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Posts posted by Cronthenoob

  1. just because your name is what it is I must say this.. go kill yourself please. or just stay away from other people.And no it shouldnt be downloadable because that would ruin the website..
    Wow. You are a jerk. No need for such hostility just because you don't like Marilyn Manson.The OP just wanted the answer to a simple question and they get bashed. Thats just rude man.
  2. <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=url">try sticking that somewhere :) Here is where I have mine:

    	if ($_REQUEST[action]=="logout")		{		setcookie("cookiename", $cookie_data, time()-3600);				?>					<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=url">				<?			}

    basically when someone logs out, it refreshes the page in a different place than the user was before.So if the user was looking at their profile, then they log out, it dumps them to the main page and resets their cookie.

  3. Well, whats with the gradients? They mess up the page.. image links are nice but the surrounding box is way too small, you need to reset the width and heights of them.
    I'm not sure what browser you are using, but it looks perfectly fine in IE. . . I can't use anything else at work. The box around the images also changes to the size of the images. Strange that nothing looks right for you. . .
  4. Is there a simple way to add gradients without using images? I googled css gradients without images and found some interesting ideas. The problem is, the tutorials make it seem complicated. Is there an easier way?

  5. I had a pretty cool graphics course in college. When our teacher was going over Photoshop, our assignments consisted of him giving us several source images and a target image, and we had to make the target image with the source image. He used all kinds of filters and tools, so it was a little difficult to reproduce some of the things he did. But it was fun. The grade was for how close you got to his original image.
    I had a similar assignment in a digital art class I took.OriginalMy version
  6. Well, on the nominations page the navigation kind of shrinks into a square, is this supposed to happen? Cause I dont like that very much. But the bio's are nice..And yea its pretty boring.
    Hmmm. What browser are you using? I've got it running in firefox and IE and its working fine. I don't see what you are talking about.
  7. I did something like this for a project in college. I don't really have an answer to your question, but I have a suggestion.When using php mailer code, make sure you are being very secure.About a week after I published the project online, I received notice from the schools IT department that the script I created was hacked and used to send out MASS AMOUNTS of spam email. The ISP shut down the servers internet access. I had to do everything locally for about 2 months.

  8. I'm developing a web page for the Air Force Communications Agency.The sight is there to provide a history overview and a place to display the Hall of Fame.The following link is to a biography page within the site. You can navigate through the other links if you wish. If nothing happens when you click, its because I havnt built that portion of the site yet!I would just like some constructive critisisim. So, tell me what you think!AFCA Hall of Fame

  9. Its pretty simple if you are using tables.

    <table> <tr>  <td>Navigation</td>  <td rowspan="3">Main content box</td> </tr> <tr>  <td>Affiliates links</td> </tr> <tr>  <td>shoutbox</td> </tr></table>

    The key to making it work is that second <td> tag. Rowspan = 3 will make that column be as tall as 3 rows!If you are trying to figure out how to make the banner section bigger, you can just use colspan=2. Colspan ===> Column span.P.S. I can't view your first image, but I think thats what you were asking for . . .

  10. I dont make them for other people but I will tell you that i spend a lot of time out side working on them. most of the time i just make a simple curved wall and a snow dome. it is simple but looks good from the road.
    I know, I was just . . . . trying to be funny . . . . :)
  11. How much will it cost for you to come to my town and build me a snow fort this winter?I'm horrible at making those things. I can design them in my head, but it never quite works out.Kind of like my web programming . . .


    sir, iwant to know that "what is the difference between primary key , foreign key and secondary key" plz help me.thanks.bye.....
    This probably won't make sense but:A primary key is the field that identifies that particular table.A foreign key is a primary key from a different table, used to link the two tables together.A secondary key is . . . well i don't 100% remember. . .
  12. My college instructor didn't teach us javascript.He just sent us to w3schools, told us to do the tuts and check out the examples.Then he would test us on it. What a lazy teacher . . .I really like the try-it-yourself editor and the code validator. I really hate that validator, but its really makes you think of better ways to do something. It has taught me probably more than I realize.

  13. I learned by looking at other people's code. My first website was hosted on the ASU General server, and was a website for my band at the time to host our music on. After a few months I decided to get my own webspace, and just saw what other people were doing, looked at their code, and looked up anything I didn't understand.
    Thats the EXACT same way I learned. Its almost creepy. My first website was to promote my bands music. And i viewed source A LOT and looked up anything I didnt get. After I got all the basics down I went to a tech school to learn a few other languages, as well as some graphic design stuff. I've got an associates degree in web design, I was a tutor at my college for other students, I graduated with honors, but I find myself asking the most simple questions on earth about web programming on this forum. You guys probably think I'm dumb! :) What post was that? 3 or 7 ??EDIT: WOW, after i posted i realised justsomeguys post was 3 and mine was 7!!! I'm a believer Dan!
  14. I've got something like this :

    <ul>  <li>Item 1</li>  <li>Item 2</li>  <li>Item 3</li>   <ul>	<li>3.1</li>	<li>3.2</li>	<li>3.3</li>   </ul></ul>

    The HTML validator doesnt like lists inside lists i guess. Is there an easy way to fix this?It displays the page the way i want it to, but it probably isn't the best way to accomplish this.

  15. wow I didn't realise their db manager was so bad...they should run phpmyadmin or something...it is free.Other control panels like XPanel intergrate phpMyAdmin for easier management.
    MySQL offers a program called "MySQL Administrator." They gave me a host address and recomended using that program in their F.A.Q. I had to do some pretty deep digging though.
  16. you got a screen shot of the contorl panel...I imagine you should be able to install phpMyAdmin.
    Heres a screen shot of their "Powerful Database Manager"Hopefully you know SQL well enough to write all of the statements yourself.console.gif
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