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Posts posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. It should be -

    setProperty(loadbar,_width,0);b_loaded = getBytesLoaded();b_total = getBytesTotal();l_width = 185;while (b_loaded < b_total) {p_loaded = b_loaded / b_total * 100;single = p_loaded / 100;new_width = single * l_width;setProperty(loadbar,_width,new_width);b_loaded = getBytesLoaded();}gotoAndPlay(2);

    Cause the code was still running when both were equal. I mean once b_total = b_loaded then none of the values will change cause it has fully loaded.

  2. Hello,As some of you might know I will soon be starting work on an open source forum managing software. So someone managing a forum(like our moderators) could you please tell me the different tables and there fields with an example that exist in your database. I just want to make sure that I am not missing out on something important!

  3. It is a form

    <form method="get" action="http://validator.w3.org/check" target="_blank"><p>Input your page address in the box below:</p><p><input name="uri" size="60" value="http://www.w3schools.com/xhtml/default.asp"/></p><input type="submit" value="Validate the page" /></form>

  4. mootools is totally great man...but it is made by MIT people..my library even after completion would be no match for that, I am just in high school and learnt JS by myself and W3schools

  5. he he.BTW I thought I would share the animation with everyone -

    /*Universal Variables*/boxopen1=0;boxopen1tick=0;/*Universal Variables*/function initgraph(startx, starty, height, width, color, name, inside){	var here = document.getElementById(inside);	here.innerHTML += "<div id='"+name+"' style='position: absolute; top:"+startx+"px; left:"+starty+"px; width:"+width+"px; height= "+height+"px; overflow:hidden;'></div>";	var here = document.getElementById(name);	here.style.height = height+"px";	if (color!="null") here.style.backgroundColor=color;}function growBar(x,y,height,width,color,bcolor,name,inside){	var here=document.getElementById(inside);	if (inside!="already")	{		here.innerHTML+='<div id="'+name+'" style="position:absolute; overflow: hidden; background-color: '+color+'; border: solid; border-width:1px;border-color:'+bcolor+';top: '+y+'px;left: '+x+'px;width: '+width+'px;"></div>';	}		var here=document.getElementById(name);	if (here.style.height != (height+"px"))	{		var cur=0;		var b = here.style.height;		var temp = new Array();		temp = b.split('p');		cur=temp[0];		cur++;		here.style.height = cur+"px";		timer= setTimeout('growWait('+x+','+y+','+height+','+width+',"'+color+'","'+bcolor+'","'+name+'","'+inside+'")',1);	}}function growWait(x,y,height,width,color,bcolor,name,inside){	growBar(x,y,height,width,color,bcolor,name,"already");}

    <html><head></head><body><div id="main"></div><script src="js.js"></script><script>initgraph(0,0,700,700,"null","graph", "main");growBar(30,180,200,50,"#454545","blue","b","graph");growBar(180,130,400,30,"yellow","blue","b2","graph");</script></body></html>

    Enjoy! it will soon be on SourceForge.net

  6. Very often, while trying to write the code of my Animated Graphics Library, the code goes into infinite loops. so I have to force shut the browser and then start it again. Isnt there a way to terminate the script or something? Like [Ctrl]+[Pause|Break] or something?

  7. I wish it were that easy. The moderators volunteer their time as the authors of w3schools.com do not have the time to invest in maintaining the forum. In fact, they loose money by keeping the discussion board online. Thankfully, the moderating team is able to do enough work to limit their interaction. In any respect, a good design is not necessarily bring more people to the site and then forums - there is more work involved than that. I do not think there would be a design contest anytime soon but that doesn't necessarily mean that one could not be organized. Who knows, maybe if the top five designs were submitted to the w3schools authors, they might consider a redesign.
    I will soon(28 March) start work on a completely Open Source Forum....so maybe W3Schools can use that
  8. The next questions if you will - Q: When creating a basic unordered list, which of the following is more semantically correct? 1.Snickers<br /> Mounds<br /> Almond Joy<br /> Butterfinger<br /> Milky Way<br /> 2.<li>Snickers <li>Mounds <li>Almond Joy <li>Butterfinger <li>Milky Way 3.<li>Snickers</li> <li>Mounds</li> <li>Almond Joy</li> <li>Butterfinger</li> <li>Milky Way</li> 4.<ul> <li>Snickers</li> <li>Mounds</li> <li>Almond Joy</li> <li>Butterfinger</li> <li>Milky Way</li> </ul>The second SimpleQuiz question refers to creating an unordered list. Pretty straightforward, right? Let’s see…Start Answering!

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