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Posts posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. Okay...I will do that! In the new release I was thinking of -

    • DIV highlighter which would first populate a list of all the DIV's that exist in the HTML, hopefully in a nested format and then on mouseover it would be highlighted!
    • CSS Viewer, in which one would be able to see all the CSS stuff that has been implemented for a particular DIV

    Any more suggestions?Any ideas on how I can actually be able to find out about errors and stuff??

  2. it throws an error on load in IE6 but works fine in Firefox. I'll blog about it when you get the IE bug fixed if you want.
    Ok, I will correct it and tell you! I would love it if you blog about it! Thanks!
    I'm not at all experienced in JavaScript. I only know some it's basic syntax. So... how exacly do I use this so called console? I mean I read the readme and understood how to create the console, but... how... what the? I don't get it... And what's with "taking over the world"?
    I know that the README.txt file is not very descriptive and stuff. JustSomeGuy is right it is not really a debuger but a message center. The taking over the world part if just a joke. Like the warning part says that the Console is trying tp take over the world but the error's section says that is failed to do so!
    The Logger Control provides a simple way to read or write log messages with a single line of code. With this control, you can tap into the rich event-driven messages included with the YUI Library's debug files; This messaging allows you to get a fuller picture of the inner workings of any YUI Library component. The Logger Control provides a simple messaging interface that allows you to filter, pause, resume, and clear log messages on your screen. Whether or not you invoke this UI, you can monitor log output via the FireBug extension for Firefox or via the Safari JavaScript console. The Logger Control supports logging messages with customizable categories and sources. Adventurous developers can extend Logger to build their own implementations to suit any requirement.
    @justsomeguy : Sorry I did not know that this feature was called Trace. I will definitely correct this in the next release. I wanted that it would be able to find out errors and display it in the errors tabs but was not able to find a way to do so! I was actually trying to make something like the Yahoo Logger Console, and I have mentioned what they do above. And sorry for the spellings I will correct them too!
  3. Allows you to log stuff and add watched for the time being. More feature coming soon. you can write thing like

    con= new myConsole("JS Maker Rel2");con.log("I was logged","info");var ans=42;con.addWatch("The Answer",ans);

    more stuff to come...need you guys feedback

  4. But, just so you know, Prateek, there is no reason in doing the document.getElementById("jsConsole") at this point because you already have a reference to that element in "newDiv".
    ok got ithow come nonw of you have replied to the JS Console in the General Forum??
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