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Ridiculosly easy border radius


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if you want to use border-radius to create rounded corners, this shows you the code needed to get rounded corners for webkit/gecko or CSS3 compatible browsers. As you adjust the values for each each corner, the CSS in the center changes to reflect the code needed to produce that effect.

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Not quite ready for prime time due to competing W3C and proprietary versions. :) When we've all settled on the HTML5 rec, it might be easier.Anyway, the idea is that most modern mouses have a scroll wheel, and you can capture its movements, up or down. You've seen this in standalone apps, like PhotoShop, where you select a text element that contains a number value, and as you wheel, the value goes up or down with no clicking or typing. A very nice interface for certain applications, like changing numbers. The numbers can even be hidden from the user, and all you would see is font sizes increasing, or colors grading into other colors, etc. Beats the heck out of typing, deleting, typing, deleting . . .PPK has a demo here. It's a learning demo, not a practical demo, and it has a few bumps, but it was actually updated today of all things, so one hopes it's current.

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It's a handy utility. Want to really sweeten it up? Have the corners respond to mousewheel events. That can be everyone's homework for the weekend . . .
You mean your homework. :)
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