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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Place a star in front of the property instead, like this: *margin: 1% 0% 0% 0%; But please note it won't work in IE7. The best way to filter IE only styles is with conditional comments in your (X)HTML that point to the location of the stylesheet(s), like this: <!--[if lte IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="IE6style.css" /><![endif]--> Where IE6style.css is the CSS file for IE6 and lower.
  2. For starters, add a whitespace between the h1 and style attribute: <h4 style="text-align:left;color;blue> Oh and btw, I don't think you should use lists in headers (h1 to h6). Simply bold your li's if that's the effect you're looking for. Or should I say that you look into the CSS tutorial for more details. Excluding your "taking everything litterly" problem, you're on a good enough level to start learning CSS (at least I hope so). You'll need it too if you want to "master" HTML.
  3. XML is suppose to carry data, unlike (X)HTML which describes the structure of the page you know. An XML page is not the same as XHTML page. The simplest way is to save your file with the extension *.html or *.xhtml and that's it.If you really need to inlude your XML in another XML to XHTML transformation, you could create an XSLT stylesheet with a content of: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:template match="/"><xsl:copy-of select="."/></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet> If you save this file as copy.xsl, then include this in your XML just below the XML prolog (before the root element): <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="copy.xsl"?> And you're ready. Simply preview the XML. You'll see the results of what is happeing with your XML if it was (X)HTML. If you look at the source, it would still be the XML source though.
  4. What are you talking about? As I said, I never installed IE7 to begin with. From the OS's point of view, IE7 is just some "stand alone" application (EXE file and other ones inside their own folder and nothing more) and IE6 is the de facto browser of it. There's no add/remove entry of IE7 and IE6 is very deeply built in. I can only remove it's shortcuts by the Add or Remove windows components option.
  5. That's exactly the way multiple IE versions run on the same OS. They are not installed to begin with. Their files are just extracted out of the archive bins, and a registry entry is made to tell the system that's the de facto IE on the OS. The launch script is suppose to make those registry modifications and restore them on closing. The "default browser" entry however is another one, which for some reason, IE6 can't find anymore, but IE7 can .
  6. It's not about being buggy. Infact, it's IE7 which gets it right . The problem is I'm running IE6 and IE7 on the same machine, so they are somehow related (see some of my previous posts for details). I used the new method with the stand alone launch script, which is suppose to make things as if IE7 was never ran, every time it's actually only closed. Yet the old problems still exist (probably because I had it in use earlyer). The only thing I can think of is registry editing, but which one... or should I say where...Oh well, in the worst case, my Win is for reinstallation anyway.
  7. Haha. Really weird. I found the option, checked it, but IE6 still didn't perform a check, even after a restart. IE7 did though and ask me if want to make it the default one. The problem is I need IE6, not IE7. Do you know which is the registry entry(es) responsible for setting an application as the default browser? It may actually be easier then any other way .
  8. This may sound stupid at first, but does anyone know how to turn IE6 back into the default browser? IE doesn't seem to be checking if it's the default and I have no idea where the option for this is, simply because IE has always been my default browser .
  9. If you have a control over the XML structure, what is stopping you from manually transforming it properly? Anyway... a plausable solution to the problem would be to enclose the improperly nested tags with disable-output-escaping, like this: <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><Item></xsl:text> However, this doesn't work in firefox. If you were using a server side scripting parser to perform the transformations, then it would be great.In the presented case above... hmm... I'll have to dig deeper maybe, but the first thing that comes to mind is using the linear to tabular data code, then edit the tr and/or td into the desired XML outputs.
  10. I know I'm going a bit offtopic by saying that, but I think 14 year old's true problem is not admitting their skill level.For example, currently my dad "assigned" me the task of making a small website for his accountants, but I warned him to warn them that I'm not good in the "design", but more at the "coding" and "transofrming content to presentation" parts. And that I don't have any skills with more "advanced" things such as form handling*.A 14 year old that wants to go with a "get rich quick" scheme wouldn't be that modest like myself (a 16 year old... just a reminder). That would probably also be the reason for a customer to think of him as professional "by default", thus making him "hard to trust" when he finds truly skilled developers.*That's the simplest way of explaining to the unfammiliar with web terminology. I mean imagine me telling him "I don't know much server and client side scripting". He would be like "what are you talking about?" .
  11. You should use CSS to change the colors of your text, backgrounds and a lot more you'll learn in the process.XHTML is correctly the next generation HTML. Read the XHTML tutorial (right under the HTML one) to see the differences between it and HTML. They are not that many, so if you know HTML, XHTML won't be much trouble. There are some more "mysteries" to it you'll come to see, but that's for another time.And for your "par" problem. Yes, the full code would be needed.
  12. How about enclosing the whole expression in a string function like this: xmlDoc.selectNodes(string(/root/classes/class/lesson/@id)) Or perhaps there is another object to select only the content of the targeted element?
  13. boen_robot

    Data Islands

    Normally I would say "XSLT", but knowing you enough scott, I think you may do better with JavaScript or XML DOM to be more precise .
  14. Yes. That's exactly what we meant. Just remember to put quotes though:<p id="orange">And before you ask (others asking this have): you think up of the class and/or IDs name. There are no predefined values. Orange could as well be "navigation", "link", "right", etc. or anything you come up with.
  15. It's just that a class attribute is used to identify a particular group of elements. By using other languages (CSS most of the time), you can manipulate elements of the same class all at once.IDs are used when you need to manipulate only one certain element. IDs could also be used in the URL to link to the specific part of the page where that ID occurs.
  16. A very odd, and unrelated to this forum in any matter, topic. Anyhow, I would say that in fast food restaurants, food is just prepared in another way, which doesn't requre the wearing of a hat, hairnet or whatever. Also, the person who gives you the food is not always the one to make it (McDonalds are the best example for such a case). You can't always tell what the cooker looks like . Besides, they need to look pretty. I don't know about you, but when I see a person with a hairnet I feel as if I'm unwelcomed.
  17. Note that IDs are supposed to be used for only once per page. For using a style more then one time, you should use classes instead like this:<HTML><HEAD><title>Testing</title><style>a.link1{color:white}a.link2{color:red;}a.link1:hover{color:orange;text-decoration:none;}</style></HEAD><body bgcolor=Black><a href="#" class="link1">White Link </a><a href="#" class="link2">Red Link</a></body></HTML>You can also use both IDs and classes, where IDs have greather priority over classes.
  18. XML files are a whole new sphere of web design. They are NOT a replacement for HTML, unlike XHTML. XHTML files must be saved with either *.html or *.xhtml extensions. As aspnetguy pointed already, IE doesn't support *.xhtml yet, so you would most certanly use *.html instead.As for why IE says this message... it's because XML doesn't define presentation, but just content, therefore, saving (X)HTML as XML would mean that the file would display as an XML source tree, showing you the data without the defined presentation. Read about XML, and you'll know what I mean.
  19. boen_robot

    Can you

    I think he meant "using it directly" perhaps? Do you ...678? Well, if that's the case, then you can simply type the absolute URL to the background instead of using a relative one, but then again, the site would waste it's bandwidth this way, and if it does, your background is out too. So it's better to copy it on your server, just to be sure.
  20. There is an info and some issues for <wbr> on www.quirksmode.org in this topic. When searching through W3C site, I found out that it's netscape that invented this element, and it wasn't part of W3C specification. So if we're talking only "official" W3C tags, then you could possibly not mention this one.Name's replacement is "id".The replacement for Nowrap is using the <pre> element I think. Look at the code and codebox BBCodes' source for instanse. Oh, and isn't "Nowrap" an element? Or does it exist both as an attribute and an element maybe?The replacement for the language attribute is type I think. At least, that's what I see used.Also, there is a replacement for the target attribute. Just not supported anywhere yet. See the CSS3 Hyperlink Presentation Module for details.You may put the replacement elements into "<" and ">" like the "original" tags, so it's well differed when something is an element or an attribute.I also thought about something like a column for when the element/attribute appeared and scince when it's deprecated, but that's not going to be much of a desired improvement. Not for now at least.
  21. Here's just my next 2 cents (eventually turning into a dollar) for this table:Scince elements such as <applet> have XHTML equivalents, and presentational attributes have CSS ones, I suggest you remove the columns for HTML and CSS examples, and turn the names of the elements into links to the HTML examples. Turn the names of the replacements into links for the new way's examples.Also, the replacement for <applet> is <object> and you should add the <embeded> element or however it was spelled. You could also add the <menu> (replacement: <ul>) and <wbr> (defines a word break. replacement: none (?!?!)) tags.[edit] I see you have some menu attribute. I'm thinking it's actually the element I'm talking about? [/edit]
  22. Again I'll say my new thought, that critics are said for the better to come out, not the worst being noticed. Receiving critics means that people DO appreciate what you have done. I know that first hand (believe me, you don't need to know what I mean). Besides, look at FF and Opera. How do you think they got better then IE? It's because they listen to their users and react on time to their requests. The other alternative is not receiving any comments and critics meaning your work sucks so bad, that it's not even worth looking at.[edit]Here's another critisism just to keep the topic on track:The "alt" attribute as far as I know is not deprecated... yet. It will be in XHTML 2.0, but not for now.[/edit][edit]Opps. Noticed you mean the one on the <applet> tag. Well, it's useless to point that out too, scince the tag is deprecated anyway.[/edit]
  23. Who is negative??? LOL your quotes are missing the quoters name. I... think... he referes to me. Scince both quotes are from me... right? Well, why am I negative at times... hm... I guess I'm just too serious sometimes. Not to mention that I try to explain things fully for educating the "asker" better but I do realize such kind of approach is not always the best one.As for this credit stuff... nevermind. It was just a suggestion based on what I think. It doesn't truly matter as long as both (nick)names are mentioned.And Dan, do try to be more... *looks into the dictionary*... indulgent to people's opinions. I agree with Jonas that invalid page showing invalid stuff is an ironic page. Such critics are said for the better to come out, not for the worst being noticed (hey, that's kind of a philosophy... and it's my own mind that thought of it just now ). I was thinking of updating your page on my own too, but I didn't, because I was expecting such reaction .
  24. Well, you can't. But in XSLT for example, you may use the <xsl:sort> element to sort. There you'll use an XPath expression (most of the times, a single node) to sort by. Other languages also implement their own ways of sorting. The reason for XPath not having sorting is that we are talking the exact same output with only a difference in the order. XPath is for selecting, not presenting.
  25. Height to say it, but the only changed thing I see is the "text-" added to the replacement of <center>. There still isn't DTD, you forgot to (or just haven't) added ": center; for inline elements and margin: 0 auto; for block elements" to that same description, the XMP is still written as attribute, and the list would probably go on if I look deeper. No offense in any way intended (just to avoid things such as the ones in recent events).Note: I'm talking on the published version. Jonas' variants are out of question.
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