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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. For the sake of completeness, here's how the whole code would look in XHTML 1.1. All of it's contents are well detailed in W3Schools' HTML, XHTML and CSS tutorials. Read them, and as mentioned, don't hesitate to ask if you don't understand something from them. However, please try to read them first. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><style type="text/css">body {background: url(the url of your picture.jpg);}</style><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title></head><body></body></html>
  2. boen_robot


    If you ask me, it's the application that executes the stylesheet that should be set to generate more copies, but If you have to do it within the stylesheet and don't have any other possiblity, try to add <xsl:apply-templates /> below the actual main template to execute it multiple times. Add as much <xsl:apply-templates /> as the additional copies you would like. If an infinite loop or something happens add the attribute "select" and as a value, use the match of the main template.
  3. What... the... #### are you talking about?There is no such thing as a "personal teacher" on the internet. There might be some local (near where you live) teachers that would teach you for some ca$h, but not here.And your first sentense of your second post makes you sound as if you have a split personality or something .If you have any suggestions for the site, write them here. If not in this topic, at least in this forum. You can't expect W3Schools' staff to ask you what should be improved or contact you personally for that. And the last thing you may expect them to do is teach you personally.
  4. That RenderX still doesn't ring any bells. Hope I'll find something on the site...OMG means "Oh My God". It's a "chat dialect" in other words. Like "btw" means "By The Way", etc.The only trick with generate-id() is that it's argument is a node set. A unique identifier is generated for this node set. The ID is repeated if the node set is. So this means if you use for example "generate-id(@type)" in two places, same IDs would be generated for both places. If you have something like <xsl:for-each select="something"><a href="generate-id(@type)"><xsl:value-of select="."/></a></xsl:for-each> And have 2 "something"s in your XML, this would mean an output of 2 IDs in this cycle. However, when you start a new cycle with the same node set, like in the example of the generate-id() in the reference, you start generating the same IDs from the start, thus creating something like a virtual link between them.Just remember to use the same node set in both the bookmark and the actual point where it should lead.
  5. Could you give me the full code that's not working? I mean, the generated XML and it's XSLT. It's probably a minor XPath mistake.
  6. No. They shouldn't be. That's what the different extensions and MIME types are for. Later versions of XHTML will requre the xhtml extension (I think) and the recommended mime type would be application/xhtml+xml unlike HTML's text/html which means that browsers would know when to apply XHTML rules and when HTML ones. However, you're right that in the future versions of XHTML (NOT necessary XHTML 2.0), XHTML pages would not be readable to browsers that don't support them, unlike XHTML 1.0 which is accessable for both HTML and XHTML enabled browsers. I'm not sure what the browser would do then... perhaps promt you to download the page (that's what happens with PHP files when PHP is not installed on the server I think)?
  7. Read this article:Flash Satay: Embedding Flash While Supporting Standards
  8. OMG. I have no idea of this "rx" thing. I could tell you that you could use the generate-id() function of XSLT to create the "link" though. Check the XSLT reference of W3Schools for details on the generate-id() function and let me know the result .
  9. Considering your graphical skills, it's kind'a hard to understand what are you looking for.I mean... what is your main goal? Designing the graphics of web sites? If so, I would suggests that you learn XHTML and CSS (as perfectly as possible) and not pursuing any other languages. With your graphical skills at hand, you could make a great web designer or in other words: take care of how the pages look. If you can get in a duo with a friend who is fluent with JavaScript and a server side scripting language (in other words: web developer), you could make a very professional team- each one of you only concerned with what (s)he knows and applying all best powers to it.If you mean graphics in general (all kind of logos, photos, etc.), then you don't need XHTML and CSS either. What you already know is more then enough for "common knowledge" and you could concentrate in truly guruing Photoshop.If you mean that you want to become more of a coder and use your graphical skills only as a plus... well, I would take myself as an example...before attempting any web stuff, I had some experience with Bryce 5, Wings3D and Anark 2.5. I was on my way of creating 3D graphics which was a really amazing thing for me. My ultimate goal back then was creating games, but scince I never targeted C++ or any OOP language, I concentrated on 3D models instead. However, I soon saw what's a good 3D model, and when trying to accomplish the same thing I failed. Some small details which other atrist noticed I didn't. I simply don't have the eye for it. Not to mention that there were different editors, different tools to keep track at. When I look at code however, there's all plain text. No colors, shades, edges, cameras, etc. to keep an eye on. No additional tools needed. Text editor is all you need and everything is in the text. It was as if I see it all, or at least, that's what I though when I began. Now I like to think I see what should happen, but not what actually happens (due to a variety of issues every web developer faces every day).What I'm trying to say is that you must concentrate on what you're good at. Not everyone in this world is meant for a web developer, and not everyone is meant for a web designer either. And there are very few who are meant to be both. Infact, I'm starting to think that with all of the great coders here, we miss some good graphic designers.
  10. boen_robot

    Sound COde

    I would recommend the object element, but you could use that too. The path to the sound is a URL. What you present by "www.###.com/###" is simply an absolute URL, so yes, you could use that adress too, as long as there is the file extension too, such as "www.###.com/###.wav" (if the file is in wav format and it's located at the root folder of ###.com).
  11. boen_robot

    Sound COde

    "read the tutorials" my a$$ . Did you looked into the Multimedia tutorial?
  12. Scince when cell phones display Flash? I thought it's a really fancy feature which is not going to be widely implemented anyway (unlike SVG but that's another story).As for this issue... hm... I have no idea what kind of object the object element is (excuse the pun). I'm however sure that block elements could have width and height, so try this: object.flash {display: block;height:176px;width:176px;} Which btw also leads me to a small correction to the quoted code of mine. Whitespace is critical for this to work. object .flash Applyes to every element of class "flash" which is inside an object element. object.flash Applyes to every object element with class "flash".
  13. For XHTML 1.0 Strict at least- You don't need to change anything. Use the DTD provided at W3Schools. For other kinds of (X)HTML you'll need to find that DTD instead though. For example the XHTML 1.1 is: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> Every DTD is described in the specification of the targeted language . It's always fixed, so when you have it, you don't change anything in it.
  14. It points to a URL which stores the syntax rules the validator/browser must follow. Beware that browsers most of the times don't use the descriptions there, but only use the URL to check the language (ensure that's the one). Validators however, do use it.
  15. I know it's not exactly the help you're looking for, but here's the output of your code as seen with a server side script: <html><head><script language="javascript"> function RadioFunc(){ var result; alert(" Radio "); result +=document.write("<TABLE>"); result +=document.write("<TR><TD>"+'Praveen'+"</TD></TR>"); result +=document.write("</TABLE>"); alert("Result "+result);}function validateForm(){ alert("Before validating"); var chkindate= document.getElementById(chkin).value; alert(chkindate); }</script></head></html><form method="get" action="two.jsp" name="myform"><table border="1" height="200" width="350" bgcolor="lightgreen"><tr><td><table valign="top" align="center" border="0"><tr><td align="left">Hotel</td><td align="center"><input onClick="RadioFunc()" type="radio" Name="service" value="" checked></td><td align="left">Flight+Hotel</td><td align="center"><input onClick="RadioFunc()" type="radio" Name="service" value=""></td></tr></table><br> Destination :<SELECT name="dest" id="dest"><OPTION>Select Destination</OPTION><OPTION>Aruba</OPTION></SELECT> Hotels :<SELECT name="hcid" id="hcid"><OPTION>AmsterDam Manor Beach</OPTION><OPTION>Wyndham Aruba Beach</OPTION></SELECT><br> <table><tr><td>Check In :</td><td><INPUT size="10" maxlength="10" value="mm/dd/yyyy"></td><td>Check Out :</td><td><INPUT size="10" maxlength="10" value="mm/dd/yyyy"></td></tr></table> <table align="center"><th>Travellers</th><tr><td>No.of Rooms :</td><td><SELECT name="rooms" id="rooms"><OPTION>1</OPTION><OPTION>2</OPTION><OPTION>3</OPTION></SELECT><br></td></tr></table><br> <table border="0" align="center"><tr><td align="center"><input onclick="validateForm();" type="submit" value="Search"></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></form> Just to fix this... replace </html><xsl:apply-templates/><xsl:if test="@value_d='Select Destination'">alert("Please Enter Destination");</xsl:if> With <body><xsl:apply-templates/><xsl:if test="@value_d='Select Destination'">alert("Please Enter Destination");</xsl:if></body></html> As for the issue itself, I admit I'm lost a bit. It doesn't work when the page is parsed sirver side, but it works on the browser side, so it's kind a shooting in the dark. I'll see what I can do though.Btw, the end tag of <xsl:stylesheet> is </xsl:stylesheet>, not "</xsl:styleshhet>" (minor spelling error).
  16. @justsomeguy you do mean "born in year **", right? I mean, you can't expect someone to be 89 years old, but born in '89 (like myself) sounds a lot more possible .And I think he's talking about certification at W3Schools, which I don't think has any limit, as long as you still have a supervisor.
  17. Did you tryied something like: <xsl:variable name="CategoryPath">MyTest/Request/@category</xsl:variable> Let me explain... What the select statement does is to apply the path, so the result is the actual thing in the path, not the path itself. So to store the path itself, it's necessary to open the variable and store plain text in it, which would actually be the path.Note I haven't tryed this myself, so I have no idea if it would work. If it doesn't, try using <xsl:param name="CategoryPath">MyTest/Request/@category</xsl:param> Or maybe calling the variable/parameter with something like this: <xsl:if test="{string($CategoryPath)}[.='All']">
  18. 1. The comment is used wrong. [edit] So, you fixed it. Good. [/edit]2. You have used table layout. No one needs a template for that. Anyone can easily get a WYSIWYG editor that will generate even more complex layout in seconds.3. The <small> element should be before the closing </body> tag.4. Why use presentational attributes? Ever heared of CSS?5. Why not enclose the links in lists, instead of plain links with <br />'s for new rows.6. What's the image for? How can you be sure that it will always be there? A basic template should only include things that it's most certain the user would keep.7. You've used quirked HTML. Why not XHTML instead? Or at least declare the HTML 4.8. No CSS attached. What's the point?9. Why post it here?10. "Do not remove the copyright"? You're kidding right?Anyone who wants to add some more?
  19. Or maybe the name of the book, (successfully) trying to draw attention to the user. I mean, everywhere you hear about HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0. From a newbie point of view, if all speak about 4 and (s)he knows 5, this must mean that (s)he is learing the better stuff, thus meaning better sellings of the book .
  20. Hey, however said Dreamwaver 8 doesn't have tabs? It has and it not only that. It's whole interface, every tab (not only the ones for the documents) could be put/docked anywhere on the screen. See for yourself:I have shown all default interface group to show the richness of this editor, but I'm actually using only a small bit of all extras among which the reference most frequently.[edit] Initially I was, but I lost the URL to the thumbnail. That's the first time I post to imageshack.us, so I don't know how the URL of the thumb differs from the real deal. Sorry. I'll see what I can do.[/edit][edit] Pha. It's a ".th" just before the end of the file name. Good [/edit][edit]@aspnetguy I prefer text editors too. I mean just see how my layout is setup. As for freeness, there are ways around the price tag if you know what I mean . [/edit]
  21. I mean every other method of extracting, using and manipulating XML data. XSLT for starters, but also server side scripting languages, XML DOM, other XML based languages (SVG, XLink, etc.) and maybe something else I've missed.
  22. boen_robot


    Well, SnagIt has region and freehand capture capabilities if that's what you mean. If you mean code bits, View>Source in IEs menu. If you mean all images from a web page, SnagIt is again the answer. It has such ability too.
  23. @tommyinnz what do you mean you got it? Were you able to run that function? If so- how?
  24. boen_robot


    You mean the whole scrolled window? If so, you need a specialized program for screenshots. I would recommend SnagIt. It's an excellent application. I loved it scince the first time I ran it . It has many caputre options, among which you'll find the scrolling window capture, which is what you need.
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