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Posts posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. Ok...so I put the me.php3 in the htdocs thing. Now when I open it I get <?phpecho "hi";?>I have installed PHP it confiugerd Apache too but it does not seem to actually run the PHP fileWhat should I do now?

  2. Apache, php, and mysql are already included in XAMPP.
    I mean I had all this but now I am using XAMPPEDIT: I have not been able to get XAMPP, due to slow internet connection!I have installed Apache 2.2.4 and PHP 5.2 and PHP has configured the Apache 2.2.4 too.Now the Apache server is running how do I actually run PHP files now??Is there a particular place where I need to save them??Please help!
  3. Ok..thanks Xenon. I am now kind of comiling a CD of all the S/W's that a web developer may require. Currently I have

    • EditPlus 2.30
    • IrfanView 3.00
    • FireFox
    • FireBug 1.0
    • Apache, PHP, MySQL now XAMPP
    • .NET and Microsoft Wb Designer

    Anything else that you suggest??

  4. Hi,So I know PHP and have made stuff on it, but I have always edited my PHP file on online editors and have to reload the web page again and again. Now I am working on this big project and reloading it again and again would make the process very slow. So could someone please teach me step by step how to install PHP?

  5. I think you kind of missed out the part that I actually wanted you to see. I am talking about usernames and passwords. You cant store them in XML files without some sort of encryption or some DigitalJunkie may open them and see all the passwords!

  6. Plus in XSLT you download the whole XML anf XSL file and then show the stuff. But if you use PHP then only the required info is echo'd or sent!!

  7. Hi,I am 15 too. I first came in contact with a computer when I was 13. My computer had a 433MHx processor 64MB RAM and 40GB hard drive. At that time I learnt stuff like C++ and QBASIC and made some cool apps. Then I got a 128MB RAM and Win2k SP2 and installed Microsoft Visual Studio. At that time I developed a chat server and client (duh).Then I got a new computer 4.77MHz, 2GB RAM, 120GB Hard Drive and Win XP SP2. I also got access to the Internet. It was then that I learnt stuff like –(X)HTML, CSS, PHP, AJAX Stuff, XML, XPath, MySQL, XSLT (sill learning), SEO (what is there to learn?) and I have also learnt PhotoShop. I write on a PhotoShop tutorial blog and am able to get a god income through the ads that I have put on it!I have done several freelance website development and desing jobs too and have gotten good reviews!Right now I am working on a Animated Graphics Library in JS, CMS, Bulliten Board and some more stuff that I am not telling you about :).

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