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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Just to try to get this topic back on track, I would again suggest that you tell Microsoft what you want. Only in this case I suggest you say it in their Connect program.Just like the newsgroups, Microsoft deals with issues that have more votes. Few suggestions that you might want to vote for:More XML related technologies support (XPath 2.0, XLink, XPointer, E4X)- The first post made by yours truly.SVG Support Required Add support for SVG graphics- That would be a great feature in my opinion, considering the fact that FF and Opera have native support already.Download Manager- A really popular suggestions with lots of votes. It wouldn't hurt if there are more.Before you suggest/report anything though, please consider testing if it isn't already avaiable/fixed in the latest IE7 beta build and/or previously suggested/reported. Concentrating votes in one topic instead of splitting them in lots of topics would help a lot. Happy wining .
  2. Just renaming one of the options with 0 votes would also be an option I think .
  3. ...or simply putting the empty tags in CDATA sections. If there are many, then placing the whole HTML in CDATA is also an option.Note: The example you provided could actually be put directly. XML could store all kinds of data. It only depends if the other language you use would understand that the content of <myTest> is actually HTML and that depends totally on you. The only thing which you can't place in XML would be non closed empty tags such as <br>, <img>, etc. (you can place their XHTML equivalents <br />, <img />, etc. though). In that case, you would use one of the above methods.
  4. Even if there is a vault, users would still post in the JavaScript forum. You just can't force the user not to. Besides, such thing would requre contstant moderation(if you mean a topic with all requests) or at least some kind of judgement about what's best (if we're taling a vault with script). What if someone asks a frequently issue to which a non moderator could answer and/or point to the solution? The user would be forced to wait more just because his/her post wasn't reviewed yet. No, definetly not a good idea.
  5. So, we're going offtopic, heya?All right, two can play this game . If there were variants for XHTML in bulgarian, we would have the following:EnglishTag-BulgarianEquivalentInLatinLetters-BulgarianEquivalentInCyrilicLetters=======================div-raz-разspan-pedq-педяbody-tqlo-тялоhead-glava-главаbr-nr-нрetc.And SQL would become SEZ(СЕЗ-Структуриран Език за Заявки).PHP would become... PHP again . Or atleast if we stick to the current meaning of the PHP abbreviation .[edit] I don't know about skym, but I know that you mean the instructions. But it does seem a bit funny how some things would change between the languages.
  6. Well, complex JavaScript for ones. XML DOM could manipulate and/or use parts of XML files to do certain things or just show it's contents.Another solution, which has come into my favourite ones is what my "mind quote" is about: XSLT. A really great way to convert XML file into various formats, among which is of course XHTML (in which you can also put additional JavaScript for further manipulation). Using a combination of templates and previewing the XML, you can see the result and using server side scripting languages, you can even get the source code itself.I don't know if IE5MAC has any support for XSLT, but I don't care actually. I would rather "kick" this browser then to support is scince it's really old and MS is not going to support it anymore. I know FF has a good support of XSLT and Konqueror(Safari) too, so that's pretty enough for MACs and latest versions of all Windows browsers support it.
  7. Well, the XML Application in W3Schools uses Data Islands and as you can see earlyer on, Data Islands are only supported in IE and they are not part of any (X)HTML specification. There are other ways to extract and manipulate XML data, most of which work across browsers (some with small tricks, others with more).
  8. Yup. I was definetly not thinking. Well, now that we're clear and made it to the final stretch, I think we're there. <xsl:template match="//table"> <xsl:for-each select="tr"> \trowd <xsl:for-each select="td"> <xsl:variable name="position" select="position()" /> \intbl <xsl:value-of select="../../thead/tr/td[position()=$position]/p/strong" />:<xsl:value-of select="." /> \cell </xsl:for-each></xsl:for-each>\row</xsl:template> This time the position of the current td is placed in a variable. then the value-of selects the td in the header which matches the position of the current td. Should be nifty enough .[edit] You're welcome. I have a very decent bag'o'tricks myself, so don't hesitate to ask @dooberry you're like my better half bro . I wish I was better at scripting (though I prefer JavaScript then VBScript, but still), so don't be hard on yourself .[/edit]
  9. First stop, messages on this board are public and anyone could see them, so there's no point in making two posts (one for each person), when you could make "one post to tell them all".Anyway, what do you mean by "loose their meaning"? If you try the above examples, you'll see that those work.Oh, I think I got it. You mean PAGE break, as if you have one file containing all the data, for example: <p>Some <u>text and some more <br>text</u></p> But yet by using a server side script for example, your text is divided into pages, such as on the first page you'll have <p>Some<u>text</u> and on the other page <u>and some more <br>text</u></p> So the question technically speaking is how to preserve the tag inbetween pages. Right?Hmm... I would suggest that you use the server side script language and set it to close all opened tags after it extracts them. In the same manner, closing tags should be opened at the beginning of the page.
  10. Height of being the bringer of bad news, but in FF this line looks great BUT the navigation is only blue untul the content stops and that's it (or at least that's on FF and IE7).Tables are easier, but hey, CSS layouts have many other advantages. There are other topics on this, so I'll stop here.I'll try looking deeper into this, but I just have to ask... is the navigation supposed to stop being blue after there is no more content for it, or should it be blue all the way down (I bet it's the second, but anyway).
  11. I think I should also add that (X)HTML and CSS isn't everything you could learn. There is more great stuff on W3Schools that would enable you to create sites "freely".
  12. I'm not sure, but I think that by using true() you're only checking if the element exists. Or actually you're not checking anything. Try using the sting-lenght() function instead. To be exact: <xsl:when test="string-lenght(current()) > 0">
  13. Before this thing actually hit me, I read news on a Bulgarian site which said about it. I wonder "what the heck? How come I don't experience anything weird?" but yet kept reading, and I saw something like "Microsoft promises to release a patch as soon as it could resolve theese legal issues. Until then, it's their advice that users don't insert third party plug-ins to fix this, because it would cause IE to crash when the update is ready". I told myself "maybe they have already resulted the bug and I'm using the version which is already cleaned up". However, at that point the weird unexplainable things started to happen. I had forgotten about that news, but soon after reading this topic, I remembered it.So basically that's it. I hope that even MS haters would pray for them on this one, so we could get this over with .
  14. The ".." XPath operator is used in relative paths to select something from one level above. So for example: <xsl:for-each select="td"><td><xsl:value-of select=".."/>:<xsl:value-of select="." /></td></xsl:for-each> Should display all <tr>s, instead of selecting the <td>s.After reading at each letter of your table header I realized you're using a bit unusual tags for the headers. Table headers in XHTML are usually <th> tags while <td>s are used for body data. Also I didn't noticed the <tr> and <thead> was probably out of my mind too. So the fixed expression that works is this: <xsl:template match="//table"> <xsl:for-each select="tr"> \trowd <xsl:for-each select="td"> \intbl <xsl:value-of select="../../thead/tr/td/p/strong" />:<xsl:value-of select="." /> \cell </xsl:for-each></xsl:for-each>\row</xsl:template> I did said I wasn't very into thinking though .
  15. This is a really simple layout. It doesn't use any CSS "hacks" nor some kind of "rarely used properties". Read the tutorial again, look for the properties in the reference for their explanation, play with the values, if you want and add additional properties to see the results and so on. There truly isn't anything beyond the basics here.
  16. Wouldn't a simple usage of the :first-letter pseudo class do the trick? a:first-letter:hover {color: red} both IE and FF support it if we can trust the W3Schools' CSS reference.
  17. The way I see it done in this board is actually by a simple JavaScript with the onfocus event: <input type="text" size="30" name="keywords" onfocus="this.value=''" value="Enter words to search..." /> If you use CSS, you won't have support in IE scince it doesn't support :focus yet. You may use some "external" script if this inline one doesn't suit you.
  18. boen_robot

    convert asp to php

    Really? Then what's that thing about ODBC which W3Schools demonstrates in the PHP tutorial? I thought it handles mdb and other kind of DB files.
  19. I think it could be done with the substring() function, but it's kind'a uncomfortable. You should make it a habbit to mark every piece which should be handled separately in any manner.Just for the sake of demonstration: <xsl:variable name="HW" select="."/><fo:block font="12pt Arial"><xsl:value-of select="substring($HW, 0, 5)"/><fo:inline font-weight="bold" color="red"><xsl:value-of select="substring($HW, 6)"/></fo:inline> </fo:block> The first argument is the string, which we get from the variable, the second one points from where to start extracting the string. The third optional argument shows how many characters should be extracted. If omitted, the whole string from the starting position to the end of the element is extracted.
  20. A templte's match is an XPath expression. Therefore, the "|" XPath operator could be used to select multiple paths, thus applying the templates multiple times.Example: <xsl:template match="para1|para2"> As for grouping other stuff. You can do this by creating a template without a match, but with a name. Example: <template name="paras"><fo:block font-size="12pt" font-family="sans-serif" line-height="15pt"space-after.optimum="12pt"text-align="right"><xsl:value-of select="."/></fo:block></xsl:template> And then use call-template like this: <xsl:call-template name="paras"/> In order to apply(basically speaking: copy) the template at the desired spot. In that particular case however, I can see this would not exactly suit you scince you're actually using the same single element with only a difference with one attribute. Hmm... that's exactly the reason why I don't like XSL-FO. It makes it complicated for such things to work. If it was XHTML with CSS, you could have used a class to define the common stuff and only add the unique though ID . There is a way I think. Only I'm not sure of it right now. If I think of it I'll write again.
  21. OMG. You're right. When refreshed, the page is again messed up . I'll check it out.And just for the sake of this post not to be an "empty" one, in order to switch to strict mode, you just change the doctype.For XHTML 1.0 strict, you would use: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> And for 1.1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> Note that with 1.1 you make huge risks, because IE6 might threat it oddly. I'm not sure what IE7's reaction would be either. Try it though. It might work.[edit] Hmm... I didn't noticed any hacks... nothing new. And it's odd that the first time the page loads fine. You might want to report this to Microsoft. It seems as a browser bug to me. [/edit]
  22. The way I currently see the page (note: not the code, but the link) in IE7 it looks great. Was the probleming object (temporary) removed? If so, put it back. IE7 is still a beta and it's not that widely used yet after all. It shouldn't cost you any trouble. I'll post again if I see the problematic stylesheet and have a solution of some sort . Oh, and by the way, why don't you combine the import and the head style? They are both under a style tag after all.[edit] By the way, nice design. I really like it. I'm starting to wonder why don't you switch to scrict, scince you're not using presentational attributes anyway.[/edit]
  23. Yup. Check all the features of the output element.
  24. Didn't I mentioned it? Oh, I didn't... It's a conditional comment. This one to be exact: <!--[if gt IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="ie7style.css" /><![endif]--> IE 5 and later offer this as a way of escaping their bugs. All other browsers and all validators threat this as simple comment, thus whatever you have there, your page is still valid. The "gt" means "greater then". The other possible operators are "lt"(less then), "gte"(greather then or equal), "lte"(less then or equal). If the operator is omitted, then the exact version is used (that would be IE 6 only in our case). If the version is also omitted, then this means any version of IE. So that's it. Techically speaking, this trick should also work if you use: <!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="ie7style.css" /><![endif]--> But as mentioned it didn't worked for me. What DID worked for me was "gte IE 6", which means that IE7 identifies itself as IE6 due to the weird way of installation, by which IE6 is still in the core of Windows.Also note that IE takes with a priority something which is in it's special stylesheet. If you have something in the head, it still has higher priority, but not when both styles are on one level (in this case: external stylesheets).P.S. This IE7 is like a drug I tell you. I feel as I want to scream "happy coding to everyone!" . OMG. I just realized that sooner or later I'll have to remove it, because of all the problems it gives to IE6. Oh, no ! Khm... ignore that.[edit] Yes, but both IE6 and IE7 work REALLY weird. For example, in IE7 I can't do anything else besides browsing different pages, going back and... basically that's it. If I open IE6 window and click/type an adress it opens three new windows before it actually opens the desired page. It works fine if I have clicked the link from somewhe else, such as ICQ for example. In IE7 I don't actually get a load of the tabs. I see the menu of IE6 when I give it a right click, etc... it's * I tell you. But it IS good if you want to check out IEs new rendering engine but just don't have a genuine copy of Windows.*what's wrong with the word for "where the devil came from"?[/edit]
  25. One last idea. This time I'm TRULY out of ideas...remove the <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> I mean, is it really needed? Is that an ASP script or what? It shouldn't be in the output. I must say I was thinking about that scince the beginning, but I have seen a page which uses it and yet has CSS applyed to it, so up until now I didn't though it's the problem. I'm out. If I post another post here, I ask the moderators to give me a warning or something (cause I already feel like a flooder or something ).
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