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Hosting company?


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Draft a RFP. Send it out. Check references (from your area if possible). Pick the lowest price.

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If this is a hobby or non-professional site, and you're OK with a little advertising being put on your page, take a look at some free of the free options out there. I did a quick Google search for you, just check out the link for a whole list of possible options that won't cost you a dime: http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1AVSX_e...ree+web+hostingIf advertising on your site isn't your cup of tea, or if this is a professional venture and want a good host, I'd go with GoDaddy.com, which is my personal favorite. There are lots of other options, though.

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There is a list of hosting providers in this thread: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3770.P.S. it doesn't really matter what sort of computer your website was made on, as long as you've written it to standards (and not, for example, used some really weird font that only OS X has, without a fallback). Also, there are no 12" Macbooks :), they only come in the 13.3" variety (though the Macbook Pro series goes bigger).

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If this is a hobby or non-professional site, and you're OK with a little advertising being put on your page, take a look at some free of the free options out there. I did a quick Google search for you, just check out the link for a whole list of possible options that won't cost you a dime: http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1AVSX_e...ree+web+hostingIf advertising on your site isn't your cup of tea, or if this is a professional venture and want a good host, I'd go with GoDaddy.com, which is my personal favorite. There are lots of other options, though.
Personally, I would stay away from GoDaddy... They charge extra for almost everything. They will nickle and dime you to death. You can get everything for about the same base price elsewhere. You also need to consider if you need windows hosting or Linux hosting as not all programing works on all platforms.Good Luck!dink
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