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Posts posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. I learned C++ by myself using mainly Shift+F1(Help Shortcut)I made Ping Pong because at that time I did not have a computer that could support any games, and I did not have any games CD as well, so I had to program a game to actually play it. I programmed many games in C++ some similar to Brick Breaker, Para Trooper and Mario kind of games!

  2. I have no such problem...
    That is good for you!
    I know 8 programming languages (C#,VB,C++,PERL,PHP,JavaScript,Java,TSQL). I don't consider HTML or CSS a programming language (because their not :)) and ASP and ASP.Net are written in C# or VB and JSP is written in Java so they really aren't seperate languages just defferent implementations of the same languages (although i definately list them as so on a resume :)).There is really only 4 I use regularly (weekly) (C#,TSQL,JavaScript, PHP) and there syntax is so similar there really isn't much to mix up except when it comes to OOP that is :)
    Well! When I wrote down ten I included HTML and CSS, after all they are markup languages
    Firebug :blink:. Actually if it is an error that is in the syntax in php then you can simply turn errors on, *calls steve*. I know XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, some Java, and some Python.
    How do I turn on errors??? What is *call steve* suppose mean?? I kinda did not understand!!!
    Have the same porblem but reverse to jesh's case, trying to shift from VB.NET to C#, I never end with ; and always forget to use {} to start/end functions....
    the ";" thing happens to me a lotI know the following langs -
    • QBASIC
    • C++
    • Visual Basic
    • VJ++
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • PHP

  3. you can probably have a two dimensioan array that contains the button's ID and the appropriate string value. Then you ca just match with the string and then change the value of the textarea

  4. I know around 8 programming languages and when I am writing in a language that is relatively new to me(PHP) I start writing some other languag's syntax. Does this happen to you too?? How do you solve this problem?

  5. The JS function -

    function mywrite(id){document.getElementById('txt1').value = (document.getElementById(id).value);}

    The Form

    <form action="" method="get"><input type="button" id="button1" value="Cats" onclick="mywrite(this.id)" /><input type="button" id="button2" value="Dogs" onclick="mywrite(this.id)" /><input type="button" id="button3" value="Fish" onclick="mywrite(this.id)" /><textarea id="txt1" name="txt1"></textarea><input type="reset" value="Clear" /></form>

    Does it work?

  6. I remeber reading that there is a new technology that is prdicted to kill SVG, whether it does or not is another story. I think it was a new MS technology, they may never support SVG.
    Well is that new technology my JS Grapihcs Library?? LOL :)
    Well, when it kinda grows we'll see again if the xml forum gets enough SVG threads that a separate forum might be justified. smile.gifOn XSLT having its own forum though, that's a bit different, seeing as XSLT is made to manipulate other XML documents. I'm sure boen_robot can tell you more. wink.gif
    I hope it does. The XSLT Senior has already told me a lot about it!
  7. Okay...sorrydrop the idea!I just thought that once Microsoft makes SVG complaint stuff it will kinda grow and then there will be more queries. And plus it is a pretty cool XML technology and after all XSLT has its own forum too!!!!

    • It shows 404 when you click on Submit :)
    • I think you should write a JS that would see that all the fields have some data and show an alert box if not!
    • Why aren't the first and the last name required??

  8. Apart from the fact that the filename was named .php3 the other problem as that I had not restarted my Apache Server after installing PHP. Am I not stupid :)

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