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sending varibles


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iv post this twice in php with no responces so im posting it here to see if yall can help me$accountnum=$row['accountnum'];echo '<center>';echo '<a href="descrip.php?accountnum=$accountnum">';im trying to send a varible through to descrip.php. instead of sending the value of $accountnum is sending the physical sting "$accountnum" im not sure how to fix this

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i allways use single when i use variables but i dont have anything more then etc :echo"<a href='?page=forum&forum=main&post=$id'>read</a>";allways thought it was okay to use single :) why is it like that? should be made more easy (A) :)

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That's fine, because the string has double-quotes around it. You have single quotes inside the string, but the string that you are sending to echo is enclosed in double-quotes, so that's why it replaces the variable. You can use single-quotes whenever you want, and it's actually faster if you do, but if you need variable replacement you need to use double-quotes.

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Not that im a 100% expert at PHP but try to switch the ' and the " like thisecho "<a href='descrip.php?accountnum=$accountnum'>";This might let the $ be called not sure if that fixes but at least I tryed :).
If that doesn't work, you could always to this too:
echo "<a href='descrip.php?accountnum=".$accountnum."'>";

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I only found one of your other topics in the php forum (which means it's probably deleted already). Anyway, if you don't get any answers, try to give your existing thread a bump to bring it to people's attention again. I'll merge your two threads this time, since you have replies in both, but next time stick to one thread, okay?

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