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try to make a portfolio


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I am a developer and a designer for the web. But right now, I want to create a web designer portfolio.Any freelance web developer here willing to work with me? I will do the design work for free.I just need a few pieces of real websites to show for portfolio. So i need a developer with real clients.Can someone help me out please.

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Well can you give me any samples of your design work? If so I might have some design work for you.

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do you already have any portfolio of your previous work online?

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What services do you offer? Are you going to need another person to help you when you have your own clients?
No, my intention is to get a web design portfolio, so that I can either get a job as a web designer or get clients as a freelance web designer.
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I don't have any samples, sorry guys, because that's what I'm trying to make.You don't really have anything to lose here, I'm offering my skills for free.You won't regret it, it's like a help me help you situation.
At least first make your personal website which will serve two purpose. client and any other developer would know you can do things. no matter client or developer both will try to find assurance that you can do this job. Freelance developer wont expect poorly design site or slow developing process or any other things which can make impact on their works and overall reputation to the client. secondly if you trying to sell a service it will be best to have a website so that client or any other person will know where to find you. it is also give you a branding. making your own site will prove your skill and also will give you a platform to sell your services.
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At least first make your personal website which will serve two purpose. client and any other developer would know you can do things. no matter client or developer both will try to find assurance that you can do this job. Freelance developer wont expect poorly design site or slow developing process or any other things which can make impact on their works and overall reputation to the client. secondly if you trying to sell a service it will be best to have a website so that client or any other person will know where to find you. it is also give you a branding. making your own site will prove your skill and also will give you a platform to sell your services.
Thanks for the advice, but ...If my design turn out to be poor, you don't have to use it.If I can prove that I am good, I wouldn't be offering the service for free now, right?Just to make sure that you guys understand where I come from, you need to take some risk here, and you will potentially be rewarded with free awesome design.I do believe there are some guys out there would appreciate what I'm trying to do here.
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You said:"Just to make sure that you guys understand where I come from, you need to take some risk here.." One of the greatest misconceptions in business is that risk is somehow connected to profit. Risk is barely relevant. It's the ability to create desireable new certainties that matter most. Risk says your idea might happen. Certainty says it will. Make happen instead of might happen. If you're going to fish, use a big hook. It's much easier than you think. Read my signature quote.

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You said:"Just to make sure that you guys understand where I come from, you need to take some risk here.." One of the greatest misconceptions in business is that risk is somehow connected to profit. Risk is barely relevant. It's the ability to create desireable new certainties that matter most. Risk says your idea might happen. Certainty says it will. Make happen instead of might happen. If you're going to fish, use a big hook. It's much easier than you think. Read my signature quote.
But it's free. If I can prove that I am good, then I would be able to make real money, why would I still do it free then?Of course, you can say you don't want it free, you just want it to be good and need proof that it will be good.But I am looking for people who are willing to take a chance, trust me, and be potentially rewarded with free design.If it's not your cup of tea, that's fine. And in business, profit is always related to risk, like the stock market and opening of a new business based on an unproven idea.Simply because there is never 100% certainty that you will get what you want, except for recurring buy such as going back for more slim jim.Even if some design guy who shows an awesome portfolio, he could still be slacking on your job while you pay him loads of money. The risk is always there, thought it's slim, BUT the profit is slim as well, because you have to pay him loads of money because he got an awesome portfolio.
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Don't confuse the long term with what's going to happen in the next 72 hours. In the next few days there will be many many completely predictable events that will happen. The ability to adapt to this certainty is a big part of what coding is all about. Get in. Get out. Repeat every few days. That's the new cycle. Aim, fire! There's no time for ready any more. Additionally, you might want to re-examine your model. Why would anyone follow somebody that can't or won't talk about the certainty of their cause. Columbus didn't get Isabella's support by saying, "I might be able to go East by going West". Plenty of people have drunk and are drinking the Kool-aid that says nothing is for certain. They are simply the people that haven't or can't adjust to the new cycle. Free, just like risk, may not be a relevant as you think. Value , on the other hand, always will be relevant. That's a certainty. You have to name it to claim it.

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Don't confuse the long term with what's going to happen in the next 72 hours. In the next few days there will be many many completely predictable events that will happen. The ability to adapt to this certainty is a big part of what coding is all about. Get in. Get out. Repeat every few days. That's the new cycle. Aim, fire! There's no time for ready any more. Additionally, you might want to re-examine your model. Why would anyone follow somebody that can't or won't talk about the certainty of their cause. Columbus didn't get Isabella's support by saying, "I might be able to go East by going West". Plenty of people have drunk and are drinking the Kool-aid that says nothing is for certain. They are simply the people that haven't or can't adjust to the new cycle. Free, just like risk may not be a relevant as you think. Value , on the other hand, always will be relevant. That's a certainty. You have to name it to claim it.
We are talking about short term here - some guy agree to have me to do his design, if I'm no good, then he won't work with me anymore, very short term.It's the decision of using me the first time or not. I never say that I can't produce good design, in fact, I am certain that I can, that's why I'm doing this. What I said about certainty is just facts, and try to give you a perspective that's all. Now simply talking about certainty, you still won't trust me. What you asking is proof that I can do it, not just my word, and that I can't give you. Did columbus went to the west before and that he could prove he can before he did? Niche, if you don't want to help me that's fine, please don't destroy me? I just want to design.
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Nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone on this forum is all about helping you, but cut us some slack. This is a site for coders and it doesn't sound like you code or want to learn. Frankly, your benefit is weak. Amp it up. If you're not going to make people rich, you have to describe how you're going to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Everyone wants in on that. Remember the four Cs of Concept Development.1. Coherent - Your idea must have a foundation in fact.2. Credible - You must be able to back-up your assertions.3. Compelling - You must be a beacon that attracts those that are looking for something worthy of their allegiance.4. Commercial - Ideally, you have an explanation for wealth creation.

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Guest So Called
I am a developer and a designer for the web.
Where is your website? You don't seem to have any that I can find. If you're willing to use your skills for free then why don't you use your skills to make a website for yourself?
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Nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone on this forum is all about helping you, but cut us some slack. This is a site for coders and it doesn't sound like you code or want to learn. Frankly, your benefit is weak. Amp it up. If you're not going to make people rich, you have to describe how you're going to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Everyone wants in on that. Remember the four Cs of Concept Development.1. Coherent - Your idea must have a foundation in fact.2. Credible - You must be able to back-up your assertions.3. Compelling - You must be a beacon that attracts those that are looking for something worthy of their allegiance.4. Commercial - Ideally, you have an explanation for wealth creation.
Hey I don't want to get into a fight. If you don't want to help me that's fine.I think I've described the benefit pretty clear, it's free, it will be awesome, I just don't have proof.Are you saying that I need to prove I can do awesome design, and you still want it for free?
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It's not about us. What can you do for your clients? They'll go to you expecting you to make a website for them and you should be able to provide. We advise that you learn how to code, W3Schools has many good tutorials.

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It's not about us. What can you do for your clients? They'll go to you expecting you to make a website for them and you should be able to provide. We advise that you learn how to code, W3Schools has many good tutorials.
I am a developer as well, I mentioned in the initial post.Now I just want to build a design portfolio, and just want to know if someone can help me out by bringing me into a real client project.If the answer is no, that's fine, but please don't stray from the topic.If you want to know more about me, you can PM me, but please guys, no more lecturing please.
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Guest So Called
I am a developer as well, I mentioned in the initial post.
Fine, you're a developer and designer for the web. Here's your first unpaid project: Design yourself a web page. Get an inexpensive shared hosting package and put it on the Internet, then post the URL in W3Schools Critiques forum section.
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Fine, you're a developer and designer for the web. Here's your first unpaid project: Design yourself a web page. Get an inexpensive shared hosting package and put it on the Internet, then post the URL in W3Schools Critiques forum section.
that sounds reasonable, but what web page?
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Guest So Called
that sounds reasonable, but what web page?
How about webdesigner25.com? Or pick anything that is meaningful to you. A shared hosting package is going to cost about $5-$6 per month, so you could get 6 months (a common term for hosting contracts) for about $30-$35. Nobody is going to want you without any experience, even for free work. And probably nobody on the forum has any work they could share with you. I certainly know I don't, not even for myself. The forum members are helping you the best way they can. People who don't have work can't give you any work whether it's free or not. The forum members are giving you the best thing they can offer: advice.
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How about webdesigner25.com? Or pick anything that is meaningful to you. A shared hosting package is going to cost about $5-$6 per month, so you could get 6 months (a common term for hosting contracts) for about $30-$35. Nobody is going to want you without any experience, even for free work. And probably nobody on the forum has any work they could share with you. I certainly know I don't, not even for myself. The forum members are helping you the best way they can. People who don't have work can't give you any work whether it's free or not. The forum members are giving you the best thing they can offer: advice.
ok got it.
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We git what you're saying. You'll scratch our backs if we scratch yours. Except, you must listen to what the members are saying about the price of admission to use this forum: You must be able to code or be willing to learn.

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... Make a template for a website, prove you're good, and then I'll use you.I want to see proof that you know what you are doing before I include youwith my project. I'd be more than happy to work with you, but I need proofthat you aren't a 12 year old kid who just discovered Photoshop.

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