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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. can youpost your code/url so we can have a look?
  2. I'm sorry, I definitely don't intend to drive you down a twisty dark road with no headlights . . . Before we go into the session variable setting, is there anything prior to that that should be clarified?
  3. The problem you ponder is accurate. Not only would it be along url, but it would no doubt get truncated since there is a character limit (imposed by the browser I think) to the url length.
  4. Actually, java is compiled - sort of like a dll or any other exe file. So the java "plugin" simply allows java files to be executed inside the browser. So java is not interpretted it is executed. The only thing the browser does is pass parameters into the plugin which feeds it to the compiled java code.
  5. sorry, I just have to say I LOVE this remark!
  6. Skemcin


    Would you mind terribly if you explained your issue a little more clearly and then tell folks how you resolved it? It be nice to have another documented solution.Thanks in advance.
  7. Just replace the "href" values with href="java script: void(0);" and the pages will link nowhere but you'll get the visual effect you are after.
  8. what do you mean by "bind" - are you not able to view the XML document at all in a web browser?
  9. Sounds good - let us know how it goes.
  10. Duplicate topic, please view:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1019
  11. It would be pointless to do this with client side scripting. If you did it that way all I would have to do is view the source, decipher you code and I am IN - after all its client side logic.If you want to protect something it HAS to be done on the server - through a scripting language or OS directory security - you're hosting service plan will determine your path/options.
  12. Here is an example of an imagemap using mouseovers.:http://www.lessonlab.com/I wrote this code so I can explain it if needed (not the underlining of the links when they are mousedover). This doesn't address your need of what we call a disjointed rollover.That would be found here:http://www.prosthodontics.org/I wrote this code too (years ago mind you - save me the critique). This seems to be closer to what you want.But what I think I hear you saying is that you need a combination of the two. But I'll let you take a look at those two sites and reply acccordingly.
  13. Hi and welcome to the site.I think you make and excellent point - the web would be nothing without the <a> tag - pages would have no way of finding each other.However, I feel I have to close this topic to prevent it from trolling. Thanks for the thought. We look futher to more contributions.
  14. Skemcin


    Here is some information that you can read up on:Microsoft SQL:http://www.microsoft.com/learning/mcp/mcitp/dbadmin/Oracle:http://gennick.com/how_do_i.html
  15. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Please make sure you read this post:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=762It will help you understand what information you should include in your posts to make helping you much easier.Take a look at the link and post some additional information that is suggested so we can help you better.
  16. Skemcin


    Does your code work? Did you make a change to the php server? I'd recommend posting you rsolution so others can understand.
  17. Well, given my back ground and specialization, it's no surprise I will disagree with this statement. Just because something is not popular doesn't mean that you should not be informed about it. In fact, that is even more of a reason to offer educational tutorials on the languages so that people can see that there are more than one or two options available. In any case, I doubt we will see the tutorials here anytime soon since, like php and asp, cold fusion needs a server side installation - which either requires a new host or the purchase of the server - the later being the only draw back to cold fusion. But my point was not to add a tutorial section on w3schools.com but to at least add a new scripting language section called "Other Scripting Languages (i.e. Cold Fusion, Java, JSP, etc.)" just give that much of a hint to others. My impression is the goal of w3schools.com is to educate - there is no room for descimination in education.
  18. A session is basically related to the time period in which a unique user is visiting your site. A sessoin variable is kind of like a server side cookie. They allow you to set the value of something once and then use it over and over again without having to set it again - at least until the session times out or the user leaves the site.Session variables are not available in HTML, CSS, or Javascript - they are defined by a scripting language, like asp, php, or cold fusion. Things that are commonly stored as a session variable would include the name of the database, a default e-mail address, a persons full name, or what classification user they are - things that get reused over and over again that would be a waste to define everytime a page is hit.
  19. Skemcin


    check all your "target" attributes and make sure they are defined where they need to be and that they are pointing to the correct frame name.can you point us to the page to review and confirm?
  20. Before we stray into "why not frames" let me know how that solution works for you - its pretty easy to implement.aspnetguy mentions the main reasons for not using frames to which I would add that there are issues with navigation (everything needs a target defined and thats easy to overlook) plus search engines have issues spidering frames but then there is the issue when an engine picks up a content frame and there is no navigation, or even clue, as to where can go or where you are. I know you mentioned you're site is an intranet so search engines are not something you need to worry about, but once you venture out, it will be a consideration.Although frames were created for design functionality, they are a huge burdeon for the reasons listed. But they can be used very effectively in a number of different ways. One on the slickest ways I've seen it used is as a footer of a site - something that is only 50 pixels tall for instance - nice neat and out of the way but very accessible way to navigate and even ideal for a search box. So, use them wise if you choose to use them at all - mind your P's and Q's and you could make a beleiver out of us . . . well maybe not.
  21. Yes, but from what I gather the problem is when there are more than 4 entries with the same value. How do you determine which are the TOP 4? I've run into this issue when trying to display the ten questions (out of 50) that some ranked. Well if they ranked 15 a 1, then which of the 15 get listed when a TOP 5 (or LIMIT 5 - for oracle) gets coded. Thats why I suggested using a second field to order by - to add the chronological order to the sort. Its hard to catch in his original post, but this requirement is there
  22. I hear ya Jonas. Although if you're hands are tied due to legacy code (code written by a previous developer) then there isn't much of a choice.Case in Point. I recently redesigned and currently work on pedialink.org. This site was a mess!!! The legacy code is horrific - and that is being generous. The online payment system is even worse. There is code there that I am not allowed to touch (don;t ask why - longer story). So, I have no choice (once I redeveloped the site to be browser friednly - please still many issues to work out) but to sniff the browser and prevent users from checking out with anything other than IE or NN.Trust me - this is not what I want. And I have done EVERYTHING I can to get the powers that be to let me change this. But with a new checkout system launching in 5 months, they feel the work is not worth it (somewhat understanding of their point).So, my "work around" was this:http://www.pedialink.org/learnmore-view.cfm?show=8I'll help someone no matter what, but I will make sure that the reasoning is absolute, without question, the last resort.
  23. The languages are quite different, so its not quite as easy in asp or php as it seems in cold fusion. Generally speaking, the concept and work flow is the same logic. In each scripting language the mail function (to, from, and subject) are required so you'll have to find them and substitute what you like.Here is a quick PHP tutorial for sending e-mail:http://www.php-scripts.com/php_diary/122899.php3andhere is one for ASP:http://www.sitepoint.com/article/sending-email-aspThose should help you more specifically.I'd recommend setting your destination e-mail address to a session variable. If you define it in a hidden field or even on your action page - it will be very easy for a spam spider to pick it up.
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