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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. boen_robot

    Help me please

    You can have a single page in the desktop by right clicking on the desktop and select "Properties". From there, select the page "Desktop". Click "Customize Desktop". Select the "Web" page. Click "New..." and in the new window, add the location of the page you want.This however doesn't place an adress bar on that page. Or is that actually what you need? An HTML page with an adress bar, that you can then place on the desktop using the above method? If so, here's a sample "page browser" I just wrote for you : <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function changeSource(){var adress = document.getElementById("adress").value;document.getElementById("frame").src= adress;}</script><style type="text/css">* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}iframe {width:100%; height: 100%;}.history {width: 3%;}#adress {width: 84%;}#submit {width: 8%;}</style></head><body><form action="java script:changeSource()"><input class="history" type="button" value="<" onclick="java script:history.back()"/><input class="history" type="button" value=">" onclick="java script:history.forward()"/><input id="adress" type="text" value="http://"/><input id="submit" type="submit" value="GO!"/></form><iframe src="about:blank" id="frame"></iframe></body></html> If you just change "about:blank" to whatever home page you want, save that as HTML file locally and call it as an active desktop, you'll have something like a browser.P.S. I'm just starting with Java Script, so don't expect me to be able to add additional features to this .Note: you'll also have to remove the space between "java" and "script". This board leaves out a space as a security measure.
  2. XML is like the core of markup languages. The core of XML based languages to be more precise. It's like a set of rules to define a markup language used in any application.The most freqent use of custom XMLs however is a data storage similar to MySQL, because that's probably the only sort of language for which there isn't already a standart language.However, if you look at any XML language which is not a W3C standart, but is still popular, you'll see XML only as a framework for building other languages. Take X3D for example. It's an XML based language for defining 3D graphics. Without a proper viewer/editor, it's plain XML file. RSS is also a plain XML document, unless viewed with an RSS reader.In other words, XML allows you to create your own set of elements that you can adopt for all of the applications that will be using the contents of that XML. By using XSLT, you can convert other people's format to yours and vise versa. Scince XHTML is what's used most oftenly for displaying data, the most frequent converts are from custom XML to XHTML. However, that XML may also be converted into any other XML based language, like the above mentioned X3D or SVG perhaps, enabling other types of application to reuse one piece of data.
  3. Adjust either of theese codes (change "item" to "product" for starters) or this one.
  4. By the way, for the record, this W3Schools example shows how to detect a click and show an alert box on it. This is practically what you need.
  5. Such a long essay... just say you need to page an XML file and use PHP for adjusting the stuff.this post of mine has all you need.Simply adjust recordsPerPage to 1 (unless you want to view few pages at once?), rename pagedElement to "page" and adjust totalRecords to "count(/*//*[name()=$pagedElement])". In the PaginationNavigationControl template, you could show the title of the pages instead of their position... or both. Whatever you decide.Note that this is going to requre a GET variable. The only way around this is to do a URL rewriting.By the way, I notice you're also having chapters. This might complicate things with the navigation a bit, but the above is still a very good start.
  6. "Pineed" means the topic reamains on the top of the list of topics, regardless of whether it's old or new. Ordering by date is applyed between pinned topics, but not between pineed and unpinned topics.I don't think this forum system (IPB) allows for a topic to be marked as "Resolved".
  7. Yours truly Vasil Rangelov... "thank you, thank you very much" (Elvis' style) .1. What is the purpose of XML?It's hard to describe in one sentence and being understood at the same time, but in general it's about defining data.2. What do normal progammers (everyday ones) do with Javascript? Do you use it constantly?Actually, I don't use it at all, because I barely understand it. I already know what I'm going to use it for though. For validating and manipulating forms, switching stylesheets maybe and... I don't know. For anything that won't have a big accessability impact and which can degrade gracefully with JS off.3. What browser do you think is the best? (your honest opinion)I use IE7, mostly because I want to be in the consumers' skin, but I think Opera is the best.4. Will XML affect the future of data transfer?As said, it already has and it does more every day. Mock my words, that XML and it's companions will be rediscovered once IE supports completely CSS2.1 (and some of CSS3 maybe) and XHTML's MIME type.5. Do you use XML frequently on a daily basis and what do you usually do with it?Oh yeah. I usually transform it into XHTML by using XSLT and attempt to build flexible DB free applications. I'm still in the process of learning by trial & error, so I can't really brag with accomplishments.6. What browser do you think has the best web standards?Looking at this I'm really stuggling between FF2 and O9, but let's say it's FF2, scince it's the latest.7. In 2010 or something, what browser do you think will have the most users?IE. No question about it. It's bundled with Windows and that's why MS are not going to be beaten from the first place. Firefox and/or Opera may eventually get something like ~40% of the people, but more (let's say ~55%) will still be in IE.8. In 2010, what browser to you think will have the second most users?That is a harder question to answer. Firefox and Opera develop so fast that it is impossible to predict. I guess they will have almost equal share of users, if we suppose Opera's fens will grow and FF's won't fall, but won't increase that much.9. Are WYSIWYG editors good? Or some hand coding thing?Most, if not all WYSIWYG editors are cursed with table based layouts and HTML fonts. Fortunatly, Dreamwaver 8's WYSIWYG abilities promote the usage of CSS at least for fonts, but it still uses tables for layout. Until IE's support for CSS is complete, WYSIWYG editors will remain cursed.10. What do you normally use?I use Dreamwaver 8, but not it's WYSIWYG abilities. I use it only in coder mode, where the features are just... dreamy (pretty much like the name of the editor).
  8. There's a whole bunch of menus on CSSplay.co.uk all of which are using lists as carriers.
  9. It works perfectly in IE7 and FF2. Opera 9 is the only browser which didn't said this is an RSS feed but still displayed the contents.I don't know how, but what you must do is to tell ASP to send the file with XML or RSS's MIME type. I don't know how is that done in ASP, but in PHP it's "header('application/xml')".
  10. They have already brang out IE7. Check it out.
  11. I would go for the free one, unless I had an illegal copy of the payed client.Your browser can be an FTP client too though. Did you tried using it?
  12. It's lots of code. Lists are shorter and more straight. Lists render as they are downloaded. Tables are rendered after the whole table has been downloaded. This may not be exactly true, but lists still load faster. It's simply not right. Tables for tabular data and lists for... lists. A menu is a list of links to other pages on the site.
  13. Exactly what do you mean by "third layer"? Third level of depth in the menu?Well of course. Nest a table inside the nested table, etc.But using tables for navigation is VERY VERY VERY VERY bad. Use lists: <ul> <li>Hoofdsite <ul> <li><a href="/html/default.asp">Hoofdsite</a></li> <li><a href="/html/default.asp">Venster1</a></li> <li><a href="/html/default.asp">Venster2</a></li> <li><a href="/html/default.asp">Venster3</a></li> <li><a href="/html/default.asp">Venster4</a></li> </ul> </li></ul> Creating a new level of depth in this menu is only a matter of creating another list inside a list item.
  14. boen_robot

    external font

    You could use WEFT but it only works in IE browsers. I think W3C already made a method for that too, but it's not supported anywhere anyway.
  15. @aalbetski your code uses an extension. See the code I'm giving. It doesn't have a single one. The second one (not made by myself) is not even using DOE.
  16. ..or use a server side scripting language application that is executed on that server. I mean, the above fragment looked like JS and JS can't do that.
  17. boen_robot

    css paths

    I've had a similar problem too.Simply use a backsteped relative URL, for example../images/image.gifwill select the file image.gif that is located in the folder images that is one level above the current folder.
  18. I think if the file is a JPEG file, it should use the jpg extension for the sake of IE. What's m4v standing for anyway?And what exactly is the problem with the XML?
  19. The linear to tabular data code. Adjust it for your needs.
  20. So what if it's "more XML"? Does XML have a complex syntax or anything? Better performance is a plus for DBs, but the minus is mixing logic with presentation. Wouldn't you rather prefer having the same logic over several presentaions? You are mistaken. reportingsjr said that, not me. Not only I haven't said DBs are less secured then XML, but I claimed otherwise. I edited the sentence before your post because I noticed my factological error. I was rithorically asking if a knowledge of a location is more secure then having a user name and password and we both realize- it never was. Having a user name and password the way that databass have was, is and will be more secured.
  21. What exactly is the problem with the XML output/input? The encoding? If so, then simply adjust it with <xsl:output encoding="whatever you want"/>. If it's the need for a root element... yes. Your inital document must be a well formed XML document and well formed XML documents have at least a root element (no need for <img/>) and an XML prolog (tweakable by the xsl:output element).As for updates and deletions, I haven't even touched my bag today, so I don't have anything new, but I already have the basic idea. Simply copy each element shallowly(xsl:copy, not xsl:copy-of), exept the one matching certain criterias.
  22. You can't do that. It's a security measure. Thank god for it too. Imagine every page you visit saves a HUGE file in your HDD without you knowing it.
  23. The XSLT template is good. There's no need to touch it on the levels above. Only on theese levels.OK. I think I have a solution, but it's not something I encourage as a good practice and it's not a straight forward way either. It's called "Nested tables": <tr class="style16"> <xsl:for-each select="key('DATA',C[6])"> <td class="style16"> <table> <xsl:for-each select="C[position() >= 27 and position() <= 35]"> <tr> <td><xsl:value-of select="."/></td> </tr> </xsl:for-each> </table> </td> </xsl:for-each></tr> I repeat: IT'S NOT A GOOD CODING PRACTICE! But it does have the visual effect you're looking for.
  24. I was afraid you'll say that.Well, isn't there a chance you could reverse the data from getting in columns to getting in rows? Like instead of:QTY ----- 125325325You do:Q|133T|222Y|555Working across rows for the sake of columns is just a disaster waiting to happen.If you accept the inversion and can present the whole table's code, I could invert it for you.
  25. Ok, so is the above list solution working for you or not? And... no offence, but don't you know HTML? Everything that doesn't begin with "xsl:" is plain HTML here.
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