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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Don't you mean "Parsable Character data", which btw practically means "any well formed XML data".
  2. The reason XSLT won't be make to udnerstand JS is that it's a transformation language. It's the bridge between XML and XHTML, not the bridge from one XHTML to another slightly different XHTML like JS is.Think of it like PHP. The output is what is processed, but PHP can't directly grab a JS's value (unless we're talking AJAX, but that's another thing).It's your choise if you'll use it or not though. I'm just saying it's your approach that needs rethinking, not the language being reinvented.
  3. The XML source tree is not to be used in a real life application. You MUST use CSS to style it and use the white-space property for that OR you can use XSLT to map this element's content to a <pre> element or another one styled with the CSS property.You may use xml:space="preserve" but that doesn't influence output, but only input. It's useless to explain this bit. You must make tests on your own to get it.
  4. Wow. Look at this. I always knew Opera 9 is the most standarts compilant browser today, but I never thought I would see it in numbers.
  5. At first I thought to say "rubbish" because it seemed you just made a test for non-live use, but when I clicked on the figures, I saw that their links have a purpose, corresponding to the map, so I say it's good.You can't make this map dynamic with plain XHTML map though. There might be a way with a really complex CSS based image map, but the easier ways is just another application to run inside the page, like an SVG or Flash.
  6. Look at the Host and DNS discussion. "DNS" means "Domain Name Registration".
  7. Hm... I forgot about this issue. Most of the computers in Bulgaria come with a preinstalled Windwows XP that is set up by a shop like mine. The people there (including myself) usually adjust the resolution to the maximum the client's monitor could handle, so even if the client is unaware how to change the resolution, (s)he still gets the max.Because me and everyone of the business that I know does it like this, I've started to forget there's also the assemblers that only install Windows without even running it for the first time, and there's the third party, which installs Linux or doesn't install anything (some clients I have come from shops of that party).
  8. The smaller resolution you're reffering to is 800x600, not 600x800. You've forgot to include "smaller" as a resolution too. You shold have written "800x600 or smaller". I hope the mods will fix it.We've been using this resolution as a standart, simply because monitors develop slower then Video Cards for example. People have different amount of money, so old monitors stay in fashion (that is... used by the most population) for 6+ years, whereas Video Cards remain in fashion for 1-3 years.I have a resolution of 1280x1024 on all of the monitors I use, but most of the clients at my (dad's) PC shop use 1024x748, because they still use 15'' CRT monitors. At the same time, I have LCDs. As far as I'm familiar with, in Japan, CED displays (or whatever were they were called) are also starting to get in use, but it will be quite a few years before they become available and affordable in Bulgaria.
  9. I'm looking for an editor to install on my school's computers. I have been invited to install all of the software there, and scince they also teach HTML (ONLY... uh...) I need some good editor.Requred features include: Syntax highlighting (what is an HTML editor without it) on HTML and optionally - CSS. Auto complete. Automatically closing the appropriate tag when "</" is typed. Optional features include (X)HTML validator. Live preview within the program and/or an ability to preview the file with different browsers. A list of HTML's tags to drag&drop from. Dreamwaver 8 has all of those (except the last optional one, which is not for my own sake though) but it's a bit heavy for the very weak machines that the school uses. 800Mhz Intel CPUs, 128MB RAM, an on-board video, which draws memory from the RAM, making it something like 96 or so. I'm taking it with me anyway, but lighter editors you might know will also do.I tryed ConTEXT, but it seems it misses the auto complete and auto closure features. If they could be enabled, how?
  10. Place me as XHTML/CSS too and that's all for the XHTML thing.I can do only markup laguages (yes Dan, XML is a markup language. XSLT too btw) and CSS, so that's probably my best bet if I won't be doing XSLTs.
  11. If I understand correctly, you mean you're trying to make a transition from a table based layout to a CSS based one. Is that correct? Well, if you know CSS, you might want to first experiment with all of it's abilities on a new page.Constructing such layouts is hard, mostly because of IE6. There isn't a short tutorial that can let you design all types of layouts, but there are many premade ones, each with it's own problems.Take this 3 column layout for starters. Or another, that I think will be more appealing to you (considering your page) is this 2 column layout.Oh... just google for "CSS layouts".
  12. Well, that's exactly the type of XSLT I've got too. It doesn't have any special functionality. It only arranges the articles in a readable fashion and allows the showing of only a selected number of articles at a time.It needs many impovements, which is why I wanted to build upon it, instead of starting from scratch, which will end up in the same basic application anyway.
  13. Nope. Certanly not true. You must have misunderstood him.
  14. The file that will include the PHP file must also be a PHP file itself. Your server is also expected to support PHP. If it doesn't, this won't work.Also, note that what you are showing is not exactly HTML. It's Server parsed HTML (SHTML). Apache is responsible for including the content. But SSIs must be enabled on the server you're using. The fact that files with *.shtml extension work doesn't mean much before you get aload of the extaras.See Introduction to SSIs.
  15. As far as I'm aware, the things after #PCDATA declare the elements that could only occur once as childs of that element. If you don't include them, then all declared elements could be placed more then once as childs of note. For example, with <!ELEMENT note (#PCDATA)*><!ELEMENT to (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT from (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT heading (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT body (#PCDATA)> the following XMLs are valid: <note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note> <note><to>Tove</to><to>Hege</to><from>Jani</from><from>Kaijim</from><from>Stale</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body><body>Or I'll forget you.</body></note> Whereas with <!ELEMENT note (#PCDATA|to|from|header|message)*><!ELEMENT to (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT from (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT heading (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT body (#PCDATA)> Only the first example is valid. I'm not sure though.
  16. boen_robot

    XML into HTML

    What sort of limitations could forbid XSLT usage? It could be done on the client side and embed with JavaScript after all. No one is forcing you to make a whole XSLT page or use a server side scripting processor, though that are better options.Anyway, let's see what can we do. Now, how does your XML look like? It should be something like: <rootElement> <item> <ITEM_NUMBER>1</ITEM_NUMBER> <YEAR>2005</YEAR> <SIZE>10</SIZE> <WINE>yes</WINE> <AVAIL>yes</AVAIL> <OS_PRICE>50</OS_PRICE> <IS_PRICE>60</IS_PRICE> <APPELLATION>5</APPELLATION> </item> <item> <ITEM_NUMBER>2</ITEM_NUMBER> <YEAR>2006</YEAR> <SIZE>20</SIZE> <WINE>no</WINE> <AVAIL>no</AVAIL> <OS_PRICE>30</OS_PRICE> <IS_PRICE>40</IS_PRICE> <APPELLATION>6</APPELLATION> </item></rootElement> Any other type of structure is not going to work with Data Islands.
  17. Could there be a category of "everything by a little"? Scince there won't be XML or XSLT involved (as it seems) and scince I'm not efficient at the rest of the things, I might as well just correct small errors people make and slightly enhance flexibility, accessability and all that B6T.
  18. boen_robot


    The syntax of XML is truly the easiest thing on the planet. Even more easier then HTML, scince the different empty tags. I remember how I wondered why aren't tags like "img" closed.It's concept however is the hardest thing to grasp. It took me weeks to figure it out on my own. I read the tutorial 10 times over, trying to figure it all out. However, explanation is not that easy.I suggest you learn XPath and then XSLT. Don't worry about the use case, just do it. When you reach XSLT, you will start to realize the use of XML. It separates data from presentation. You might call XML a text based database, though that's not entirely true.A simple example to illustrate it better. You type in a data about an office. Each employee has a different rank and sits on a different place at the office. Each desk has a different shape. You describe it all. Then, with one XSLT file, you create an XHTML representaion of what you have described. Employees are described in a table (for example). Then, with another XSLT file, you create a WML deck, for WAP enabled phones. With a third XSLT file you create an SVG graphic that turns the data into a map of the office, along with each employee's name standing where it should.Now, when a new employee takes place and/or an old one is replaced/fired you can simply make the adjustments in the XML file. All of the presentations will automatically redo the layout according to the changes in the XML.If you had made a static XHTML, WML and SVG files, then you would have to edit each of them, so it can be up to date.[edit] Oh, I forgot o mention the biggest advantage in all of this. You aren't requred to use a certain server side scripting language. It's a plus if that language has an XSLT processor, but it's still not requred and you can switch easily from one language to another. [/edit]
  19. How can this thing be called a "project" if people don't edit each other's code? It won't be "cooperative" work if the code isn't shared and edited by multiple people, or at least if multiple people suggest edits on the fly.
  20. Well, if the AJAX RSS reader is selected, then I can submit some of my own pre made stuff, along with some enhancements to it. It will be all left to manipulating few scripts and styling. Especially styling, which is what newbies and graphic designers could help with.
  21. Not only that, but I'm trying to discourage all sorts of browser comparrisons in general.The topic is about "For what do you use IE?" and not "For what reason(s) you don't use IE?", "Why is IE(6?) crap?", etc.I'm trying to encourage on topic posts, which imply on the usage of IE, not the migration away from it.
  22. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!Read the browser discussion topic and if you still can't find anything bad, ask THERE!
  23. Yes. Numbers, and special characters(!?,.%) on that matter are not allowed as a starting symbol.In the middle, numbers are allowed but special characters are not allowed.
  24. boen_robot

    XML Tutorial

    They should work. If you've copyed them from W3Schools, make sure you copy the source code, not the tree that IE shows. That is, don't copy: <?xml version="1.0"?>-<bookstore> -<book>some book</book>-</bookstore> but do copy: <?xml version="1.0"?><bookstore> <book>some book</book></bookstore> If you mean to ask how to view them as 'readable' data, then you need to style that data. Either with CSS (not reccomended) or XSLT (the real deal).
  25. Of course not. You've been busy (or something...) and there were times I have been too. How can I be angry about it?Your english however seems to get worse with your every post though. What's going on?Anyway... what I mean by "The script needs to be executed multiple times on each page" is that similarly to the AJAX include that does something like: <script type="text/javascript">ajaxinclude('header.html')</script><script type="text/javascript">ajaxinclude('navigation.html')</script><script type="text/javascript">ajaxinclude('additional.html')</script><script type="text/javascript">ajaxinclude('footer.html')</script> The new script needs to do it's thing like: <div id="transformation1">This is the text you'll see if transformation1 fails</div><div id="transformation2">This is the text you'll see if transformation2 fails</div><div id="transformation3">This is the text you'll see if transformation3 fails</div><div id="transformation4">This is the text you'll see if transformation4 fails</div> Where transformationN is associated with a certain pair of XML and XSLT. For example, it could be:transformation1 uses file1.xml and file1.xsltransformation2 uses file2.xml and file1.xsltransformation3 uses file1.xml and file2.xsltransformation4 uses file2.xml and file2.xslYou see that in both examples, the script is called not once but 4 times. That's what "multiple" means (if that was the word to confuse you): more then a one time.
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