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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. That's actually bad. Not for us, but more for the forum. I mean... should you lock the offtopic topics or is the General forum supposed to be flooded?
  2. Right now, they are equal again as usual (with 38 votes each). I use Dreamwaver 8, but despite that, I use it's hand coding abilities, which in version 8 are really well though. I hate WYSIWYG editors for reasons we all know.
  3. Something tells me this board seriously needs an Off-topic forum and a number of few on-topic ones, but that's off-topic for this particular off-topic topic too.
  4. Ohh... use the html element as the tiled image's carrier, the same way you use the body element as the non-tiled image's carrier. For the love of god, here's the code I suggested on the first place: <html><head> <style type="text/css">html{background:url('title.gif') repeat-x #e2006a}body{background:url('background.jpg') no-repeat #e2006a}</style></head><body> <div style="position:relative;width:864px;height:865px;-adbe-g:p;"></div></body></html>
  5. I think scott100 and I explained everything up to now. Use background:url('title.gif') repeat-x #e2006a On an element that doesn't have a background specified and apply your non-tiled background to another element. You need two elements: one for each background. Using a single element to hold multiple background images will only be possible in CSS3. Until then, that's that.
  6. You do realize some people have something known as life, right?
  7. Yes. Every element inside an XSLT file without the XSLT namespace(<xsl:something>) is part of the actual ouput, so this means you can put anything you can do with that other language (in our case, that's XHTML). Abso****enlutely correct . When you view an XML file with attached stylesheet you see the result, but the browser or application that reads the file only sees (thus manipulates) the XML source. Executing XSLT with a server side script allows you to see the output's source code and allows applications to parse this code, instead of the XSLT one. That is essentially useful for devices and browsers that don't support XSLT.
  8. I think he already got the point that he needs to use another element as the second background's carrier .
  9. You mean <img>? You can't. You must type each <img> or use a server side scripting language to type it an appropriate number of times and I have no idea how such a script would look.
  10. It doesn't exactly matter when it's coming out. The more important thing is when are browsers and IE going to support it. Currently, only Safari and OmniWeb support it. See CSS3.info for sample codes (not any picture previews unfortunatly).
  11. Well, you can't do that on the same element, no. At least, not in the manner current browsers behave. CSS3 will allow the usage of multiple background images and a separate manipulation of each one's properties (repetition, position, etc.).
  12. Perhaps if you set the pattern to the html element... html {background:url('title.gif') repeat-x #e2006a} Or I am not grasping your idea?
  13. Perhaps if you generalize your solution by adding more wildcards, like this:<xsl:template match="//*"><xsl:element name="local-name(.)"><xsl:for-each select="@*"><xsl:element name="local-name(.)"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:element></xsl:for-each><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:element></xsl:template>
  14. This is the source of the page I see: <html><body>hello world</body></html> Or should I say I see I bet that's the proper page, right .
  15. maybe something in this spirit: <xsl:template match="marca"><marca><xsl:apply-templates/></marca></xsl:template><xsl:temlpate match="@href"><href><xsl:value-of select="."/></href></xsl:template>
  16. Such kind of protections are suppose to guard developers from "stealing" your code. However all developers are trained well enough to get your code no matter what you do. Consumers are not, but they aren't going to grab your code anyway.
  17. Well, you're right, and you're not right.You're right that XHTML should be served with the MIME type application/xhtml+xml but as you said yourself, when you do that, IE shows a promt box for download instead of displaying the page. W3Schools should mention this MIME type problem, but I don't think they should suggest using the correct MIME type scince IE's problems.Also, you are not exactly right that XHTML served as text/html is as useful as HTML 4. When files are composed with XML syntax, then become acessable to other XML based languages. For example, I can "grab" XHTML content from W3Schools with XSLT located on another domain and display that content on that other site. I've actually done that, but only for testing purposes... I respect W3Schools too much to "steal" without permission (just think how silly this sounds). Also, this XML syntax allows server side and client side scripting languages to treat the code as XML instead of HTML, allowing them to perfom XML specific actions, etc.There's also the thing that correct MIME types allows faster rendering scince less rules are loaded and considered, but still- until there's an effective solution to serve IE with text/html and the rest with application/xhtml+xml, the topic remains open.
  18. At the time of writing, typing returns an error. Hope the reason is that your PC is turned off. Anyway, let me suggest you make your tests with this IP, instead of the internal ones. If it works there, it will work for all (including myself).
  19. By the way, here's a hint. You can load special styles for all browsers, including IE, and then load other styles for everyone, except IE. Here's tre trick: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="commonStyles.css"/><!--[if IE]><comment><![endif]--><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="nonIEstyles.css"/><!--[if IE]></comment><![endif]--> The key is in the non standart <comment> tag supported only by IE. Because the second stylesheet is suppose to be enclosed in it, IE should (I haven't tested this) ignore the stylesheet inside. The best thing about this method is that it validates, scince everything in comments is ignored by the validator.
  20. Sounds like a work for the linear to tabular data code. That is, if you want this data to be properly "linearized". However, all of this talk about "nesting" confuses me. What is the final output you're after?
  21. There is some error in your stylesheet. The stylesheet is either not a well formed XML document (improper nesting, invalid characters, etc.) or it simply goes to a point where it can't decide what to output. Give a cut of your XML and your whole XSLT and I might be able to point the error.
  22. xsl:function is an XSLT 2.0 feature. NONE of today's browsers nor their next versions would support it, because XSLT 2.0 is still a candidate reccomendation. Therefore, I suggest you forget about it for now. If you need it, then try to find XSLT 1.0 solution or find a server side scripting parser (such as Saxon) which supports XSLT 2.0.
  23. Hahaha. Very funny . And what language am I made from? DNA++ ? And what platform I run on? World XP ? And I'm probably installed on E:(arth)\Europe\Bulgaria\Plovdiv\*hidden*, right ? And who are my developers? Mother and Father... it took my dad few minutes (god knows how much exactly) and 9 months of development by my mom, not to mention 16 years of upgrades of the final first version, to produce the bot you see before you .Seriously, Norton Internet Security 2006 is a great program, but I too have seen many haters of the old versions, natively hating the new one, so I could see your point.By the way, XSLT is not exactly scripting, but nevermind. It was vchris who first bragged. I just joined him .Oh and... is my english really that bad ?
  24. boen_robot

    BB Code

    BBCodes are very simmilar to HTML elements. If you learn the one, you should be OK with the other one. Don't you know HTML or at least enough to know how to make a picture a link? No? Well, here's the simple logic:<a href="link"><img src="image.jpg" /></a>Knowing that with BBCode, links are specified like and images are specified by , what do you think the code for an image inside a link will be?
  25. Sure it doesn't. Did you saw my second example:<xsl:for-each select="/products/product[position() >=1 and position() <=6]"><xsl:value-of select="TDProductId" /> <br /><xsl:value-of select="name"/> <br /><xsl:value-of select="description"/></xsl:for-each> That is the one which should work for the first page to be shown. If you can just make an ASP script to increase 1 and 6 by 6 each time some button is clicked, then it would work perfectly... or maybe not. You'll need to specify the end of the line (the number of all "product"s) somehow, but that's not your worry now.
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