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Everything posted by real_illusions

  1. http://www.msfirefox.com
  2. so you basically after a list in the middle of the page with a nice picture instead of a circle?http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_lists.asp for your basic listhttp://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/vertical05.htm for some customised arrows for the list.work around them, and see what you can come up with:)
  3. thanks for the helpreportingsjr way seemed to work best for me:)
  4. ok, i found the way to list all files in a directory by using this code:<?phpif ($handle = opendir('.')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "$file\n"; } } closedir($handle);}?>Only problem is, it doesn't link to them files, how do you make it do that? I've tried a quick search on google, but i couldn't seem to find anything. I dont need anything fancy, just a nice list of the files, that link to that file, preferably in a new window.
  5. thanks justsomeguy...but it goes z-a, not a-z
  6. Hi, i have a basic script for my gallery in my site (see siggie). However, i dont know php that well, to know how to change the script so the files and folders are listed in name order, and not in when they were last modified on the server as they are now.the script is from here http://winged.info/project/gallerythanks:)
  7. seems this bit is the bit thats telling the image to stay put in that corner.<script type="text/javascript">COT("http://www.trustlogo.com/images/cornertrust.gif", "SC2", "none");</script>cant see anything in the css to do with it. and since i dont know alot about javascript, i cant help you much further than that.
  8. would be nice if you can provide some code and/or a link so we can have a look
  9. yeah..very possible indeed3 coloumned div layout, with the 2 side coloumns a fixed width and set to to float to the left and right, and the center coloumn a fluid width of say 70%.
  10. whats your html code?
  11. maybe its just me, but i still dont get what your after...can you draw a picture?
  12. your also missing a semi-colon after background-repeat: no-repeat.should readbackground-repeat: no-repeat;
  13. have you got a link to what you have already? Or post some code. Or a link to something thats close to what your after? I think i know what you mean, but not very well...
  14. umm..yeah..most probablyusing divs within divs, but it depends on what you mean by boxes. you mean boxes of info or images?have a go, see what you can come up with, if you get stuck, ask us for directions.
  15. best start herehttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.aspThe tutorials have the answer to pretty much what your after.If you get stuck on something, ask a question in here and we'll help you try to understand:)
  16. in the page thats going to appear in that frame, trymargin: 0px;orpadding: 0px;on the body.in the cssalthough i try to avoid frames at all costs, so, therefore i have no idea if this works.
  17. just a bit of advice, if the problem is related to a topic you just posted, best to reply to that post rather than make an entirely new topic. makes the forum look nice and neat, plus we dont have to find this other post and then jump between the 2 topics all the time.Anyway, have you installed the latest versions of adobe acrobat and firefox? Without certain bits of information, its like driving a car backwards while blindfolded with your hands behind your back. Almost impossible to do what you want.
  18. would be nice to have a link to some codebut, if the links work on your computer, but not on a server, then you probably have them linked incorrectly. either a full link like file://D:/ etc etc, or the wrong folders.as for the pdf files, what are you trying to do with them? embed them? link to them? download them? eat them? turn them into paper hats for christmas?also, only one topic is nessessessasry, only press the "post new topic" button once
  19. woah..that siggie is huge..surely way too big for this forum?And isn't this just blatant advertising??
  20. just find a counter that does it for one page..then..copy/paste onto every other page.shouldn't be any harder than that, unless its an overly complicated page counter.
  21. its probably going to be written in the small print somewhere on their website. Possibly under terms of use, or something.They can keep track of bandwidth, and if any images stand out to sucking all their bandwidth, then they can take action. Or, a built in program that once you reach the bandwidth limit, it prevents people from downloading the image.Have a look round the site where your uploading images too, its going to be somewhere
  22. its more text to load up in the documenta 8400kb file is bigger than 83990kbnot by much, but if you get 100 visits on that page a day, then thats 1000kb extra loaded in 1 day on the bigger file size compared to the smaller one.over 1 year, thats 3,650,000kb's loaded more than needed. 10 pages its going to be 36 million..etc etc..you get the idea by now i hope
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