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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. boen_robot

    XML Validators?

    If you just try to run the XML file in any browser, you'll know if it's well formed. In fact, that's what W3Schools' validator checks: well formdness. For validity check, you can use W3Cs Mark-up validator, more knows as the the "HTML validator" when in truth, it checks all SGML and XML based markup. If you have DTD or Schema, the XML will be checked against it. If not, the XML will be shown as "well formed" but "invalid".
  2. NIS? Really? I had this problem with NAV but NIS has always been a charm, or at least before Symantec realized what I was actually holding. Oh well... if you had told me this problem, the solution you now offered would have been the first I would suggest scince the experiences with NAV .
  3. Back when I had Notron Internet Security 2006 installed (oh, the best Firewall I've ever encountered. I miss it.) I saw daily messages saying "Norton Internet Security prevented an attack against your computer. The Attacker IP is below:". Now when I have NOD32 and still have a webserver running, I don't see any messages. This would have been great, if only I didn't set NOD32 to warn me, instead of keeping it quiet, so I'm a bit worried. Either I'm completely secured and no one ever attacks me, or something is happening without me knowing it.By the way, I just made a ShieldsUP test here at work, where I have router and the results were somewhat interesting... all ports closed, except MS services ports (135, 139, 445, 1025) being stealth and web server ports (21, 22, 23, 53, 80) being opened . In comprarrison, the last time I made a check at home, all ports were detected as stalth, though in truth, 80 (http) and 21 (ftp) are opened for people to use .
  4. Well, scince there is another way, you should use scripting. Just wait until XForms are supported. We would be living in a forms' paradise .
  5. Use multiple value-of's or templates to output each elemtent that should be paged. Something like this:<xsl:for-each select="/products/product[position() >=1 and position() <=6]"><xsl:value-of select="TDProductId" /> <br /><xsl:value-of select="name"/> <br /><xsl:value-of select="description"/></xsl:for-each> Unfortunatly, no. I can't. I'm not much into XML DOM (yet), nor ASP so I have no idea what code should you use. What I'm saying is just to outline the stuff you should be after. So the ASP code should alter the previous example to turn intoSomething like this:<xsl:for-each select="/products/product[position() >=7 and position() <=12]"><xsl:value-of select="TDProductId" /> <br /><xsl:value-of select="name"/> <br /><xsl:value-of select="description"/></xsl:for-each> As you can notice, the ranged values in the for-each statement have changed, which is actually just what you need to show the next page.
  6. To create a new attribute and/or element in XHTML and still keep it valid, you'll need to create a new DTD.As for display... if it's an atribute, it shouldn't need a special kind of display. If it's something that should be rendered (an element to be more precise)... If the XHTML is served with the MIME type application/xhtml+xml, then the true XHTML rules apply, thus only real XHTML elements are rendered. Elements that were never part of any W3C's XHTML specification will be shown as plain text. If the XHTML is server with the MIME type text/html (as most probably is) then only XHTML, HTML and legacy HTML elements are rendered. Elements that were never part of any W3C or browser vendor's specification will be shown as plain text. In general, avoid creating custom elements. You have the wonderful IDs for targeting specific elements and the even more wonderful classes to target groups.
  7. I'm not exactly sure what are you doing, but to select nodes in range, use this in your XSLT select statement: /products/product/TDProductId[position() >=1 and position() <=6] Then, with ASP, make something that would just increase both 1 and 6 by 6 to result in the next page's content being selected.
  8. Actually, they are only 2 . I have been having Opera 9 scince the first time you showed me the early beta build (the first to support XSLT damn it) and I've previously had and used Opera 8 too for testing. In fact, I've known Opera scince version 6, but I do admit that Opera 9 is my favourite due to it's XSLT support and a variety of other features that are either new, or I just hadn't noticed them before. And as far as I can understand, justsomeguy and dcole.ath.cx had it already too .And I don't know about them, but as for me, I did said that I still use IE for most of my browsing .Btw, any ideas on my question about the UI?
  9. It would have to be some sort of VERY sophisticated server side scrpting code (an extension to the language... no matter which one we have in mind), for which I don't have a clue how to prepare.In other words: I don't think it's possible, or at least not as easy as anyone would expect.
  10. I have made myself some major changes on Opera 9's interface. Do you know how/if I could save them as a setup for reusability? Oh and do you know how to change Opera's language? I have installed it in Bulgarian, but I would like to use English for saving the setup.
  11. I think it's for some accessabiblity purpose or just for you to track where you've got something from. And there's also the possiblibity of generating content from the cite's value, but that's not that widely supported yet (I think opera does support it, but not IE and FF).
  12. Well, dcole.ath.cx outlined the basic stuff. I too know what he means. I have my own Apache and other stuff setuped, so I know the drill.For the security part, it's important to have an antivirus application if you're going to allow people to upload stuff on your server. You wouldn't want anyone else to download it and stop visitng your site just because he encountered a virus there, right? Not to mention you yourself might start such an uploaded file and get infected. You should also have a good firewall that would stealth all the ports of the machine which accepts the requests. That way, network scanners won't detect, thus try to hack your site and you'll be immune to worms (a kind of viruses which travel on ports... no special action is requred from the user like the "ordinary" viruses for which the antivirus takes care... revealing which ports you have opened and closed is enough).Dynamic adresses change in a certain interval of time. Static ones don't. If you have a dynamic IP adress, then you need to either change your ISP to some which would offer you a static IP or get a domain from a register that also offers a tool for detecting each of your new IPs. If you use Dial-up, you should infact forget about hosting on your own PC. Not only the IP is always dynamic, but the speed is slow, giving you and all of your users a really bad time.But there's also one more deal which dcole.ath.cx mentioned, but not in much detail. You should have an outside IP adress, not internal one. Outside adresses are assigned from the ISP and are visible from the whole world. Internal ones are assigned from rooter (with or without other rooters behind it) which use that outside IP. The internal IPs are only visible from within that rooter's network. Computers outside the network can only get to the Ouside IP adress, unless the router was preconfigured to pass incoming request to an inside machine.You can check your outside IP adress across the internet on every page which shows you that adress. For example, there is one at the W3Schools' TCP/IP adressing. Check what's after "This is your IP address:". If those numbers match your inside IP, then you're most probably having an actual IP adress on your PC and are lucky. I for one have. My ISP serves only "real" (as they call them) IP adresses . Just incase you don't know how to check your internal IP adress:Go to "Control Panel > Network Connections". Open your connection (most often called "Local Area Connection") and in the opened window, clikc "Support". The IP adress shown there is actually your internal one.If you have an "unreal" IP adress, then you'll have to configure the network router to pass HTTP requests to your internal IP. Settings may vary, you may not have control over it, or the ISP (which may be the actual holder of the router) would probably not allow you to alter those setting, etc. etc.... you may be in a lot of pain if you don't have a "real" IP adress.A note if you succeed in using internal IP as a webserver: NAT routers are most of the times completely insecured. They reveal all of their opened and closed ports and there's no way of installing software to do otherwise. By doing so, they succed in protecting the PCs behind them (scince incoming requests only reach the router), but fail to secure themselves, which leaves a big security gap. If you're going public, security would become a big issue. This NAT router note woulnd't be that important if you only need a testing server on your own computer (use your internal IP).
  13. You can also go at my.opera.com skins gallery . There are also other things you can customize .
  14. Look at the offers at this topic or perform some Google searching. If that doesn't help, tell your criterias in the topic and hopefully, someone would know a host which is good (enough) for you.
  15. Well, it's still notably faster anyway .[edit] Who's arguing? [/edit]
  16. Well then, you simply need the substring() function in your select statement. For example: substring('I am Andrea from Verona',1,12)
  17. Download the latest Opera 9 beta build and see for yourself. Make a chart with each browser's results if you must. He is right that Opera is faster, I agree with that. From my dad's point of view, it's best feature is the Bulgarian version, and if it just had voice support for cyrilic letters (at least try to pronounce them, instead of telling the entity code) I bet he was going to install it to every computer in our IT store . I do prefer Opera over Firefox myself though, but I still use IE6 for most of my browsing (and at home: IE7).
  18. Hmm.... interesting issue. How about something like that:select='.//urn/*[not(local-name(current())='urn']' I'm not completely aware of the not() function, but I think it contains a boolean value which is true if the argument is false and vise versa. I haven't tested this, but I think it might do the trick.
  19. I don't know ASP but I know XSLT enough. What is this code doing in ASP?
  20. You can easily find proof on Google's site. Something like the Webmaster Help Center at Google or Add your URL to Google page.
  21. That's what they all say, until one day the computer refuses to run the Windows or just starts to run veeery slow. At that point they come to a computer service (IT specialist residence if you prefer or whatever) like the one I'm currently working at (*yeah, I'm bragging *) where they realize it's too late to save their precious data (if any). Oh, how I love to tell them they should have upgraded. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside . (Un?)fortunatly, I don't get much of those nowadays.@aspnetguy just curious... what do you mean by "router firewall"? A proxy server, or a simmilar device that devides the speed between the PCs behind it? You do realize that everyone outside the network should adress the router, which should have to be preconfigured to redirect the request to your PC, right? I have just the exact same type of router here (MikroTik), and I have no idea how to configure it properly for that kind of purpose.Even if I did though, I've read some reviews that such devices secure completely the PCs behind them, but fail to secure themselves by exposing the ports they have opened and closed. I would rather prefer a single self secured PC, which would stealth all of it's ports, with a real IP adress and thus avoid unnecessary configurations. If additional PCs are needed, the secured PC itself could be used as a "bridge" between itself and other PCs behind it. The only purpose which I use the router for is to devide the internet speed among me and my neigbours AND not to allow anyone outside the network an internet acces (the router checks the MAC adresses).If you use a Router, there's no need for a firewall btw. The Router takes all the damage. If you have an Antivirus with an included firewall or a stand alone firewall(with or without a router) you should disable the Windows firewall, or should I say "leave only one firewall running". Otherwise, their rules may overlap, thus resulting in errors or missing threads.
  22. This is what you'd like, or what worked? If it was my second guess, then I'm really a complete CSS noob .As for your problem, I think you can use a single class name twice. Both of the priorities will be appyed, and the ones in the second will take priority if overlapping. For example:.dataFieldLabel { font-weight: normal; . . .}.dataFieldLabel { font-size: 65%; . . .} This would apply both the font-size and font-weight. But as you can see it's a bit unpractical, especially to include in one stylesheet. Consider using multiple classes in your (X)HTML.
  23. It's for screen readers compatability. <b> means only bold, while <strong> also tells the screen reader to read the fragment more... um... strongly. If you want to customize <strong>s sreen reader behaviour, you can use aural properties, but the default is a stronger voice.
  24. I don't think it has that limit with Apache. Apache is a third party application after all, but I can't really guarantee that the limit would be removed. To ensure the security of the server, you would also need to have a decent antivirus and firewall btw. I would recommend Norton Internet Security: It has both Antivirus included, and a really great firewall which keeps all ports stealth and yet allows files to be viewed by everyone (meaning users are free and network scanners are not). I used it until recently when the application realized it's not exactly bought.As for a linux version... I have no idea.
  25. "Site map" is just an HTML page that shows the certain site's content. It's not a new language or anything. For example, look at Quirksmode's site map for example. You notice there are links for all the pages and/or categories on the site.Another way to think about a site map is a Table Of Contents (TOC). When you open an encyclopedia for example, you see that the first (or sometimes last) pages show you the page at which a certain article resides. That's just what a site map is: a page showing you links to other pages of the site.
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