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Posts posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. I think all of us here are aware of the Simple Quiz that was started by an Cederholm. I thought it would be nice to get the same questions here and have a discussion on the questions. The moderators can give the final verdict for each question.
    So if the moderators do the honors!!
  2. I did not know that even <H1> was deprecated in xhtml2.0 all my pages are xhtml 1.0 Strict Validated...I have never used <SPAN> in my whole life...I dont even know its use :))

  3. Q: Which of the following is more semantically correct? (For the title of a document) 1. <span class="title">This is a Title</span> 2. <h1>This is a Title</h1> 3. <p><b>This is a Title</b></p>So here goes… the first one is a doozy. Sure it’s incredbly obvious — but we have to start somewhere, and should probably make no assumptions.Start Answering !!!!!

  4. I found out a way with which you can make the popular apple effect through Internet Explorer -


    The following tutorial will teach you how to make the reflection part using features from Internet Explorer. First copy this image and take a slice of it of width 1px and height 240px and name it as “headerbg.png” . You will have to make two <H1> tags having the same text but one of them enclosed in a DIV called reflect-

    <h1>Prateek Saxena</h1><div id=”reflect”><h1>Prateek Saxena</h1></div>

    Now for the “#reflect” DIV. You will have to use the filters that IE provides to do so. Please note that this will not work on Firefox. You will have to write the following CSS for the “#reflect” <DIV> -

    #reflect{position: absolute;top:84px;left:20px;filter: flipv alpha(Opacity=10, FinishOpacity=5, Style=3);}

    And finally now for the header. Here the “headerbg.png” will come into play. Just write the following CSS for the header and put the <H1> tags inside it.

    #header{width: 100%;height: 240px;background-image: url(”headerbg.png”);color: white;padding: 0px;padding-left: 20px;padding-top: 57px;border: solid;border-width:0px;border-bottom-width: 1px;border-color: #404040;}

    This will only work with internet Explorer as its makers decided to put this feature in it. As Firefox is completely W3C compliant, everything will look Hotch Potch on FF. If you have any queries relating to this tutorial, leave a comment or email me at prateek.saxena@yahoo.com

  5. I think all of us here are aware of the Simple Quiz that was started by an Cederholm. I thought it would be nice to get the same questions here and have a discussion on the questions. The moderators can give the final verdict for each question. So if I have the permission from the moderators I will soon post the first question!

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