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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Look it on the bright side. Flash was never intended to create such things. It was meant for things that can't be otherwise achieved AND for a displayment of simple vector graphics. Pretty much to what SVG is used for now.Well, there is going to be a patch/plug-in soon anyway, so who cares?
  2. I agree with the second one, but not because W3C says so . It's because I know the why behind what W3C and all of it's followers say (I mentioned most of the things earlyier). But I see your point too. You are more interested in the how and that's reasonable too.
  3. Are you sure the XSLT has exactly the same XHTML code? Could you post a link with some XML file that uses it... that's a really odd case in my opinion. It might be a browser bug or... who knows. The only issue with "same XHTML, different with and without XSLT" I have came across is when you use <xsl:comment> in the <style> tag to hide the CSS "for old browsers". It works when the page is parsed with a server side script(scince then you get the XHTML), but when processed on the browser side, it hides the CSS completely, thus it doesn't apply it (IE is THE only browser which doesn't have this behaviour).
  4. boen_robot

    DIV + Overflow

    What you need is a 2 column layout which keeps the colums stretched. I remember seeing a 3 column one, but I don't remember 2 column one though. If you can find such 2 column layout, you'll simply have to inlude the appropriate things in the appropriate divs (as you have currently done) and it would all be well.[edit] What I meant was the XHTML/PHP code piece above. You need some CSS to it that would practically turn it into "2 equal column layout". I'm saying this because I don't have the solution, but just incase anyone has such a layout, he should be aware that it will help in this case too.[/edit]
  5. Actually in the above case, the star is a universal selector... let's analyze: * > #footer, * > form, * > #notes, * > .output The "," is used to state that both of the "paths" are applyed, the same way as you'll say div, span Which would apply the style to all divs and spans.The ">" is used to state the only the first element of that kind should have the desired style. Like span > p Would only apply the style to the first "p" element which is a child of a span.As mentioned, the star in this case is a universal selector, which in other words means "any element". Combining all theese: * > .output Applyes the style to the first element with a class "output" which is a child of some element (in other words: the first on page ?). * > #footer The first element with ID of "footer" on page? What the heck? IDs should be used once, therefore, such kind of selector SHOULD be useless.How to hide Flash... well, the same way you would hide any other content... use "display:none", like this: @media handheld {object.flash {display:none;}} Where "@media handheld" is the way you specify that only handheld devices (such as cell phones, but also includes PDAs I think) should use the described code inside the parenthesis. "object.flash" is only a sample of selector to select the flash content of course. You'll have to change it to select the actual element in which the flash resides.
  6. Data Islands- yes. All other methods of extracting XML data (such as XSLT)- not necessary but reccomended. Just another reason for you to forget data islands and move on to the cooler stuff .
  7. Well, you don't use frames in XHTML strict on the first place .
  8. Me too . I looked all over IEs settings. Even started to think it's a security feature of my new antivirus software, because that started to happen recently after I installed it. Apparently, it's not it's fault .Damn, this is stupid! If anyone should be sewed, it's W3C, scince the <object> tag is part of their specification, which is followed by everyone else, not Microsoft which are only one of the comapnies that (try to) imply the standarts.
  9. There's the XHTML tutorial at W3Schools which basically explains just that, but in short:Use XHTML's doctype. At first, I suggest you try XHTML transitional until you get used to the new rules. It's DTD: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> And when you don't need to use any presentational attribute and really don't need to use deprecated elements anymore, you should switch to XHTML strict. Instead of using XHTML 1.0 Stric however, I would suggest that you use 1.1 instead: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> Besides that, you must close empty elements with a forward slash at the end. Example:<br />, <hr />, <img />, etc.Write tags and attributes in lowercase.Any other differences I might have forgotten are listed in the XHTML tutorial above.
  10. XSLT can't react on events. Some JavaScript with some XML DOM to add/change the <xsl:sort> element might do the trick, but I have no idea how such script would look like.
  11. The wrong is that HTML 4 doesn't have a frameset doctype to begin with. It only has "loose" (a.k.a. transitional) and strict. XHTML 1.0 does come in frameset, transitional and strict though.Here's the doctype for loose HTML 4, if you are really sure you want to use it: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> [edit] OMG! It seems there IS actually a framest version of HTML 4. Hmm.... just a sec. [/edit][edit] This is the URI I found at the HTML 4 specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/frameset.dtd and this one below it as an entity reference or whatever: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/frameset.dtd Try replacing your with some of theese.One advice though. Why use HTML anyway? Why don't you go with XHTML 1.0 (at first) instead?[/edit]
  12. Well, as I said, any element would do. Let's say a div...<div style="border: 1px solid #000000"><a href="#">Link1</a><a href="#">Link2</a></div> [edit] Heh... aspnetguy beated me [/edit]
  13. What do you mean by a container? I mean that technically speaking, every element could be a container. A "li" containing a single list, and this "li" inside "ul" or "ol". A "div" or "span". Everything...
  14. Well, as you said it yourself ealier, a user wouldn't start applying his/her own stylesheet, thus completely changinge the design of the site unless (s)he is in a need to do so. It's better to have a certain user that uses his/her style, then not to have him/her at all.
  15. If this IS the whole XSLT code you have, then the error IE shows is completely straight and reasonable. You haven't closed <xsl:template> and <xsl:stylesheet>. Insert this at the bottom of your stylesheet: </xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>
  16. Well, how do you do it in XHTML?XSLT only transforms XML into XHTML or other XML based language. It's not suppose to add interactivity in any matter (exept adding JavaScript in the output, but that's still not interactivity by itself). If there's a way you can do it with XHTML, you can somehow achieve the same effect with XSLT too.Current solutions I can think of are frames, using position:fixed on the buttons(doesn't work in IE), or some kind of a JavaScript to move them (probably the only working thing which could be added in a single XSLT file).
  17. I got it! The reason is inconsistent element names. A bad habbit you should try to avoid anyway. What do I mean? Well, each element in which you have the gender, age and name is different. Make it something universal and if you want to specify who is who, you can create a new element with this data. Here's a fixed kind of code: <?xml version="1.0" ?><family><member><type>mother</type><gender>Female</gender><age>60</age><name>Pam</name></member><member><type>father</type><gender>Male</gender><age>61</age><name>Geoff</name></member><member><type>child</type><gender>Female</gender><age>28</age><name>Stephanie</name></member></family>
  18. It seems as a box model problem to me. Try using the star hack for adjustment of it:*margin: whatever-looks-good-in-IE;margin: whatever-looks-good-in-Firefox-and-Opera; Note that this hack should be used ONLY for box model tweaking. IE7 is going to have a new box model which is currently in use by Firefox and Opera. The star hack is not going to apply on it however, so if you got my logic: this hack is going to be like a target for the dead by then IE6.
  19. I don't know much JavaScript myself, but I think you have to replace "elementId" in the brackets with the actual target of the script, which in this case is... test, right?
  20. No matter the XSLT, the XML is still going to be downloaded all first, so technically speaking, you must devide the XML in several files and apply a single XSLT on all of them. If each page has it's identifier, you may use that identifier in the XSLT to generate a link to the next page.This doesn't apply if you use a server side script though. The user would only have to download the output, not the whole XML file and the XSLT, but this would still cost server resources, scince it will have to load and process such large file every time someone asks for it.That's infact the reason why SQL is used for catalogue purposes, and XML is used for everything else (interface data for starters)- because the server connects to the database with previously created SQL statement and processes only the result from it. With XML, the whole file is loaded, then the whole is processed.
  21. boen_robot

    Ordered Lists...

    I was starting to ask myself this the second I posted this post, but then again, I saw the CSS2.1 specification, which I think holds the plausable answer. However I have no idea which browsers support the needed content values. Look at the content property for starters. There, you'll also find the counter function.As for the odd behaviour of Opera... could it be a browser bug? Should we report it to Opera (I have the latest build of Opera 9 beta and the bug still exists, so who knows...).
  22. If by VB you mean VBScript, it's a client side scripting language. It can't generate files, but I think it might be able to turn a text into XML and show it as one. Still, you need to reuse that XML data somewhere right? That's where VBScript fails.If you mean Visual Basic... well it could, but it's not web based technology, therefore inaccessable from a site.As far as I know, you could use VBScript on the server side with ASP(.NET?), so if PHP doesn't suit you but VB does, you should try ASP(.NET).Any other server side scripting language might also do the trick though. Cold Fusion, JSP, etc.
  23. In addition to what johneva already mentioned, I would say that you talk with your customer about what is more important to him: not compressing content or having no scrollbars on all resolutions, thus giving better experience for users on all screen resolutions. There's no way of having both of theese things. Currently it seems as your customer wants the first, but you as a developer are aware about what impact this has and should warn him about it. I mean... fixing something always means that on screen smaller then the defined size, there would be scrollbars.
  24. Do you mean W3Consortium or W3Schools ?Anyway, I learned from W3Schools only. I did previously read some articles about HTML and CSS inside some magazines and they were the ones to introduce me to the concept of theese languages, but the syntax and all was learned all in W3Schools. I don't intend on bying a book for theese. I know there won't be anything much in theese books to be shown.
  25. If you have a specialized rooter or something, you may turn it into a DNS server, but it's settings would only apply to the people that are inside your network.What do I mean... Let's say people in your neighbourhood connect to the internet by first connecting to your rooter which happens to be an HTTP and DNS server as well. Your computer is connected to the ISP and serves them all. When they type domain.com in their browser, that request is first sent to your rooter. Besides determining speed, traffic and other stuff that might be interesting to the ISP, your DNS settings are also applyed. If there aren't any special settings, the request is forwarded to the ISP. If you have previously set that domain.com should refer to the rooter itself, that's where your users will be redirected- the rooter's HTTP server. The ISP could do the same on his server as well actually and in the same manner- their settings will be applyed only for their customers.So there is a bit more to the term top level domain. By that, domain registars not only mean domain.com instead of domain.example.com but also mean a domain that is accessable for more people then in your own network (most often that's the world, but there are some exceptions).Unless you were the owner of ICANN, the company which owns the top 6 DNS servers (one for each continent) there's no way you could deliver a certain domain to the world without paying some domain registar. They will be the one to contact ICANN which would register your domain on their DNS servers. If you'd like to be a domain register you must contact either ICANN or some existing domain register and do some kind of business talkin' which I'm not aware of.
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