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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Either eliminate the paragraphs' margins with CSS or write your text inside the code box of Dreamwaver where you can include true <br /> tags. I don't see other way around it.[edit] I haven't tryed pmdesign's idea though. It's so crazy that it might actually work [/edit]
  2. Of course it is. You can use either <xsl:attribute> or <xsl:variable> to achieve this.Note: In theese examples I presume you want to use <type> as the naming of the link. You myst specify another path if this is not what should be displayed.xsl:attribute <a> <xsl:attribute name="href"> <xsl:value-of select="/food/info" /> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:value-of select="/food/type" /></a> <xsl:attribute> is an element which gives a certain attribute to the element it's contained in. In this case the attribute is called "href" which is what you need to create a link. The value of that attibute is determened by the content inside the <xsl:attribute> element. In this case, the value will be the URL itself. The other <xsl:value-of> outside the <xsl:attribute> is what you need for the text of the link.xsl:variable <xsl:variable name="link" select="/food/info" /><a href="{$link}"> <xsl:value-of select="/food/type" /></a> In this case you declare a variable before the anchor itself. Then by using the "$" you call on the variable by name. The "{" and "}" are placed because this is not supposed to be part of the URL but a calling to a variable. If you call a variable withing an XPath expression, you should avoid the brackets.I personally prefer the variable method (excuse the pun) for few very good reasons: Less code to look at. A variable could be used multiple times in a document. The <xsl:attribute>'s name and value must be typed everywhere that attribute is used. Much easier to see what is going to be outputed as a value and what as an attribute. A variable can hold everything, just as the <xsl:attribute> can. It could be used for everything. You just have to open the variable. Something like <xsl:variable name="linktext">This link is going to lead you to <xsl:value-of select="/food/info"></xsl:variable> Variables have many other different usages that may make the XSLT extremely flexible (by that I mean easy to edit). Their possibilities are hard to explain, and even more harder to handle if it gets crowded (one fails- everything fails). Using variables for simple tasks such as this one might make the struggle with a variables less painful on a later stage. Note on using multiple variables: The variables' declaring order must be exactly like the one each will first be called on a page. <xsl:variable name="value" select="/food/type" /><xsl:variable name="link" select="/food/info" /> That will produce an error if "link" is used before "value". It will, however, NOT produce an error if "value" is used at least once before "link".
  3. boen_robot


    While reading this I flipped my head sideways(like 45 degrees or so ) trying to figure out what is this about... so... what is it about? If you want to acces any kind an information of an ASP.NET file, isn't there some kind of server side include? The ASP(.NET) tutorials on w3schools seem pretty complete. How come this isn't covered?
  4. Because it seems no one is turning attention to a very important post of mine, I'm goint to give a link to it here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...indpost&p=11008Come on people! Repot to Microsoft!!! I hate it when I (or anyone else) give a link and no one turns it attention and later on curses the product (in this particular case: IE7) as if he/she didn't had a chance to suggest things about it .P.S. The previous product which the above statement refers to was WMP10. I was testing the Technical beta preview, and I suggested a lot of things to the development team along with another person (there were other suggestions of course but we were the only ones with over 400 posts ). I gave a link to the newsgroup at one forum, but when the final version was released, THEN the people started cursing instead of when I gave them the link . Why didn't they told me theese things earlyer so I could suggest them, or tell Microsoft directly? Huh... nevermind... just please... before you star critisising IE7, tell your opinipon to Microsoft first.
  5. I think you should actually explain first to yourself and us what each part of the number means.20060213 is most probably 13 february 2006, but what about the rest? Anyhow, it would be best if you could actually check each part of the number. I don't know of such a script though. Perhaps someone else does...
  6. Align the text in an element: text-align: center; Align the element itself: margin: 0 auto; That should work... and really... remove the "align: center".
  7. If any of you have any suggestions for IE7 (and I bet you do have many), tell them in the IE7 beta 2 newsgroup.After that, I suggest you give a link to your post there, so all the rest of us could vote for your suggestion. Why? Microsft only turns attention to suggestions with the most votes .I personally am NOT going to suggest them anything because I know why they won't complete the CSS support in IE7. The article in the top link of this page explains it.... they don't want pages previously optimized for IE6 to suddenly crash due to the completely new specification, so they balance between new features and and compatability.I also can't allow myself to suggest anything else, scince I wan't able to get as detailed preview of IE7 as I hoped (see the story above).
  8. What they mean is probably the fact that a too large stylesheet would make the page load slow, but then again, a single large XHTML file can also make the page load slow.Splitting the CSS into several ones won't help. What matters is the total amount of KBs that are transmitted at one time. Having two stylesheets still means the same amount of code, thus the same amount of KBs.
  9. http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1912
  10. Did you at least tryed to manually remove the txt and leave only the wml? If notepad makes this bug(cause if you have folloed the above path and it doesn't work, that is a bug) you can always make "raw" filename changes .
  11. "li a:hover" means the hovered link(<a>) inside a list item(<li>), not a "<li a> tag(because such tag doesn't exist to begin with). You don't need to change anything in the XHTML in order for this to work, scince CSS is "smart" enough to find his way .
  12. That's the reason why we all love CSS. With editing of one file you edit it all and make drastic changes .What we are doing is that we are changing the selector of the CSS which is suppose to be changing the list. Because IE only supports :hover over links we change the selector to select only links inside a list (li a:hover) instead of selecting the list items themselves(li:hover).What's the thing that is not making scence in all of this?
  13. To save any king of "special" file in notepad, all you need to do is select it to show all files instead of *.txt files only and enter your file's name with a ".wml" suffix.No. You don't need something special for creating *.wml pages, but it is better if you have some (for tag colouring purposes for starters...).Most (all?) new phones support XHTML 1.0 strict. In fact, if you have heard of CSS media types, you have probably noticed "handled". This is used for handled devices such as PDAs and cell phones. If you use a specific stylesheet optimized for handled devices' needs and another for computer screens, your page(s) should look good in both kind of devices.You can use any server side to generate content. The client (in this case- cell phone) is not requred to have a support for that language. It all depends on the server (this applyes to all other king of devices as well).However, old phones (still used by a large number of people) support only WAP, so having both XHTML strict page optimized with a CSS for handled devices and WML pages is the best solution.Geocities, as far as I know accept all kinds of files but don't have any "special" support for them (such as server side scripting). A *.wml file is not a server side script, so there's no reason not to be supported. If it's not- there are always other free hosts you know. ALL of them support *.wml scince uploading a *.wml is equvalent to uploading a plain text file (the server doesn't treat it like anything special).
  14. boen_robot


    I actually didn't knew it's possible to have a template inside a template. Wow . As for what's your mistake... hm... I'm not sure But I think the template is called only if it's defined above the call-template element.
  15. boen_robot

    dtd in xml

    What's Omnimark?
  16. I think I could help you but I need to know 2 things:1. Is expireDate the root node of the XML file?2. Is that the only thing you want to replace in the final output?
  17. The example you show is using data islands. Data islands are not a web standart. Because of this, they are only supported in IE. Standart compilant browsers like Opera and FireFox don't support it. This fact is a known issue.
  18. boen_robot

    Page Length

    Besides what I showed, you must also give the div that is going to be stretched a height of 100%. The only thing the code above does is to "prepare" the (X)HTML for the big stretch.The star (*) before the second CSS selector is a trick to set a specific thing for IE borwsers. Because of the star, IE reads the code and because it specifies priorities only for the HTML, it is treated with a higher priority over the "html, body" selector.Why this method? Streching the html and body along with the stretched div works in all browsers besides IE6 where it gives unnecessary scrollbars. Stretching only the body works in all browsers including IE, but it doesn't work on Safari.=> By combinig theese two tricks, we have created a code which should work everywhere.[edit] @aspnetguy Well, both of theese methods are described in www.quirksmode.org. The only thing I have done in this matter is to combine the two best methods . In fact, I have already posted this solution few times in this forum. I think there was one time where there was even your post there [/edit]
  19. That's exactly what I was wondering... what are you asking for if the code is working? Who cares what went wrong if it works now?
  20. boen_robot

    Page Length

    The method that aspnetguy suggest works in all browsers besides IE6 where it's buggy. A way around this is to insert this into the CSS code. html, body{height: 100%;}*html{height: auto;} As far as I know, it should work in all modern browsers(IE6, FireFox, Opera, Safari and even IE 5(both Windows and MAC)).
  21. I'm not exactly sure if I understand all of the things you've done, but the way I see it, the DOCTYPE doesn't mach the root element of the document. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE RCFEED [<!ENTITY RCFEEDEnt "RaceCast RSS Feed Entity">]><RaceCastRSSFeed>... It should be like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE RaceCastRSSFeed [<!ENTITY RCFEEDEnt "RaceCast RSS Feed Entity">]><RaceCastRSSFeed>... Because the DTD is not valid, the script does not load the file. If you want to keep the invalid DTD and still load the file, you may always add this to the script: xml.validateOnParse = false; Again I say I'm not sure what you have done, and what do you ask for, but still...
  22. I already had and deleted my IE7beta2 few days before this topic was posted. I must say I installed it with a trick to avoid the Genuine User Authentication (or whatever it was) because... well.. you probably got the point already .From what I saw THAT way there were few things which made IE7 useless-- The unabillity to open links in new tab or window. Clicking with the right mouse button on a link and select "Open in a new window" option didn't do anything .- There was no way of using drop-down menus. Clicking on one resulted in a pop-up alert at the top of the browser window.- Eventhough there was the ability to add "Links" as a toolbar, nothing was shown.After I removed it, IE6 became useless, because it opened every link typed in it in IE7. Scince it didn't find IE7 it reverted to another IE6 window which repeated the operation (sounds stupid, right?).I had reinstalled my windows scince then, but that doesn't bother me. I know how/what/when to back-up .Because of all of the above, I can't give a fair opinion about IE7, but I must say there was the "WOW!" effect when I first launched it. I also saw a comparrison table for IE7beta2's support for CSS and that of other browsers here.[edit] I just saw the first link in this topic in the MSDN site and realized they already gave my link there as well. It seems quirksmode.org is FAR more popular than I thought [/edit]
  23. In order to understand some of Jonas' comment a person needs to be a bit... free . I think Eric is sometimes waay too sencetive, but that isn't a bad thing either .As mentioned above, the moderators are here vaulenteerly. I sure know that scince I've been here scince they weren't moderators yet .By the way, the article above is really cool. Eric, here's a hint on how to respond to Jonas' question "Did you get my point?". Whatever you say, don't say "Point? What point?" .Please note(ALL OF YOU!!!): Emoticons are put here with a purpose. Their purpose is to express emotions. You should expect someone being angry when there's a " ", and you should expect someone joking when there's a " ". Sarcasm (which Jonas often uses, and unfortunately is misunderstud by Eric) is normally marked with different smiled emoticons like " " and sometimes " " (it all depends on the situation).Learn to read (Eric)/write (Jonas) the emoticons as they are an important addition in every community.
  24. Not quite. Suppose you both give the same request to the server at the same time. The server process both of your requests. However, when it has to return the results, your friend is going to get them first, because the way is shorter. In other words: This doesn't effect the server, but the client. A server either gives something to everyone with a particular speed(depending on the amount of clients) or doesn't give them anything (if too overloaded).This was if you give a single request. Suppose there is much processing to be done. In this case, it all depends on the server procesoor's speed.[edit] I forgot to mention another thing when it comes to processing many things: small quiryes speed faster, so even if you are on a longer distance than your friend, if your quiry requres less processing, it's more likely that that you'll receive the results first. [/edit]
  25. Scince I first read this post when it was posted, I was looking for an answer in the XSLT and XPath references to see if there is such a thing and... well... I don't think it's in XSLT's power to select things at random. At least- not yet. You can always use a server side script to switch XPath expressions though.
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