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Everything posted by real_illusions

  1. yeah..agree with vchris..looks rushed and amatuerish..sorry looks like it was built in less than 30 minutes actually..more like 10..
  2. post your code and we can help you a little further:)
  3. i shouldn't worry about version 5 hacks for opera or ie, as i dont think anyone uses them anymore. Opera is upto version 9, if not 10, and ie is still rubbish even after 7 attempts.The align attribute in yohr <h2> tag can be done in cssh2{text-align:center;}or, if you want it for that particular div,it'll be#NavAlpha h2{text-align:center;}those are some minor issues i can point out...but since its late, i'll have more time to look into your 3 coloumn problem tomorow.but, as a guide, in a 3 coloumned layour i did, i used absolute positioning for all 3 coloumns. the left and center positioned from the left, and the right positioned from the right. the left has a fixed width, and the other 2 use percentages.hope that helps:)
  4. real_illusions


    i suggest you read through the tutorials, as most of your answers can be found in there.start at this page, and work your way through ithttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.asp
  5. only reason i can think of is:1 - you've got images turned offor2 - you have an ad blocking extension in firefox and it thinks your images are ads as they link to somewhere.
  6. i think he's using pixels, as he said it creates a scroll bar along the bottom of the browser..percentages wont do that if used correctly.
  7. technically, the correct way to go is with css and div's.and its much easier to control than tables too.you need to use the float attribute in css, to float the left coloumn to the left, and the right column to the right.it then gets a bit tricky on whether you want a centered page, or a absolute positioned page, as you'll either need a containing div, or to specify certain widths and positions.
  8. you need to use percentages as widths instead of fixed widths.simple as thatalthough as far as applying them, its best to try it out and see what happens:)
  9. real_illusions


  10. well...yeah, when you want to emphasise one bit of textand it works here in firefox
  11. try fixed widths for the left and right coloumnson this site http://www.menimotos.co.uk which i've designed and maintain, its a 3 coloumned layout which adjusts to the browser size. I dont use a wrapper on the site either to enclose everything.see if you can work something out from that:)
  12. look at it this way in regards to the 2 attributes clashing - how can you give the same text 2 opposite styles without using browser only hacks??the answer is, you cant.you either have the text bold, or normal, not both.
  13. change the rightpanel to this.#rightpanel{position:relative;float:right;border:2px solid black;width:19%;height:69%;}then addclear:both;to the footer cssthat should solve your problems:)
  14. it should work, but you can get rid of half of the html and stick it in the css<td class="normaltext" align="center"><B>Training</B></td>can be<td class="normaltext"><p>Training</p></td>and the css can be this:td.normaltext{font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;font-family:verdana,Arial;text-align:center;}you have 2 conflicting properties in your previous code. In the css, you say the font weight should be normal, but then you add <b></b> tags indicating the text should be bold. And the align in the td can be put into css which i've done. By default, text is black, so, unless you have another general style for the <p>, then that font will be black. Also, all text needs to be in some sort of block (i think?) tag, such as <p>, or <h2>, not <b>, which is just a style tag, if you see what i mean.Try the changes which i've made, and if they dont work, then you must have CSS turned off in your firefox browser or something else, as that code SHOULD work.
  15. real_illusions


    yeah, i have <hr /> tags in my sites and the site still validates. The attributes for styling them, however, doesn't validate.
  16. real_illusions


    yup<hr />draws a nice horizontal line across the page or area of the page its placed inhttp://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_hr.asp
  17. hehe..at least i got something right :)i dont know what i'm doing with the first line either, dont worry :)can you give me a guide on what i'm supposed to be doing?
  18. is this anywhere near been close? (i say with due sense of dread and fear of been mocked from the php community ) <?php$url=index.php("");if ($url=="index.php?file=/$dir") echo "<a href="\index.php?file=/$dir\">Prev directory</a><a href="\index.php?file=/$dir\">Next directory</a>"; elseif ($url=="index.php?file=/$dir/$file")echo "<a href="\index.php?file=/$dir/$file\">Prev file</a><a href="\index.php?file=/$dir/$file\">Next file</a>"; else echo " "; ?>
  19. i think i get youwould i need some sort of if/else statements??if the url is in the main folder view, i.e the index, then no next/prev links.if the url is in a subfolder, then next/prev folder linksand if the url is in picture view mode, then next/prev image links.is that what i need?
  20. Hi,How do you link to the next file and/or folder in that particular folder.In particular, its my gallery script i got on my websitehttp://winged.info/ is the original files and scripthttp://www.surrealillusions.co.uk/galleries/ is where mine is. (yes i know about the link to the winged site overlapping, i need to sort it out).Since the files and folders change everytime the page changes, i cant put in a direct link to the next file and folder.So...i'm a bit stumped...
  21. this is more of a suggestion..but i personally hate background music, or any auto playing sounds on a webpage, as most of the time when i'm browsing, i have music on from my computer, so, i instantly close any webpage that has sound on it.If you insist on playing music, you need an option that gives the user the ability to turn the annoying stuff off:)
  22. you can use server side includes, or, php includes if your server supports phphttp://www.w3schools.com/php/php_includes.asp
  23. you'll need a server side language like php to do this.do a search for php quizzes on this vast internet of ours, and you should be able to find something.
  24. i'm guessing your trying to close the window that the user is in by clicking a link?if so, then all you need is this:<a href="java script:window.close();">Close This Window</a>
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