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Jack McKalling

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Everything posted by Jack McKalling

  1. What is the script that gives you problems?And what exactly do you want?
  2. Non-frame Like a <DIV> or something :)Something that can be targetet, and have fixed dimensions. (well, can be anything actually)Because real_illusions hates frames
  3. Please remember next time to edit your previous post, instead of double (or tripple) posting.Next, fix the standalone curly brackets, in your file.js. A javascript file can't begin with a bracket, unless this is a cut-off from the original content
  4. No. This is too pointless. There will be always a way to determine whatever password is correct! There are textprograms that have search and replace functions, so they can find it easier.When is comes to passwords, I strongly recommend taking a shot at server side languages
  5. Or maybe I just misunderstood "the bottom reply button" :)This topic may be closed.
  6. Well, I am sorry to say you were right, it WAS some sort of race :)But I DID beat the top 10 list Without being concidered a spammer :DEdit: Having posted 60 times today would be a record, isn't it
  7. No, again not true :DYou say I can turn on several quotes? Only the last one gets inserted :)And if I turn on the last quote, click the reply of the very same post, I get the SAME as when I did NOT turned on the quote :(And THAT is my point
  8. With this post, Chocolate, I beat your post again :)And I keep doing so untill I got bored again
  9. I understand, but still you are wrong :)I mean it does not matter if I click it or not, it is always quoted
  10. I still consider this as a bug :(I guess that the quote "switch" button should deactivate the quoting when turned red, but it doesnt have ANY effect :DWhy ? --------And second, why is the code of that button in the quote box displayed in the text field? Why isn't it just automatically added to the post? Just to let us be able to remove it ?
  11. Anyway, what is the difference between carriage return and line feed?
  12. yeah :)But too late I guess, he left the building
  13. Well, if you hate frames, there is also a possibility to use some advanced JavaScript instead of FLASH, you can render a certain fixed area of the page, in the way script can target to it.I don't know how to go further, but I do know it is possible to load an external file into a not-frame (have seen it on MSN groups)
  14. Could you explain more, what do you want to customise for example?
  15. Base is depreciated I thought :)Edit: sorry, my fault, <basefont /> is..
  16. yeah, great idea :)Would be nice if this forum gets more customised
  17. I don't think so, if I'm logical. Every function is a standalone, you can't nest them. You may try to define both apart from eachother, and then refer to one inside the other :)Something like this: Or something
  18. After I beat the TOP 1 poster,THEN I get a cup of coffee :)(I do not do such as spamming though, I actually keep helping every one)
  19. But for the print screen button, you should know the unicode (or what was it called? ) number. Can be found easily though, no problem.But in the case of screen capturing, there would always be the problem of custom programs, able to copy screen content. There are such, I know. So think about that too :DIn other words, no can do Having your images copysave would be big deal, which we cannot explain, for as we only program Internet scripts, no Microsoft privacy development
  20. Yes, Choco is right any javascript that is beneath this script, will be ignored if present, causing errors :)What is the upmost } for anyway?
  21. Yes indeed. But lets stay logical, some people are just too busy to stay in touch at every forum they register at :DI thought, in the beginning, also not to be able to, but got meself in some sort of race I like to help people here, while I learned all languages from the site this forums comes from, and I just know a lot about them :)Others on the otrher hand, may not be that interested as I am, we're just not all programmers, are we
  22. If you want a really cool text fader BOX, usable with any InvisionFree (stil adjustable if not used with IF),Go here, for an edited explanation made by me, hosted on my site.Or here for the original explanation at iFusion, a script board for InvisionFree.
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