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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Adding a simple <xsl:if> will do it:<TD align="left"><xsl:value-of select="."/><xsl:if test="position() != last()">/</xsl:if></TD>
  2. I didn't bought none of it. this article which you can find as the second result from google confirmed my suspicions.
  3. Well, instead of IFrame, you may create an XHTML frameset that would hold the rest of the documents in frames (not IFrames). However, the framesets are hated for the same reasons Iframes are, so that's not a solution either.It's best to simply call a new page with the new content, calling the navigation over and over again with a sort of SSIs.
  4. Strange. Didn't I already told you the problem in that topic? If you don't remember, I'll remind you: You MUST have IIS in order to run this code, or to be exact, the server this file is on must be IIS. No way around it.
  5. By "manipulate" I meant "querying" data or changing it's de-facto structure.Well, if it's for profile, then I guess you may also have one XML for each profile. I mean, how long can their activity be? Don't answer that... in the worst case, you'll create a new file once every X entries though if they are divided by profile, you probably wouldn't need that. Only you and/or that other member would have to have acces, so that means the XML won't be that process overloaded.Having data stored in XML means you can query it, change it's structure and transform it into various formats easily. Arhive or not, this data is going to be used (though not altered).
  6. boen_robot

    IE problems

    I did it! I dowloaded the page and attempted it to display it offline. it didn't worked. Commented the objects. Didn't worked either. Commented the stylesheet and script... worked... "WTF" you say? Me too. Then, I uncommented only the stylesheet and it worked. So, the reason it doesn't work is because of the script....Turn the form of <script /> to <script></script>. It seems IE7 doesn't support the "/" quirk properly (which is a standart SGML behaviour actually).
  7. Yes. It should. If your HTML file is located at/1/2/3/file.htmlthen the image at/folder/file.jpgshould be called.
  8. boen_robot

    IE problems

    Odd. Try to add a DTD.
  9. boen_robot

    CSS Pwnts me

    Didn't you had another template before? Can't you take that other one and re-work this one, taking the other one as a start?
  10. I already told you how to do that in a PM I once wrote you. real_illusions is saying the same thing as I once did. Is it that hard to grasp?
  11. Simply put the message at the start of the body and with "onload" execute a script that will remove it from the DOM tree. Scince there's no DOM tree before the whole document is loaded, the message will be hidded after the page has finished loading.There's a bit of a problem for accessability here though. With JavaScript turned off, the message will remain after the page has finished loading.
  12. Well, considering the fact that the traffic on the old data would probably be low, I guess even a txt file having everything is acceptable. But considering you might want to manipulate the data in the rare case it would be called, you would be better off with XML. Scince XML files are "static" files, they can be copyed as easy as an HTML page.If the records per day are large and/or it is expected that at some point, the traffic on the arhives will be large, spiltting each day into it's own XML file and keeping all of the files in an "arhive" folder sounds like the best option to me.
  13. No dude, post it there, as many people have below my post. Must I include everything they write in my first post?Look at my last post as well as the second wave of hosts. Just... try everthing in that topic. And if anyone has or knows a host or a list of hosts, (s)he is more then welcomed to put it there.
  14. Huh. Now what do you know. I'm also making a presentation on XML & XSLT for school. They told us to choose a topic ourselves, so what better could I write about then this .The best thing to do is probably to explain the XSLT process in detail and then go to XSL(-FO).In XSLT, an XML file is taken by an appication, called an "XSLT processor" as input. Using the XSLT elements, this XML document is turned into another XML based document (be it XHTML, SVG, RSS, WML, another custom XML, etc.), or plain text output. The next application (most oftenly: the browser) takes that code as input and visualises it to the user.(When you tell that to the class, be sure to say it slowly, with jestures and drawings if needed.)An XSL-FO document is not passed to a browser however (not yet anyway, scince none support it). Instead, another application, called a "FO processor" takes this input and turns it into another visualisable document and/or shows it to the user at that moment.Now, where is the difference between the two you ask? Let's follow the process:In XSLT: XML \XSLT - -> XSLT processor --- XHTML/SVG/RSS/text/whatever-------->| BROWSER or another appication | And in XSL-FO: XSL-FO ----> FO processor --- PDF/PostScript/??? ---> | A proper viewer or application | Now look closely. What's missing? YES! XSL-FO didn't took an XML as input. Instead, it's a form of output a visualising application can project directly. However, most of today's viewers won't read XSL-FO documents on the fly. Instead, they would rely on another application (the FO processor) to turn it into a form they can read. Think of it as "markup to document" language.Taking the above note and shemes, you can easily understand how those two languages can work together, taking a common XML as a data source: XML \XSLT - -> XSLT processor --- XSL-FO --------> FO Processor ----- PDF/PostScript/???--->| A proper viewer or application | And scince you can have more then one XSLT, you can make one for each version of a type of XML. For example one for converting yourXML-to-FO, another for yourXML-to-XHTML, etc.
  15. Scince (s)he has IIS already, (s)he already has ASP as well. ASP is bundled with IIS. Only .NET isn't, but the only thing needed for it is the .NET framework, which can be downloaded for free at Microsoft's site and installed with a nice installer. That's not entirely true. Maybe at W3Schools there are more people fluent in PHP and I guess there are a lot of communities for PHP, but if you go to any ASP(.NET) community, I can bet all of their members are going to make PHP look like unpopular. The same applies for every other server side scripting language, be it Cold Fusion, Perl, Python, JSP, etc. You mean "to put MS Access database on an IIS server and then retrive data from the database", right? Because you may also "add data to the database".In PHP, you have the ODBC, but for ASP, there's ADO.
  16. Once upon a time, among my first posts, I listed a whole bunch of free PHP hosts that I copied from another place. Now that there's a pinned topic for this and I reminded myself about that post, here are the hosts:Name: 1 ASP HostPrice: Free; $8.95/month; $14.95/month; $19.95/month;Server side scripting(s)/database(s): ASP; PHP; ASP and/or PHP;/No; 25MB;50MB;100MB MySQL spaceSpace: 100MB; 100MB; 200MB; 400MB;Bandwidth: 3GB/Month; 3GB/Month; 6GB/Month; 10GB/Month;Ads: Perhaps on the free. No info on that.Web adress: No info.; domain;Additional Comments: The site has ads on itself. Pop-ups to be exact. That doesn't speak very well for that host. The lack of some further info is also disturbing. Name: Lycos.co.ukPrice: £1.99/month; £4.99/month; £6.99/month £9.99/month; £14.99/month (All prices are without VAT, meaning you'll actually pay some percentages over that).Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP/No; 1; 2; 4; 8; MySQLSpace: 1000MB; 2000MB; 4000MB; 8000MB;Bandwidth: 8GB; 10GB; 20GB; 40GB; 80GB;Ads: No.Web adress: domain;Additional Comments: Good variety of offers. I like the fact they offer either PHP4 or PHP5 on all of them.Name: illusionfxnetPrice: $2.09/month; $2.92/month; $5.00/month; $15.00/Month; $20.00/Month; $30.00/Month;Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP/10; 10; 20; Unlimited; Unlimited; Unlimited; MySQL databasesSpace: 550MB; 650MB; 800MB; 1,500MB; 2,000MB; 3,000MB;Bandwidth: 20GB/Month; 35GB/Month; 40GB/Month; 90GB/Month; 120GB/Month; 180GB/Month; Ads: NoWeb adress: domainAdditional Comments: Nicely layed offers. A bit short on info though. Name: MaxHostPrice: Free; 5.55 у.е.; 7.55 у.е.; 9.55 у.е.; 28.55 у.е.; (not sure what a у.е. is, but it's supposed to be around 29 russian roubles. Any russians here?)Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP, CGI(Perl5, Python, C, C++)/1; 5; 7; 10; 2; MySQL databasesSpace: +50MB; 500MB; 700MB; 1000MB; 1000MB;Bandwidth: UnlimitedAds: NoWeb adress: Not sure. It says 1 domain, but by that hosts usually mean 1 spot to place files; domainAdditional Comments: Very detailed information all of which sounds very good. There's only one problem which will probably force most of you out- the site is in Russian, and there's no English version. Name: T35Price: Free; $4.99/month; $14.99/month;Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP; PHP, CGI/No; Unlimited MySQL databasesSpace: Unlimited; 500MB; 2000MB;Bandwidth: Unlimited; 10GB/month; 35GB/monthAds: Yes; NoWeb adress: Web directoryAdditional Comments: Plain offers. I wouldn't be surprised if I have an error here. The "Unlimited" in the free offer sounds like "No limit=>No space" or in other words- as if they don't give a thing. Name: 100WebSpacePrice: Free; $0.99/month; $2.95/month; $7.95/month; $9.95/month Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP, CGI/1; 1; 1; 2; 3; MySQL databases taking up to 5MB; 10MB; 30MB; 50MB; 60MB spaceSpace: 100MB; 100MB; 500MB; 5000MB; 10000MB;Bandwidth: 3GB; 3GB; 10GB; 80GB; 120GB;Ads: Yes; NoWeb adress: Web directory; Web directory; Web directory; domain; domain;Additional Comments: This is probably the only host to tell the number of MySQL databases AND the space they can take. The other stuff they show is also very detailed. The lack of a domain name in the cheaper offers is probably the only bad thing here. And here's a list with some other hosts:http://www.oinko.net/freephp/
  17. Well, technically speaking, you should start with XHTML, provided the XHTML tutorial was written to teach you from scratch. However, the XHTML tutorial at W3Schools exaplains only the differences between HTML and XHTML, and the HTML tutorial has everything else. Once you understand the basics (HTML) you'll easily understand XHTML.XML is a very different from (X)HTML thing and it's certanly not the first thing one should learn. XML is the "core" of XHTML. It's a set of rules for defining markup languages, usually used as a text based database. Before even thinking of XML, you should learn HTML, XHTML and CSS. Only then can you choose your own path, which might start from XML, going into a whole new world.
  18. What part exactly you mean again? Show a screenshot with a mark over what you want transparent.The methods for transparent icons and transparent taskbar have been told already.Do you mean the background of the text of an icon (label)? If so, click with the right button on "My Computer" and select "Properties". Click the "Advanced" tab and click the first "Settings" button. In the new window, check the seond last checkbox: "Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop".
  19. I don't really remember, but a quick way to find it would be to simply launch the admin panel, search for it's file and trace it's location back to localhost=>the document root.
  20. The reason search engines index CSS based layouts higherly is because of the semantics of the elements. <table> is used for tables and <p> for example is used for a paragraph of text. A search engine would expect the user to look for a piece of text, not a data that's part of a table, so it gives it a higher priority.CSS based sites also load quicker because of what you mentioned: The whole table is downloaded before it's content is displayed.CSS sites are also easier to develop on multiple devices. Once you develop your main stylesheet, developing a printer friendly version would be a breeze. Want your site on phones and PDAs? Nothing easier then that.There are also accessability benefits, but they probably aren't going to impress you as a developer.It it's only for SEO, consider using <h*> elements properly for headings and keywords and use them at the appropriate levels. Don't overuse them as well.
  21. By the way, let me suggest that the scripts should first check for XmlHttpRequest() and then use ActiveX if not available. The reason is that IE7 now has native support for this object and acts faster with it. This would also increase performance in FF and Opera, scince they as well as IE7 won't try check the second code once the first it true.
  22. @aspnetguy this post definetly goes to my bookmarks .But one question. Does it get everything after a "?" the same way PHP does? I mean, it reads through for examplefile.html?foo=bar&god=me
  23. This post has all the XSLT you'll need. Just change the paths and wrappers, and set $disablePaginationNavigationControls to true().Two post below also reveal how to execute the file properly with ASP. I'm not sure, but I think it should be the same thing with ASP.NET.
  24. One way I can think of already is if you take the location.hash as the complete string where all parameters would be and devide it by a sign, assigning each character as a member of an array. For exaple, if you had:#parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2you would need a function that would take everything after the hash as an argument and spilt it for each occurance of the & (with the split() method I guess). Then you'll need to assign each pair to an associative array. I'm not good into JS, so I can't offer you a code for that. I'm just giving you the logic to think about.
  25. If we believe W3Schools, then it has to be the current font size.And by "current", they mean either the default font the browser has specified for itself, OR the font we've specified for a parent element.Different browsers have different default fonts, so "em" is always very relative, unless you specify a font with pixels and then use "em"s on the elements' childs.As for "ex". According to the reference it's "the x-height of a font (x-height is usually about half the font-size)". In other words, the height of the letter "X" in the current font. That height again varies, depening on the font family.
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