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Storing information in attributes


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Hey CodeName yah thats what i mean. i want to beabel to store stuff like Don't you know that isn't fair. im using attributest to store a huge amount of data for when peopel hit reply in my forum but i didnt realize people cant use 'i realize today cause i tried to use it for something else and realize this.


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Right, and as CodeName said (rather cryptically), you can store an apostrophe in an attribute by replacing it with


or (for the sake of portability... long story...)


Alternatively, if your attributes use double quotes, you can have double quotes inside the attribute by replacing them with


In PHP, you have a convinient function for that called htmlspecialchars(), and you can use it like for example:

echo '<input name="topic_page" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['topic_page']) . '" />';

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I store info all the time in attributes. I boen robot's last post is particularly informative. Thanks .

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wierd i just tried this and its not working hmmif i store can'###### comes out as can

$return = "<a href='' data='".htmlspecialchars($subject)."'>$subject</a>";

I'm storing it in data then grabing it with attr with jquery and then sending it back to a php page usingjquery ajax on the data field.

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oh htmlspecialchars isnt working cause im not using double quotes on the out side on the value of the attr so after doing some reading about htmlspecialchars apparently there is a 2nd parameter lol to escape the both quotes


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It should work with both double-quotes and single-quotes. To encode single-quotes, pass the ENT_QUOTES parameter:

htmlspecialchars("string", ENT_HTML401|ENT_QUOTES);

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