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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Remove the margin from the last line of the .cssbutton block. .cssbutton{background-color: #BDB5FF;border: 2px #BDB5FF outset;padding: 1px 2px;color: black;text-decoration: none;font: bold 100% "cursive", Verdana, sans-serif; display: block; margin: 0;} Now you will have three columns to set padding and margin for.There was a double whammy of margins for the various elements on the page. If you look, you will see what I mean. Removing the margin from this line makes enough room for the three columns. At least at 1024 px width. Might also check it at 800 wide.Upon review, the "container" is 450px wide and the margin for the cssbuttons were set to 370, so you only had 70 px of width displaying.Also, the links are "jumping" due to the on:hover padding. If that is what you want, then fine. Personally, I think it sucks, but whatever...
  2. Remove the <p> tags. They are forcing a line break, I think. Try your approach. Should work.
  3. jlhaslip

    hide my files?

    Generally, once the data leaves the server, it is inside the Client's Browser. A simple "view source" will allow them to "save page as" and capture the data. If you have the ability to control what they receive via server-side scripting, then use that to control the flow of data to the client's Browser.
  4. It appears that you are not using the if that justsomeguy suggests to use. Check the number of rows returned instead, as he suggests. if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) echo "no matches"; Because you are using a "LIKE" clause, your attempt to "equals" will fail. if ($r['word'] != $search_string) my 2 cents worth, anyways.
  5. The \r\n is for the text file only. Add a <br /> tag to the data in the file or in your echo statements to have the Browser output behave as you wish. The read function you are using reads the entire file contents. Maybe switch to a function which reads single lines at a time and add the br tag on each loop as you read / write the file contents. Check at the php site for the different functions available. fgets() looks promissing. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.fgets.php
  6. Add the border: 0px to each of those div's for the links.The reason you are getting them is because the <a> tags are inside the div's and the rule isn't specific enough to find them.
  7. jlhaslip

    WHY ME

    It should work, yes.
  8. replace \n with \r\n when you write to the file.
  9. jlhaslip


    Bunch of Easterners? I sure don't miss the Freezing Rain storms back East.I'm in the Rockies now. Loving it. 12 feet of snow. Champagne Powder. Great.
  10. Depends on their structure.They are handled differently if they are a list or just a string of <a> tags. Got any particular code available?
  11. Margins and padding would be the 'correct' way to space the items. If you are going to use <br />'s, then why not use a 'spacer.gif'?
  12. jlhaslip


    Are you guys re-inventing the wheel here?http://www.phorum.org/
  13. Place this as the first line of your html page: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> And check the widths of the items in the div which is too wide. Your code doesn't have any widths declared. And without a direct link to the page, we can not determine where the probem might be.
  14. Without seeing the code you already have, we would only be guessing what you want.Please supply some code.I suspect you might want to try wrapping them in a container div and floating the first one left.
  15. if ($result) {// do this} else {// do something else} Might work.
  16. Can you post a link to a live page, please.Saves us having to download images and files onto our machine. Since it is you that would like us to inspect YOUR page, seems that you should make it as simple as possible for us. Thanks.
  17. First, Add a correct Document Type Declaration so IE isn't in Quirks Mode.Secondly, "widht="250px"" is spelled wrong. Several places. It should be "width". Might be affecting the image sizes and the page width as a result.
  18. What do your Meta tags look lke?Please post them here so we can see them. Might be something in them that the validator doesn't like. Apparently.
  19. <?phpif ($handle = opendir('.')) {while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {echo '<a href="' . $file . '"><br />';} closedir($handle);}?> Untested. Might have to play with it a bit, but that would be the approach to take. If the file is not the parent or self directory, create an anchor tag followed by an html new line.
  20. jlhaslip


    chunder : http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-chu1.htm
  21. You would need to supply some code in order to get a more detailed answer, but essentially, when the software reads the filenames from the directory, store them in an array and sort the array by filename before it builds the presentation is one solution.*edit * looks like we were cross posting I like the previous answer better than mine.
  22. jlhaslip

    CSS Woes

    Ghostrider,First of all, please dont hijack threads.Secondly, to answer your question, this works for a site I have written: <div id="hdr"><div style="float: left;" > <a href="turtles.html" class="no_border" alt="A theme description" title="read about the Turtles"> <img src="images/logo.gif" height="50" width="50"></a></div><div style="float: right;"> <a href="turtles.html" class="no_border" alt="A theme description" title="read about the Turtles"> <img src="images/logo.gif" height="50" width="50"></a></div><h1>Site Text Header Here</h1> <!-- end hdr div here --></div> The first image floats left, the second right and the <h1> slips in between them. Works at 800 px and 1024. Here is the css for the header div: #hdr h1 {margin: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 2.5em; background-color: #ddffdd; color: green; border: 5px double green; width: 75%; } Except where mine has images on the outside, yours has the image in the middle. It seems to work okay. Tweak the sizes and it should be do-able.
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