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Everything posted by holmedwa04

  1. yes, alt text is text that will be displayed if the picture is unavaiable or if the picture is loading and title is displayed in a small yellow box if the user hovers over the picutre.I used this particular attribute when I had picture linking to somewhere, so when you hovered it said "Buy this book from Tarquin" I think. If you would like to look at it follow the link below:Click Here
  2. That sounds rather interesting. i do believe that there are more than one universe out there, because space is infanet and if our universe doesn't go on forever then there must be some other universe out there. It is such a strange concept to grasp though infinity. It is something that they talk about at my school in Philosophy.
  3. Ok, please can you make it go in the direction of space again? It just seems a bit pointless when we get side tracked because the topic sometimes looses my interest.
  4. It would appear to be right, but I do not know wether that is valid code. Does it work correctly?
  5. No, it was some sort of cruise ship that they hadn't used for ages or something, I really can't remember exactly now. But it sounded like a crazy ammount of fuel consumption. Anyway, I seem to think that this topic really is not going anywhere in the direction of space LOL.
  6. It is not a very good idea to knowing or purposely send your viewer lots of different bborwser windows when they click on a link. All they will do is try to closde everything down and never go back to your site, now, I am sure you really don't want that?
  7. I am sure, this exact same topic has already come up before with the same link, perhaps although I cannnot remember, there was an answer in that topic.
  8. Right, I am not sure wether you put it in the right place, so here is an example... <a target="_blank" href="imagegallery/038.html"> Also, the two codes that I sent you were for normal links so, I am not sure wether they will owrk in a drop down menu.
  9. I heard on the radio a while ago that this ship used a gallon of fuel every 12 inchs!!!
  10. You could just use the: target="_blank" But as for changing the size, you will need to use JAVA I think, I will post an email that someone sent me about this...To be able to specify pretty much everything about the new window you need to try quite a bit harder, and use javascript.You need to put some code in the page header, exactly like this (don't take out any spaces or line breaks): <script LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT">function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0 window.open(theURL,winName,features);}// --></SCRIPT> And then, in the body of the page where you want the words "click here" to take you to a page called "filename.htm", you put: <ahref="java script:MM_openBrWindow('filename.htm','filename','width=650,height=550,menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no')">click here </a> Note that "filename" has to appear twice in the code - once to tell it where to go and again (without the ".htm") to give the whole procedure a name (it's a javascript thing!).Also note that this link specifies the width and height of the new window, that it should have a menu bar but no status bar or toolbar, and so forth. You can fiddle with all of those settings to your heart's content :-)
  11. Blimby that really is a very big machine, I wouldn't want to get in the way of that thing when it is going. It must use tonnes of fuel every second!
  12. Ah, but span is 3 more letter to process than 1! That would raise your file size, only joking, I just prefer to use paragraph thats all.
  13. You need to post a question, otherwise we cannot help you with anything!
  14. Textarea is a code designed to allow viewers of your site to send information to you via email or onto a webpage. To have more functions like Bold, Italic, Underline, Center, Colour and Font you will need to use some sort of scripting.
  15. If you are quoting something, I recommend that you usee a paragraph, because you can set loads of really cool things. Check out the code that I am using on my guestbook... <p style="background: #fcfbff; border: 1px dashed silver; padding: 8px; font-family: Arial"><em>Depressingly Necessary Privacy Policy:</em><br />Your privacy is always important and because we know it is so important any of your details will never be given out to any third parties or sold to anyone, for more information on this matter please visit our <a href="privacypolicy.html">Privacy Policy</a>.</p> I sopose it isn't a quote, but you could easily change it to one, for easy viewing, follow the link below:Click Here
  16. Presumably that is a CSS attribute, can you do this in HTML?
  17. holmedwa04


    Otherwise you can just contact the author of the website and ask them if you could use their picture, as long as you are nice to them then gennerally they will be nice back to you and most people out there are generous.Anyway, believe it or not, I used Microsoft Word to create the little spinning logo on my website. I first of all realised that you can set a circle to fade from one colour to transparent instead of white or another colour, and so i started to play around with it changing the orders and things. I then realised that I could make it look like it had been spun, so I made them into a cross shape with the middle bit and then I decide to off set some of them giving it the effect of movement. Once I had made the picture I wanted I selected all of the parts and this is where Paint Shop Pro or Even MS Paint comes in and copied them, when I got to Paint Shop Pro it promted me to choose the size, so I made it absolutely huge so that the quality was brilliant. I then saved ti and wen't to Animation Shop 3, made a frame that was sightly bigger than the picture inserted it into the middle, set the background to transparent and spun it clockwise by 10 degrees every frame. For 18 frames that is, because when it gets half way it goes back to the beginning to save space. I saved it and then inserted it.I realised at this time that the image was quite big and so I experimented with the size of it and the rotation between the frames, I tried 20 degrees instead, but this looked bad, and so I stuck with the one that I have got.So it reall is as simple as that, I am not sure but there is most probably some sort of free animation software around. In fact I am sure of it because I stumbled accross some once but I can't remember the link otherwise I would have posted it for you.
  18. Wow blimby, that is a lot, I read once about web developers cutting and ommiting pointless spaces out of their code so that the files sizes could be cut down, but I had never really though of it like that!
  19. No, it is just that I used to have a free webs account and it put a load of sponcered links on my site and a bit saying that it was created using free webs....So I wasn't sure wether you had no adverts whatsoever when you signed up for the uploading but not creating service, if you get what I mean.
  20. Welcome, I do hope yo do enjoy your stay, and don't worry about your english, it looks fine to me.
  21. Ok, cool, thanks, I have now reorganised all of my files and folders and so now only my main pages (ie the ones in my Sitemap at the first level bullet) are in my main directory.
  22. Does freewebs have no adverts if you just us there uploading service, or have you had to pay for that?
  23. holmedwa04

    IE problems

    That is extremely odd, it is just completely blank, nothing at all, and it is not as if it is loading or anything.
  24. I know, but I got confused and I have only just got round to reorgnising my filles, so to go back up throgh a folder structure you use two dots?Ok, so I have got that working, but if I used this:../../../folder/file.jpgwould it take me back by 3 folders and in by one then to the image?
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