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Everything posted by eTianbun

  1. You have some attributes that i dont even understand. <div ...onmouseover="style.color='#****'; this.parentNode..."...></div> What is the use of the part marked with red? Are you trying to refrence the element itself or what? If no reason, then it should not be there in both onmouseover/onmouseout in the first place, but if you are trying to refrence the element itself, then add "this" to it (e.g. this.style.color='#444444').
  2. Wait a minute! Are you sure you want to learn WEB design? The fact is: You cant learn, when you keep replying those helping you with bad words. It doesnt matter what they say, you need to respect the fact that they are helping you. You cant learn, when people are building eduardlid.net for you. Do you even bother to sit down, look into your code and see how it works?
  3. Give the <Iframe> id (if not already have), then refrence it through your CSS. Is that easy enought?here is an example: #iframe{[custom style]}<iframe id='iframe'></iframe>
  4. A statement(s) inside a function is only executed, when a command is passed to the browser to access it, then execute(). In your case, you got an error, because the rest code outside the fuction where executed when the browser loaded, and the userBday var was inside a fuction (a function that wasn't called), so userBday was never set, before the rest code where run by the browser.
  5. In your code, the element with id='button', will have to be clicked, before the Global variable is set.
  6. Give the "big container" a default background color (e.g gray) and then an ID (eg 'bigOne'), then do something like this or use a function instead. <a href="#" onmouseover="document.getElementById('bigOne').style.backgroundColor='#ccc'" onmouseout="document.getElementById('bigOne').style.backgroundColor='gray'">Like</a>
  7. Remove the keyword var from the variable name. userBday=$('#bDay').val();
  8. :/ you forgot to remove display="none" right?
  9. Does that realy confuses you? See: <frameset> example.
  10. In addition, An ID selector, targets just the ID attribute, while attributes selector, targets any specified attribute.
  11. Are you familiar with the: <Select> tag?
  12. By the way, is it a 'contact us' form or what?
  13. Can you drop a little tip on how to add photo to google search (not author)?
  14. You have an error in your html, they gave you the line # and a good reason for the ERROR, what is there to explain again?
  15. I dont get u! Do you mean several windows opens, containing addresses to different sites, with you® site at the end of it? Why did you create the '<a> and <br>' tags? It does't seems to have any use.
  16. You'right, it seems IE8 dont even support any of those properties.
  17. function jsFileter(strInc){document.getElementByID('display').src='dbDisplay.php?month='+strInc}The letter marked with red should be lowercase (d).
  18. <button type='button' onClick="document.getElementById('display').src='dbDisplay.php?month=feb'">FEB</button>
  19. Are these window properties supported in modem browsers?Am not that sure! home() forward() back() stop() EXAMPLE: window.stop() //simulates the window stop button. toolbar statusbar srollbars menubar locationbar personalbar EXAMPLE: window.locationbar.visible //Returns true, if the location bar is present, or false, if not.
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