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Posts posted by Cronthenoob

  1. that happens to me quite a bit also.The only thing that i found that fixes it is to:1.)Put every image in the same row of code2.)Put each row in its own table cell and set the padding and cellspacing to 0

    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr>  <td><img src="image.gif" /></td>  <td><img src="image.gif" /></td> </tr></table>

    instead of putting that break, start a new <tr> tag.Try that.

  2. I was asking the same question a few days ago. And yes there is a way with CSS and javascript.But its 100 times easier and more compatible to just make an image and repeat it :)

  3. Well im getting closer, but its still not there.The green div does what its supposed to.The gradient div moves slightly, but not much. And it keeps the green div in the exact center of it when it moves.Can't get innerdiv to be exactly centered though.

    .outerdiv { width:100%; height:100%; border:5px solid black; padding:3px;}.innerdiv { background-image: url('../images/gradient_bg.gif'); width:800px; height:100%; border:3px solid black; padding:3px; position:relative; left:10%; right:10%;}.container { background-color:green; height:100%; width:600px; border:1px solid black; position:absolute; left:100px;}

  4. I removed the absolute positioning, now everything is sitting on the left side of the screen.it looks like this[[[ ]] ]I would like to have it like this[ [[ ]] ]and when the browser is resized, the area in the middle stays centered in the window while the outer div gets larger or smaller.makes sense?CSS:

    .outerdiv { width:100%; height:100%; border:5px solid black; padding:3px;}.innerdiv { background-image: url('../images/gradient_bg.gif'); width:800px; height:100%; border:3px solid black; padding:3px;}.container { background-color:green; height:100%; width:600px; border:1px solid black;}


    <html>	<head>		<title>TITLE</title>		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/mainstyle.css" />	</head>		<body>		<div class="outerdiv">			<div class="innerdiv">				<div class="container">				</div>			</div>		</div>	</body></html>

  5. well i don't have float anywhere, i just meant that I want it to "float" in the center. heres my CSS

    .outerdiv { width:100%; height:100%; border:5px solid black; padding:3px;}.innerdiv { background-image: url('../images/gradient_bg.gif'); width:800px; height:100%; border:3px solid black; padding:3px;}.container { background-color:green; height:100%; width:600px; border:1px solid black; position:absolute; left:120px;}

    I've been playing with absolute positioning and I can get the green div where i want it, but the div with the gradient background, i want to "float" in the center of the outerdiv.I'm trying to avoid using <center>

  6. How do i get a div to float in the center of another div?I've searched for it on the forums, but couldnt really find an answer.Right now i've got ThisBut I want it to act like THISI've tried a bunch of stuff. But i'm dumb apparently :)

  7. How would I go about making sure that when people sign up for my website, that the username isnt already taken?would it be something like this? Or is there a better way?

    $query="select username from users where username='$_REQUEST[requested_username]'";$result=mysql_query($query); $e=mysql_fetch_array($result);						 if ($e) {   echo "Sorry that username is taken";} else {   // Insert the username in the database}

  8. VNC is not a toy it is used for remote access to a PC and not to get back at your brother - be part of the solution not the problem. Would anyone be advising anyone else here to log-in as another member to post whatever they want? Maybe its me, but there have been a few posts recently that are beginning to show the maturity level of some of our members - and I've been bitting my tongue.If you want to hack or be cruel - go find the answers on a forum that condones it. I'm sorry, I really am, but I am done seeing this behavior here. I'll leave this thread open you anyone can open b1tch and moan (at me) but unless I am otherwise convinced, this type of behavior will not be permitted and posts will be removed.
    I don't think he wants to get back at his brother.I think the problem is his brother changed his password and he doesnt know what it is, and wants access to his computer again.I could be wrong. It has happened before.
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