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Everything posted by eTianbun

  1. Provide a SCREENSHOT(s) of what you want, or add more description to the existing one.
  2. Jquery - javascript query ajax - Asynchronous javascript and xml Without javascript, no Jquery or ajax.
  3. How many <head/> & <body/> tags do you have?
  4. It seem you still dont get me! I think he wants a property of an input element, which i dont realy know of, that is set by the browser each time an input have focus, just like the event object.ex: event.ctrlKey==1 /*A property, that is set each time a ctrl key is press*/ input.hasFocus==1 /*I think this is what he is refering to, a property, sets by the browser, that state if the input curently have focus, or not or am i wrong?*/
  5. Yes, i now about that, but why does he want to search for it via js? I think what he is trying to do, is see, if an input have focus. E.xif(elementFocus==true){/*doSomething via js*/}
  6. I dont get what you are trying to do. Why do you want to check, if an input have focus? When an input is clicked, it gets focus. You dont need to check, just do something, when it get focus. Eg: <input onfocus='doSomething()'/>
  7. onclick="Large(obj); getTitle(this)" It is better this way.
  8. new_subcatB.type='input' Does the <button> attr (type) have the property 'input'? I have'nt seen that before: Button Submit Reset
  9. No, let it be in it own function (getTitle)!UPDATE:Well, it is possible though, but maybe its going to make the code complicated for you. Just seperate it for NOW!
  10. Yep, i forgot that...<img src='image.gif' title='My image' onclick='getTitle(this)'/>
  11. http://www.w3schools.com...image_sprites
  12. See: http://www.w3schools...image_trans...asp
  13. I am sure there is No parameter(s) for the print() method. The print method is just to print the web page, just like the print button in web browsers.
  14. EX: function getTitle(e){document.getElementById('info').innerHTML=e.title;} <img src='image.png' onclick="getTitle(this)"/>
  15. eTianbun


    Maybe you can try this on one <div> and see: d=document.getElementById('div');d.innerHTML=d.replace(/blah/gi,'<spanstyle="color:red">blah</span>')
  16. whiteSpace='normal/nowrap'
  17. Sure, you are fully allowed! Like i said, i was wrong, and sorry about that. :-)
  18. In the above quote, (s)he said 'div' (singular) and not 'divs' (plural)... Lol... Ok, lets say i was wrong Bro :-)
  19. Well, i got what you mean, but as you can see onTop of my post, i wrote "EXPAMPLE", which means, it is an example, and i did not realy mean that him/her should do it that way. It is up to the user to confiqure the code to his/her taste. OR did you expect me to provide all the code for him/her?
  20. @Kelvin_jose I think for IE to work, you need to request for the xml from a SERVER.
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