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Posts posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. Hey boen_robot,I think I understand what you mean by keeping the HTML and PHP divided. You mean to say that I should not make the PHP file "echo" everything out for the forum website. What we can do is that the JS wil give out an xmlHttpRequest and then the PHP will do whatever and return with an echo. And then the JS will change the innerHTML's of the DIV or the TABLE.One more thing, the homepage or anyother page of the forums are made up of tables or divs. It seems that it would be easier with tables, but what should be used according to you? DIV's or TABLE'sEDIT : Someone already owns http://imdead.com/ boo hoo 20.gif

  2. @boen_robot : I knew what Server Side Scripting Languages are but I did not know that they were usually called S3L. I will be using PHP.Okay! So I also found out about XSLT, it is used to make XML more readable by using CSS, right? What is the problem with MySQL, PHP can return xmlHttpRequests even after searshing a MySQL file. Also I do not understand how thousands of XML files will make searching easier than one big XML file?@The_Master : I dont really understand what you are saying. The PHP code or JS code that people will write might be malicious too and oucld mess with the working of the forums and cause loss of private data.@vchris : IPB charges money, vBulliten charges money and I know that phpBB is free but I do not know of any other good opensource foum software. I want this one to have AJAX like functionalities. Also I would be a learning experience for me.

  3. <select name="font" ><option select>Font</option><option onClick="txt.value+='[font=Times New Roman]text[/font]';"><><spanfont face="Times New Roman">Times New Roman</font></option><option onClick="txt.value+='[font=Comic Sans MS]text[/font]';"><font face="Comic Sans MS">Comic Sans MS</font></option></select>

    Line 3 : Char 67What is that??

  4. Hello,Status Message : Well I meant more of something like, people put on Orkut. For example - "Making Next Best App", "Eating","JS is killing me!" etc!RSS: Sory I did not know. This is the only forum I am active on.Reply System : I mean it will be displayed as it is displayed in dA. Also you will get a notification email when "your" topic gets a reply! I dont think that is in IPB.Language to Use : Sorry I do not know ASP whatsoever, I have never used it. I dont know XSLT thought I am fimilar with searching XML files with PHP. I dont know anything about XSLT. I thought that I would use XML only but then thought that there is more security and faster search in MySQL, so decided to use it.FrameWork : I will start work on this project soon, as I am currently working on an Animation JS library to create graphs and all. Once it is ready I will post it ASAP.Name : Well that was supposed to be Ideas which I misspelled as Idead. Though that now that you have pointed it out it seems pretty nice, but I would like to get more suggestionsBTW : WTF is SL3

  5. Hello,I have started work on a new Forum software in PHP that will be Open Source. I am planning to use PHP and JavaScript to load the pages kind of dynamically. I will use the MySQL server. I was thinking that this forum should be differnt than the others and wanted some ideas of new features. Could you also please suggest a name as well. HEre are a few of my won ideas -

    • Status Message and Busy/Idle/Away/Available like in Yahoo Messenger
    • RSS Feed - The person will give the URL of his blogs RSS feed and the 2 latest posts will be shown on his profile page
    • Permission to add more user details my the admin(I am not sure if this feature already exists!)

    Please give your ideas too!EDIT:Another IdeaThe reply system would berelative. like you could add a reply to the main post or to the reply of the main post. one would only be notified if his/her post is replied to. Somewhat like it is in deviantArt.com

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