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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Absolute positioning will do exactly that. Because it is removed from the document flow for rendering the page and then added back in at the position specified, the page does not accommodate its length. (short version)The cure is to wrap all of those div's inside a containing div and delete the position absolutes. Use the Normal Document Flow to do what you want. Floats, margins and paddings will do this for you.
  2. That site doesn't appear to have anything that is particularly special unless you are a cutenews user. I'll stay here, thanks.
  3. When you say you can't upload your files, do you mean to a Web Hosting facility? Check the settings on the FTP client you are using. Some files need to be sent in Binary mode. Most FTP clients will auto detect the file type and switch modes, some don't.If the files are uploaded already ad you can't get them to display, that is a different problem. For that, we would need to see your coding.
  4. ul{ float:left; width:100%; padding:0; margin-top:-3px; list-style-type:none;}
  5. The semi-colon missing on the last item shouldn't be a problem, but nice catch. It won't hurt to have it in there, either.
  6. jlhaslip

    BG \ Div problem

    Change the sidebar from a class to an id. Classes are designed for multiple occurences on a page. You will also need to change it in the page declaration, too.And glad it helped you.
  7. jlhaslip


    Just a reminder that the hr tag is deprecated and is not available with strict doctypes in xhtml.I will often use a border-bottom (or top) with some padding and margin to create a similar effect.
  8. Pretty much.Tables are used to present 'tabular' data. (ie: info from databases which are 'tabular' by nature) It is no longer acceptable for 'structuring' pages. Well, it works, but div's are the preferred method to use in standard compliant pages.xhtml strict is also not very forgiving about its syntax. Tags must be closed, etc.Use margins and padding instead of 'spacer gifs' and br or p tags.All stuff you can learn through the Tutorials.
  9. jlhaslip

    BG \ Div problem

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head> <title>An XHTML 1.0 Strict standard template</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" /><style type="text/css">body { margin: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; background-image: url('test.gif'); background-repeat: repeat;}#Header { width:100%; height: 150px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center; background-image: url('test.gif'); background-repeat: repeat;}.Sidebar { float:left; width:12em; background-color: #0fc; padding-left:6px; background-image: url('test.gif'); background-repeat: repeat;}#Content { margin-left: 12.5em; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; background-image: url('test.gif'); background-repeat: repeat;}</style></head><body><div id="Header"> Header Content Goes Here </div><div id="Main"> <div class="Sidebar">Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br />Sidebar Goes Here<br /></div> <div id="Content">Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br />Main Content Goes Here<br /></div></div></body></html> Something like this?I have tested it using a single gif and repeating it. If you have full-size images, then take out the repeat factor. Header, Left sidebar, Main content and Body all have the capability of having their own Background images.You will have to resolve the problem of the different column heights, since in this layout the images only provide a background where there is content. ie: if the sidebar is not equal length to the Main content div, the body image or colour will show through in those places. But at least here is a layout to show that all of the components will carry an image.The sidebar is done using a float left and then the Content div is given a margin-left to push the div over to the right. For the life of me, I could not find a reference to float:top which you have used in your code. If it is acceptable css, it is a proprietory code, it seems. The w3schools CSS reference gives the options of left, right and none for float.Created in Netscape 7. Might have to check it in IE, Firefox, Opera, etc.
  10. Can you modify the Forum CSS to do this and then simply link to the page? Most Forums allow a certain degree of 'skinning' which is akin to altering the CSS.
  11. The Forum goes inside the div as per the previous post.
  12. Change the margin from 20% to a number of ems or pixels and the behaviour changes.I will not code the page for you. Take the time to understand the elements involved and learn to use them to achieve your results. Drop the parts you don't want. Add a Hover feature. Do with it as you will. Just don't wait for someone to come along and code the page for you. Tables are not the answer for this page and you know it. Well, not without <br /> tags and spacer gifs.
  13. Resolves just fine for me with or without the dns page of information with no errors on it.
  14. Have a look at this page to get a couple of ideas from. All css, using divs. No tables and I think I remember validating it once, but can't recall how recently. Of course, you'll have to make some changes, but the concept is the same.
  15. actually, leave it turned off and let the client browsing the page decide whether to turn it on.
  16. jlhaslip

    MySQL syntax error

    What are you trying to do with the text file? Build tables? Import data?
  17. Sorry, I don't think there is anyway to drop these errors except by supplying a background colour to the element.These are "warnings" only, so the page is still considered validated. Clearly; the spec allows background color=transparent, but the validator still issues this warning.Not much you can do with it.
  18. If you link here and read a few paragraphs, I think value = is the new method to use for this. <ol><li value="30"> makes this list item number 30.<li value="40"> makes this list item number 40.<li> makes this list item number 41.</ol> and he value should be set on the <li> item.
  19. <script language=vbscript>sub GetInfo' Add user to dictionary or somethingend sub</script> Read that first line again.
  20. jlhaslip


    bonrouge.com and cssplay.co.uk both offer techniques for image replacement on:hover.
  21. Strange. When I go to the tutorial and paste the code into my browser, it works as I expected it to, just like at the w3schools tutorial page. Yet your code, which 'appears' identical, doesn't float the img... I find this quite peculiar.
  22. "name" is a Deprecated attribute and would not validate using the (x)html strict Doctype."id" is the currently reccomended attribute according to the w3c standards.http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_standardattributes.asp
  23. Place this line in your .htaccess file to have html files parsed through the php parser so that all your file extensions can remain html, but the files can contain php code snippets. It works the server a bit harder and slows done the serving of files, but unless you are extremely busy, the clients will never notice. AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm
  24. According to the script as you have it there, the script will be looking for the files to be in the same directory as the script, so, yes, upload the files to the server and into the same folder/directory as the script which is reading them.
  25. try some margin on the pic class.
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