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Jack McKalling

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Everything posted by Jack McKalling

  1. It is never the case that an URL gets such an amount of items, it is never a good way of passing data.Those variables placed in an URL are only meant to be a few, not more then ten or so.If you want hundred of variables passed to the next page, try to send the user alternatively to the next page, by submitting a form. In it you then can have hidden fields, that are similarly accessable to the variables in an URL, instead of $_GET then you use $_POST :)Not to mention specifying method="post" in the form element.
  2. Yeah, if we want it, we could make a JavaFoolScript game, inwhich you should script in a foolish creative and imaginated way :)But orriginally this forum was meant to be informative and suggestive instead of a chatting place... However, it won't be a bad choice to have it added to the forums..
  3. Yes you can, you should add more variables at the end of the url by using the ampersand ( & ) between the value of the last and the variablename of the next variable.A URL can look like this: So if a query is added to the url, it begins with a questionmark ( ? ). If more variables are used, they should be separated by ampersands ( & ).
  4. There are no rules how exactly you can become a moderator, while they got chosen when they're needed.With your opinion about the DHTML tutorial, I don't fully agree... It is not there because the language is not a W3C standard
  5. Have this:...href="somefile.php?var_string=value":)Then the file somefile.php gets the variable $var_string with value "value" :)You can retreive it there by $_GET['var_thing']Alternatively, copy the value into a loose variable, by extract($_GET),which creates the variable $var_string from $_GET['var_string']
  6. Maybe it read the value as a string, which can't be counted :)You could use settype($wprearray[2], "integer") to make it a number
  7. Standardly, .PHP files cannot be opened by the browser :)Notice you would have to type http://localhost/file.php before it can do the server script
  8. You're near This would mean the user doesn't download the font to his fonts directory at his computer, but to his internet cache directory. So he has the font only temporarily.I don't know how to force download it as a file via CSS, not possible I think. If you want the user to manualy download it, make a link on your page to the font
  9. You could also instead, try to get a webhost that does already support PHP and MySQL, so that you don't have to download, install and configure them. :)If you do want to, you should have also downloaded Apache webserver for example, to let other people see the site you are serving too.
  10. Just a notice,I would add these reds to the code to have the header option not chosable
  11. Passwords that are sent to the MySQL server (the database, if present), then they could get encrypted by SQL. In PHP, I don't know sorryExample:
  12. What do you want to do with it then, what should it do?If the things you want to show should be accessable to other users too, I suggest go into a server-side language too :)But what else?
  13. Maybe it would work if you didn't put the match criteria in a variable but direct in the match, and if you wrote both gi flags? Edit: You can't save insensitive things in a variable, so that is just the problem you have :(By the way, you haven't used regexp yet
  14. It might work in please always stay calm *angel*And to remove the two brackets at the end of the line that defines the onclick attribute *still angel* (remove the red)
  15. No can do Choco :)Still not correct, as you define the ID after script, the script won't be able to get it
  16. The servers of such services aren't on ordinary computers like your's and mine's, they are sort of supercomps :)That free hosts liter your website with ads, doesn't have to be true. I have a free host that doesn't give ads, and are not planning to. One hundred megabytes of storage, a few gigabytes of bandwidth, and you are responsable for the file transfer to your webdirectory. Great host indeed hea But erm, it is for European sites only, besides, their signups are temporarily closed.. for a while...I mean, there should be some of those hosts, that support free webspace without ads or popups etc. It is just a darn big search :DEdit: Europeans that can wait, keep checking http://www.dhost.info
  17. Though I thought about checking the combination, my system included this :)By the way, I refined the explanation above, have a closer look at step3, which I just added :)In all, it is not that difficult to use my system. It is easier than it looks.
  18. The error says you haven't written the session_start() at the VERY beginning of your document. There must be absolutely NO Html before, even no space. So check if it does not begin with <?php, and correct it :)If the opening PHP tag of the section in which the session is started sents HTML, this is also not allowed. session_start should be the very much first command in PHP, that way you can't make any mistake Note: you can recognise this very common error by headers already sent by somewhere in the message
  19. Could you please try to just "Fastreply" or "Addreply"? The quotes are getting familiar :)As for the default value, I don't have any clue what it is nor why you like to know it, the value you want it to be, shall alway override the default because you specify it. If you don't only then the default will work (I guess the rect might be default, but doesn't have to be)
  20. 1 The default of SHAPE attribute is not important, you should define it anytime :)2 Yes indeed, but it is the other way around. The usemap attribute gets the value of <map id="...">
  21. Those steps are only for Microsoft .NET passport holders :)If you haven't got MSN Messenger, MSN Hotmail, MSN Groups or MSN Spaces, you won't be able to use them :(I suggest searching a (free) host at the internet, download an FTP upload program if necessary and upload your site manually instead of such service.
  22. Haven't you already read the explanations then? To me it was very clear :)Well, there are <map> and <area />.<map> should be used somehow like this: <map id="unique_identification">...</map>.<area /> should be used somehow like this:<area shape="some_predefined" coords="some_numbers" href="some_page.htm" target="somewhere" alt="some_text" />The links I gave are self explaning, if not to you, either fetch the attributes they list over there that you don't understand, or reread the (X)HTML tutorial
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