even free one's.I guess I just few page counters like I view bumper stickers - yuck!
  16. www.w3schools.com is your best free tutor. you have to learn to take time to learn. I am a visual learner and HATE, yes HATE, reading. But, I've become the lead ColdFusion developer for a very large non-profit organization and I've never taken a formal class in any thing related to web development. In fact, my bachelors is in Education and I was a snowboard ski patroller and managed a ski and golf resort for 5 years before my career path changed into web development.If you can read and write, you do not need a tutor, you need patience and dedication. Along the way, you have this community to lean on for help.Oh, and part of why I HATE reading is because I have a learning disability that doesn't allow me to "retain information" like most people can. I have to read things 2 sometimes 3 times to fully comprehend things.So, unless you have it worse than that (which you might) please find the strength and motivation to set a goal and achieve it on your own. The reward is much greater when you don't have to share it.edit: and that is as personal as anyone is going to see me get online.
  17. There are advertising rules for this discussion board. If you want volunteer your services, by all means please do so. Offer a little more information on what you are willing to do and show some valid references - preferably links to sites or images of original work. So, if you haven't done the work, they don't get anything? So is there a point to making a request? If you do follow up with a request, do they get to "have" it?I respect your loyalty to the Bengals, but I think your avatar will suffice.Look forward to your contributions to our community.
  18. hehe, yeah the order play a roll in that DHCP will assign IPs as a machine becomes visible in the network. So if PC-1 is turned on first, but PC-2 boots faster, then PC-2 will get - the router usually gets You can always goto the command prompt and check this out using these commands:ipconfig /allipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewUse the last two to troubleshoot a PC you cant see or use. Also, if you are trying to map shared drives, windows(<--- assumption) can often take a whiule to computer names to propogate. So, try mapping by IP address and later change the mapping to computer name - you never want to map by IPs for any extended period of time.Also, use the command prompt to ping your assigned IPs:ping (this will be a given in most cases - its the router)ping you can ping but not map or even see the other PC then you will have to make sure you have file sharing turned on and that a folder is configured for sharing. Make sure you make it annonymous sharing so when I drive my white Chevy Van by your house, I can log into your wireless network and download all your stuff.:)Ok, maybe annoynmous sharing is not a good thing, so make sure the drive mappings you define are assigned to a username and password. Of course, your wireless network should also be using an encryption key for connecting too.On a side note, you could still have your router set for DHCP if you like, then have you desktops with hard coded IPs - that s works too. That just makes it more convenient for you to take your laptop to and from the office. At the very least, the DHCP settings can still filter access based on MAC address. So, get all your PCs connected to your router and then go in there and set your router to only allow connections to those MAC addresses - for additional security. If you get a new laptop from work or your friend brings a laptop over, you'll have to take a minute to open Fort Knox - but its all in good fun.:-D
  19. a.) power down all your pcs and routersb.) start up just the routerc.) start up your server (assuming that is the mother of the network)d.) from server log inot router and reset to defaults (out of box settings)e.) power down server and then routerf.) power up router - be sure it shows no activity before powering up your serverg.) when your server is back up, log in to your router and disable DHCPAssign all your IPs for a network that small. When/if you take your laptop off the network and into public domain, then you can jump in a quickly change it to DHCP - flip it back when you get home.You have more control with assigning static IPs to your home network. It helps troubleshoot problems as you always know which IP is to which machine - and you don't have to remember which PC you started up in what order. Granted a long IP lease might avoid that, but DHCP is too picky for most people's patience.Whatever you do, shut down everything and boot one machine at a time - check each configurations and connections before moving to the next. Too many people power up everything in no particular order and without checking things until they are all up. There is a step-by-step process for everything, don't ignore it.P.S. That all, may go without saying to most. In that case, I have no idea what the problem is without being able to help/observe the troubleshooting efforts.
  20. A couple Rules of Thumba.) Only use absolute URL paths when a web page is designed to be used as HTML e-mail or when linking from a shared SSL server to your individual hosting service.b.) Adopt a good, clean coding convention to reduce redundant tags and whitespace:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...post&p=3285c.) Think through your CSS implementation - reduce/eliminate the use of <font> tags.d.) when you got your page working the way you want it to and looking the way you want it to, go back over your code and clean it up - apply your coding conventionBe a developer that cares, reduce EBU (excessive bandwidth use).
  21. you'll need to be a little more specific or at least sketch and image of something that resembles what you mean - any websites that you can post that are influencing your design?
  22. glad you found the problem. Sorry I wasn't quicker to respond - work this past week has been busy and the weekends are family time.Anyway, let me know how development is going.
  23. mappings defined in the ColdFusion Amdinistrator I think only apply to coldfusion tag processing - so the CSS <style> tag I do not think will apply. Just put the root path from the server there to test it.
  24. personally, where and how comments are made are very important. In fact, if anyone of you has ever gone to a formal job interview for any respectable web development position, they will ask for sample code. You can tell ALOT about a person by the way they develop code. So, comment well and comment often (but not too often).Every page should start off with comments: <!--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template = template_homepage.cfm //// date created = 03/30/2005 //// author = My Real Name //// last date modified = 04/18/2005 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ---> and then single line comments at important transitions in a page, like the if,else,then junctions of conditional statements. or when a certain section begins and/or ends, like the header, footer, side menu, and/or main content. In dynamic, database driven pages, I include comments above a series of queries to describe what their purpose is and define any dependencies. Those are the main points to keep in mind.So, don't down play comments - they are an important symbol of the quality of your work - do not underestimate them, far too many people already do.
  25. How do you exactly mean. Are you talk ing about ColdFusion Application Mappings? The DEV license is the same as the Enterprise version only with 2 ips served rather than unlimited.
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