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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. You may create an XSLT stylesheet to transform the XML into a menu (execuse my disdesire to show you how would it look) and use this code to place it properly.
  2. I guess that what you are showing is part of the XSLT which is actually inside a <script> element, right? If so, you'll need to surround all of your javaScript code inside CDATA section.
  3. Databases provide the ability to place different content on many pages and relate it to different other datas. The easiest way to illustrate this is MS Acces. If you could give it a try, you'll easily figure out the usefullness of data relationships.Example:An employee list. In one table you have their UIN (Unique Identification Number) and three fields for their three names. In a second table you have multiple phone numbers. Few of them however, may refer to a single employee (for example: home phone and cell phone). In order to make the connection, you would write their UIN in the table with the phones too by writing the UIN to each phone number. From there on, you may define a query to get all the numbers for a certain NAME and that name will show the numbers by using the predefined UIN connection.The explanation above is about relational type databases. Both MS Access and MySQL are such types of databases.And here comes the other explanation.-SQL is a language for querying data in databases.-MySQL is a database... um... platform... which stores data in relational type databases and uses the SQL language for querying them.You need PHP in order to actually connect to MySQL on the first place. There are premade applications for filling manually the data such as PHPMyAdmin, but that's another thing.So the "big deal" is that you use PHP to place the data, manipulate forms, etc. or in short: functionality. And you use MySQL for data storage, so it's always avaiable everywhere.[edit]@Little Goat MSSQL is just another database platform made by Microsoft. You may say it's actually Microsoft's equivalent to MySQL. [/edit]
  4. Тhe $ sign is used to access variables and parameters. Or to be exact- it specifies that what you adress is a variable or parameter. The name of the variable is written right after it so everything the variable returns in the end is written at that spot. Parenthesis are used around the sign and the name when the variable is called inside an attribute's value.Scince you can't have a <xsl:value-of> inside an attribute's value, but you can have a variable applyed inside, the <xsl:variable> is the only possible tecnique when it comes to empty elements such as <img />. In other cases, you could also use the <xsl:attribute>, but even then, the <xsl:variable> method (used above) remains better in most cases.[edit] I did recenly saw a usage of the <xsl:element> element with a child of <xsl:attribute> which is a possible solution too, but this method does remain more comfortable. [/edit]
  5. Perhaps it's some kind of Microsoft's specification (again). Try to run the same thing on another browser. If it doesn't work, it's truly this. If it does work... perhaps complex JavaScript is the way it was done.
  6. Is your IE built different then the latest one? Go to Help>About Internet Explorer and see if you have the following: If old browser version is not the problem, try to check your security settings and/or set them to default ones.
  7. Do I have the wrong idea, or are you trying to achieve the impossible? Data Islands are not a cross browser feature scince they are not part of any (X)HTML specification, but exist only in Microsoft's one. Therefore it's only avaiable for IE.
  8. boen_robot

    Select Nodes

    Data Islands don't have conditionals or anything. The only way you have chance achieving something with it would be by some complex JavaScript. Not to mention it works only with IE anyway.A lot easier way would be few conditionals in XSLT but then other problems for initiating it may arise.
  9. The case with IE is too much different then with WMP. You can use IE to find an alternative to WMP but you can't use Windows alone to find an alternative browser.The only workaround for this would be for Microsoft to "submit" themselves by offering direct "one click" download buttons for Fire Fox and Opera and let other browser developers submit their creations by first downloading one of the two and then go to their site.However, as you can all realize, that will never happen. If microsoft let's other people control the browser, they will have to go along with their standart, instead of them making the rules. If they don't make the rules, they risk to loose more then the browser.
  10. You mean to say that the result file displays the same as the source file?
  11. Browser DiscussionOnly here please.
  12. And wrong link too :)btw, it's it about time that someone locks this topic?
  13. Oh, sorry. Mi mistake. I quickly copied the previous codes and fixed the XPath expressions, without noticing the other errors in both methods:In the method with variables: And in the attribute method:
  14. I don't know about the clear property, but as for the row layout... It's quite too easy most of the times, so most (all?) developers don't waste time on making something which every advanced developer could do. Not that I'm that advanced either, but it's just not that hard in comparrison to colums.In order to make a row, you would simply addwidth: 100%; height: 25%;to the four divs which would carry the actual rows.Here comes the reason for the height property's existense. Much like "width", the "height" property is for adjusting the size of the element, so you can position it more... clearly... with the rest of the layout.Example: the above width and height would size each div on theese sizes. A little caclulation and we see that 4rows*25%=100%. The four rows will fill up the whole screen no matter the resolution. Or at least they are suppose to.
  15. This has been in CSSplay for ages. How could you have noticed it now ?By the way, all "holy grail" templates that exist today (cause this isn't the only avaiable one) have some kind of drawbacks. This one has two:1. Doesn't look absolutely perfect when looked without CSS (or in other words: structually), but that's easy to fix.2. When the screen gets too small (on IE at least) the different columns overlap each other.Infact, most other templates have theese problems too.
  16. It doesn't matter actually. What matters is the amount of data that all of them get from the site. In the example above, it's easier to imagine the things if they browse one by one, but if they were browsing at the same time, this would still cost the same bandwidth, because it's about amount, not time.Example for even easier understanding: imagine you have a big bottle of water (for example). You can put several straws in it, so several people can drink from it, but even if they drink one by one or simultaneously, none of them would be able to drink after the water is out.But what if they were all drinking from the sink? There are no predefined amounts as with the bottle and they can all drink as much as they want to.
  17. Why is it so hard for newbies to just TRY to look at the XPath expressions and adjust them properly. Oh... anyway...Replace <td><xsl:value-of select = "name"/></td> With <td><xsl:variable name="LINKS" value="links"><a href="{$LINKS}" target="blank"><xsl:value-of select="name" /></a></td> Or <td><a target="_blank"><xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="links" /></xsl:attribute></a></td> By the way, the name of the variable (LINKS) could also be anything you like. The reason why in example it's the same as value, but with capital letters is that it demonstrates the fact that a variable is accesed by it's name.
  18. If you look at the host's offers in detail, you'll see the other name for bandwidth is "traffic". So, in other words: bandwidth is the amount of data which the host lets you download.For example, if you have html files and maybe some small graphics with total size of 1MB and you know you have 20 users who browse all of them each day, this means... 20users*1MB*30days=600MB of montly bandwidth. If the host says you have 15MB of bandwidth for a day, this practically makes your pages useless for the last 5 people. I mean, look at the difference for yourself. If you waste your bandwidth, your site becomes inaccesable (turned off if you'd like) until the period (in our case: the day, but it's most often the month) expries.When the bandwidth is unlimited, this means you don't have to calculate how much data would be downloaded. The host will let all users browse the page all the time, scince it doesn't have such restriction.
  19. Another simmilar site, provided kindly by Chocolate570:http://findmyhosting.com/I guess we would also write hosting portals/resellers/comparers/whatever here as well .
  20. I was thinking about it, but technically speaking, it's not a critical feature you should base your host choise on. Not to mention that not every free host has any emails. Also, if you add numbers, there will also arise the question for the space of the mail and other mail features. It's going into a different area.But add your own details if you have some of course. More is better when it comes to hosts . It's just that I wanted the topic to cover only things that one should really consider when making a deision for the host, limit him/herself to fewer hosts that suit the needs and look in detail their offers.By the way, the hosts you read in my first posts were from the General and Suggestion forums. Now I'll also write down some I found in the PHP forum:Name: siteburg.comPrice: FreeServer side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP, CGI, Perl/MySQLSpace: 100MBBandwidth: 10GBAds: YesWeb adress: subdomainAdditional Comments: It's not that much, but it's also not bad for a free offer. Name: AvagaPrice: $3.99/2 Years; $7.19/2 Years; $19.99/2 Years;Server side scripting(s)/database(s): No; PHP, CGI/No; MySQLSpace: 200MB; 500MB; 1,000MB;Bandwidth: 25GB; 50GB; 100GB;Ads: NoWeb adress: domainAdditional Comments: The paid version of siteburg.com. Not very clear. Of what I see, it seems the free offer has advantages. Haha.Name: RoxrPrice: FreeServer side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP/5 MySQL databasesSpace: 150MBBandwidth: 15,360MBAds: YesWeb adress: subdomainAdditional Comments: Interesting offer, but very plain. I was hoping for more details.Name: cjb.ccPrice: Free; $3/MonthServer side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP/NoSpace: 50MB; 250MB;Bandwidth: 1GB; 5GBAds: Yes; NoWeb adress: subdomainAdditional Comments: Again, very plain. In fact- waay too plain.
  21. Due to the large amount of topics about different hosting plans, I decided to write them all down here for you to look as a reference. I hope that the moderators will lock future topics about hosts and redirect them to this topic.Note: Please also check the posts below this one. They (may) also contain other hosts that might better serve your needs.If you would like to add a host that is not listed here, please follow this template: Or for a domain registar: Comparrisons and comments are allowed, as long as you have more to say then "Host X sucks. Host Y rules!" for example.Please note that the order of the sites in my post is the one in which I have fond them. PM me (or the moderators?) if you find any errors in the host's descriptions below.And here goes...Hosts:Name: DeluXe HostPrice: FreeServer side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP/MySQLSpace: 100MBBandwidth: 300GBAds: NoWeb adress: web directoryAdditional Comments: There are many restrictions about what site (content) is allowed. The most important one is that only european languages are allowed. Read the FAQ for details. Name: iNeedHosting.netPrice: $3.99/Month; $6.99/Month; $11.99/Month; $20.99/Month;Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP, CGI, Perl/5 MySQL databasesSpace: 500MB; 1000MB; 2000MB; 2000MB;Bandwidth: 10GB; 20GB; 40GB; 50GB;Ads: NoWeb adress: domain with up to 25/50/100 subdomainsAdditional Comments: There is also an option for a custom plan with a custom price.Name: iNeedHosting.co.ukPrice: £6.49/Month; £14.95/Month; £98.95/Month;Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP, CGI, Perl/MySQLSpace: 200MB; 500MB; 1000MB;Bandwidth: UnlimitedAds: NoWeb adress: domainAdditional Comments: It might seem as the above, but it's actually quite different. It looks kind'a unprofessional in my opinion, but still, detailed enough offers.Name: SiteFlip.comPrice: $11.88/Year; $59.40/Year; $155.40/Year;Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP, Perl/Unlimited MySQL databasesSpace: 100MB; 500MB; 2,000MB;Bandwidth: 3GB; 8GB; 15GB;Ads: NoWeb adress: domain with no/5/10 subdomainsAdditional Comments: There is a VERY detailed explanation of the host's features on the site. I personally think that's very attractive.Name: Mind FusionPrice: Free; $4.99/Month; $9.95/Month; Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP, CGI, Perl/5; 15; 50 MySQL databasesSpace: (1)50MB (the picture is not synced with the text!); 250MB; 500MB;Bandwidth: 1GB; 2GB; 3GB;Ads: NoWeb adress: subdomain(s)... I'm not sure here actuallyAdditional Comments: Even in this short description you noticed there are things which are not very clear. I would stay away from this site's payed offers if I were you.Name: Crystal TechPrice: Too many different offers to describe. They vary from $2.95 to $399.95Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP, CGI, Perl, ASP(.NET), Cold Fusion/MySQL, MSSQL, ODBCSpace: varies from 200MB to whole hard drivesBandwidth: from 5GB to 1000GBAds: NoWeb adress: domainAdditional Comments: It has many options, among which are not so frequently found things such as Cold Fusion and ODBC support. All offers are well detailed. For that at least, it definetly worts the attention.Name: GeoCitiesPrice: Free; $4.95/Month; $8.95/Month;Server side scripting(s)/database(s): No; PHP, Perl/MySQLSpace: 15MB; 500MB; 2GB;Bandwidth: 3GB; 25GB; 100GB;Ads: Yes; NoWeb adress: web directory; domain; domain with up to 5 subdomains;Additional Comments: The free hosting plan sucks. As you can see for yourself, the other free hosts have better plans and with no ads even.Name: RipwayPrice: FreeServer side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP/NoSpace: from 30MB to 400MB (WTF?)Bandwidth: 15MB/dayAds: NoWeb adress: web directory... I thinkAdditional Comments: Sounds good if you can overcome the low bandwidth.Name: Ripside InteractivePrice: $8.50/Month ($4.25 first month); $14.50/Month ($7.25 first month); $24.00/Month ($12.00 first month); $43.00/Month ($21.50 first month); $56.00/Month ($28.00 first month);Server side scripting(s)/database(s): PHP, CGI/3 (with the first two); unlimited (the other offers) MySQL databasesSpace: 250MB; 500MB; 1000MB; 2000MB; 4000MB;Bandwidth: 10MB; 25MB; 50MB; 100MB; 250MB;Ads: NoWeb adress: domainAdditional Comments: That's the host for which Ripway refers for "if you want more" or something. Perhaps they are owned by the same people.Name: BrinksterPrice: Free; $4.95/3 Months; $7.95/3 Months; $17.95/3 Months;;Server side scripting(s)/database(s): ASP(.NET); PHP, ASP(.NET)/MySQL, MS AccesSpace:15MB; 1500MB; 3000MB; 5000MB;Bandwidth: 500MB; 35GB; 75GB; 175GB;Ads: NoWeb adress: Subdomain (I think); domainAdditional Comments: The prices actually vary if you select to pay for a different period. There is both Linux and Windows hosting similarrly to Crystal Tech.Name: FreewebsPrice: FreeServer side scripting(s)/database(s): NoSpace: 40MBBandwidth: 500MBAds: NoWeb adress: web directoryAdditional Comments: Probably the most famous host theese days, but I personally don't like it. Kind'a weird that they say to support SSIs but don't have server side scripting support.Domain name registars (without hosting):Name: dot.tkPrice: Free;Web adress: web redirecterAds: YesAdditional Comments: I don't quite like it, but if you're looking for the shortest free web redirecter possible, that's the way to go.Name: freedns.afraid.orgPrice: FreeAds: NoWeb adress: (Sub)domain or web redirecterAdditional Comments: It has it's features very detailed, though I don't see much to be described in DNS services.Name: freedomain.co.nrPrice: FreeAds: NoWeb adress: web redirecterAdditional Comments: That's the second time I ever see a free DNS after the tk thing. Kind'a weird. I don't know anything else about it.
  22. boen_robot


    XSLT does have the generate-id() function thoguh. However, it's actually used like a kind of a temporary variable, rather then a identifier. So if you want to generate something to be displayed, it's truly better so generate it with ASP.There's also one other way though. By using the position() function. However, the "id" will not be preserved if the position is changed.
  23. Go into each page and select File>Save As (for IE)?Anyway, you shouldn't do that for the sake of W3Schools.
  24. You are practically looking for the holy grail. The only thing missing is the requrement of a third column .In order to get the left column to the left, you obviously need float:left, but for the height.. That's much bigger issue.See this layout and try to adjust it, so it has only 2 columns.
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