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HTML Help: Link Issues


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Ok, I know how to create a link and all that stuff and the link is click-able. I typed in the <a href="..."> code and all the other stuff that goes along with it but what happens is this:PROBLEM LOADING PAGE Check to see if the file was renamed, moved or deleted.Ok, the files we're not deleted, not renamed, all the pages made using Notepad and HTML are all in the same folder, everything else works fine but the links don't go to the other pages like they're supposed to. Please help me out here.Thank you. :)

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Try using relative links. Like this:
<a href="CHAT.htm">

Yes, you don't want to be putting the whole path in there because inevitably unless you plan on hosting it from that place it won't work when uploaded. You just need the name of the file relative to where the file you are linking from is. Lets say you have an images folder in your root and an image called test.jpg. I the file that the link is in is in the root then the link would be "images/test.jpg".The first bit is the folder name and the second bit is the file name. File names are case sensitive so I would reccomend using all lower case for file names folders and extensions.If you would like to link to a file that is on the same level, say for example you had a page in a folder called documents and the image you wanted to link to was in a folder called images then you would use this code:"../images/test.jpg"The .. means that you are leaving a folder, going up the folder tree, then the images goes back down into a different part of the folder tree, then obviously the image file name and extension.HTH
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you won't be able to access your desktop file system from the web. You will need to upload the file onto your server and use the relative address methods listed above.
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Hi,You should also enclosed the - align=left - inside open and closed quotes " " should be like this align="left" and your font tag has no end tag?! you can also put it in the in-line style.

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Make that should. I'm not sure the <a> element ever had an align property, but if it did, it's hopelessly out of date now. As is the <font> tag. No one serious has written HTML like that for 10 years. cataract777 should definitely get up to speed on CSS.

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