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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Create a Link<a href=mailto:xxxxxx@xxxx.xxx" title="email me">email me</a>Create a Form<form action="mailto:xxxxxx@xxxx.xxx" method="post">...</form>
  2. Skemcin


  3. how ever you decide to do this (session variables, arrays, temporary database, hidden fields) be VERY careful that you don't make you form open to hacks. If you get seomthing like a price on the first page, then carry it from page to page using a hidden field, then there is nothing to stop me from creating my own form at home and changing the price to what I want to pay adn then submitting it to your last page. Whatever you do, make sure you validate all the information at the very end before commiting to it - NEVER trust that the information being submitted from one page to the next is valid.
  4. Skemcin


    post an example of a site that uses what you are trying to recreate, then we can help you understand how to begin re-engineering it. But as PAIM stated, there is no "navigation box" that you just copy and paste into your site.You either have to code one or program on in something like flash.
  5. Skemcin

    Html Books

    Books, without a doubt are a key to developing your skills. I do not and would not rely too much on online resources - they come and go - sometimes without notice. A good hard copy of the language(s) you use is always something to have on-hand.As I look over my shoulder, I see: - HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide - HTML for the WWW with XHTML and CSS: Visual QuickStart - Javasript for the World Wide Web - Cold Fusion Application Development - MX 7 - Cold Fusion Web Application Construction Kit - MX 7 - Cold Fusion MX in 21 Days - Search Engine Visibility(and more)and I reference one of them at least two times a week - always making sure I am doing things correctly and efficiently.
  6. omg - why do people want to complicate things so much? it only makes going back to the code that much more difficult. that's all you need. Now, if you need to control the size, placement, and structure of the new window, then fine use javascript. But remember, there are still people that have javascript turned off and many are starting to use the expanded functionality offered in popup blockers which would catch this.Keep It Simple Sillythis method should not be blocked by a popup blocker - it uses standard HTML code. If this is being blocked, then the other suggestions made here will be too.
  7. Skemcin

    Please help

    No. It is not possible with a left click. The web browser is programmed to know how to process/display a JPG or GIF file type. However, if you offer instructions to the user to use the "RIGHT CLICK - SAVE IMAGE AS" then you can accommodate your need.
  8. I'm curious as to how you justify this as "cheating". I'm writing in the code, I only see code, and all I know is code. I have NO idea how to even use the WYSIWYG.I clicked the "quote" button to post this - did I cheat? Should I have typed all that manually?
  9. Skemcin

    comment boxs

    if you go the first route:a.) add the "valign" attribute to all your <td> to make sure your text lines up at the top of each cell so that people more clearly see which label is for which field.b.) no doubt a table can be used here, but I prefer to stay away from them (for layout) when possible, so this is how I would code it: I won't clutter or confuse you with other tags and attributes that I would include - see http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.aspc.) Dan the Prof has a good suggestion, but since you are "new" to this, I would keep it simple and do everything as inline code until you are more comfortable.NOW, that is only half the request you made. If you want your pages to retain the information you submitted, then you will have to use something like javascript to process the form values and set them as cookies. Then, wherever you want them you will need to use javascript again to output the values stored in the cookies.Of course, all this is much easier using a scripting language like php, asp, or cold fusion. Since you have posted this in the "General" forum that's as far as I will go with that. If you have a particular language in mind, I would post another message in the respective forum asking how it can be done.
  10. Skemcin

    Send Message

    your question is pretty vague, but here is stab at an answer:any scripting language (php, asp, cold fusion) will be able to sniff out the clients IP address and then be programmed to send a message based on the results of that sniff. That would all be done server side and could be automated from just sending a message all the way to looking up the IP in a database and based on the IP send a particular message.However, (without any clear statement of your intent) this would not be a consisten means of communication unless you are dealing with an intranet environment where IP address are static. The internet, as a whole, as way to many dynamically assigned IP addresses to be able to single one person out over a prolonged period of time.Hope that helps.
  11. Name: Dreamweaver MX (code view ONLY)Price: FREE since I am Macromedia Partner ($399 retail)Platform: Windows and MacDescription: http://www.macromedia.com/software/dreamwe...8_datasheet.swfNotes: Although I have no problem coding in notepad, syntax highlighting allows me to be 10x more efficient. There is no substitute for seeing your code change color and/or highlight. Without it, you're eyes are tortured looking at b/w code searching for particular peices of code.Plus: I am a Cold Fusion developer so the additional integration elements makes it very nice.
  12. Skemcin

    Html Books

    imo, once you know the basics you just need a purpose. with a purpose will come the practice - and practice makes perfect.i just feel that there is only so much "reading" you can do before you have to jump in. I could read 100 books on how to swim, but until I jump in the water, I'll never know.So, as a former teacher of CIW Fundementals of HTML - project baased learning is most effective. Don't make it an unrealistic site - just build something small that you can focus on the code - don't do something that will take your focus off it (choose a topic you know in and out).Build a small website on freespace.com, geocities.com, or tripod.com - learn the full experience from planning, content gatering, development, testing, uploading/hosting, and final launch.The books you have read by now (and then) will continue to serve as reference since (after all) we are only human and cannot remember everything.
  13. Skemcin


    if cross-browser compatibility is an issue you really want to avoid - then put the sound in flash and simply use flash for it. There are a ton of dinky flash music/sound players all over the web:http://www.flashkit.com
  14. Skemcin

    horizonal spacing

    <img src="xxxx.xxx" width="xxx" height="xxx" vspace="xx" hspace="5" />The "hspace" attribute is the easiest way to do it - at the tag level. If this is something that you are going to do quite often, then use CSS and class each image. IF you're using asp. php, or cold fusion, you could set a global variable and use the technique in a dynamic capacity.Any of those techniques beats the amatuer technique of putting a bunch of " " in between each image.
  15. Skemcin


  16. Skemcin

    html games

    buy a game boy, or you could do something like this:http://blueballfixed.ytmnd.com/ orhttp://www.thegamenetwork.com/stickpagehosting/xiao3.swf
  17. okay, thanks for the additional information - sorry I am more of a visual guy . . . if I am understanding you, then the username and password form that appears on your homepage uses the same username and password as the one for your billing system (what is in the iframe), but they respectively log the user into an exclusive application? So, the homepage logs you into application A and the iframe logs you into application B?If the above is correct, then I can see two ways of doing this (other please chime in).a.) I do not recommned this method - on the homepage form, create a cookie that stores the username and password when the form is submitted. Then on the iframe(billing) sniff out the cookie and if it exists, auto-populate the form and submit it with the onload function.b.) I recommend this approach - code a back end page that performs the log in action for your homepage, then posts the same username and password to the action page of the iframe(billing) page.Hope this helps.
  18. Review this post:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=456
  19. so you have a form on both the parent window and the iframe window and when you type the username and password in the parent window you want it to appear in the iframe?I think a link to the page would help here.
  20. They are using something similar to:http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/To do this, you will not find a "really simple method of creating a pop-up baloon" but this is one of the easier ones to use.
  21. Firstly, I think you mean the menu on the left. And in that menu, Gallery is only spelled with one "L", it needs two. You also have a couple <td> tags that have nothing in them - there should always be something inside to ensure they render consistantly.The weird thing is that your source code seems to have code fro a right side menu, but I do not see it in either Firefox or IE - I'm not sure why. But some file names you should change:"images/health-&-fitness.gif"In all of your <td> tags, you should put a <br /> tags before you close it if all it contains is an image. That is a start, and some of it you may not notice, but it will make a difference from one browser to another. Secondly, you might want to use the valign attribute in your <td> tags as well - when the page is rendered in Firefox, the gray background in the header is inconsistant.Your obviously using Macromedia Dreamweaver to code - whihc I think is great. But i would suggest that you get in the habbit, preferably transition, into edit/reviewing your sites code in "Code Mode" - I would not recommend learning to code HTML in "Design Mode". this because, well, you're just not "coding" the site - Dreamweaver is.I won't lecture you about the over user of the spacer.gif - since its its Dreamweaver doing it - but code in Code Mode and you'll learn much fast, the <tr> below the footer is useless: I'm gonna stop there.
  22. aside from a link needed in all pages (not just the homepage), I would suggest putting a link to the respective forum and the conclusion of each tutorial:"for more help and insight on xxxxx, please visit our forums and discuss your questions with our active community"(or something along those lines - I'm a developer not a copy writer):ph34r:
  23. Your hosting provider will be more help than anyone here. You will have ot find out where your MySQL database is stored (the database url) then you will need to point a database management tool to that location. Then, once you are connected to the database, you will need to upload and execute the scripts that will create the table structure. Once that is done, you will need to set up the odbc in your hosted control panel - which is where you will typically set up the username and password for accessing the database from a scripted page (asp, php, cold fusion). Then, make sure your code is set up with teh right datasource name, username, and password.Hope this helps.
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