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How to add/edit website description


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Hello everyone at W3Schools! First of all, thanks a lot for all the usefull information on the website! It has helped me a great deal to understand Html a bit since I didn't knew anything before checking out this site. I got a question about how to edit my website description. My website is still under heavy construction but I was wondering how I change the information that you get when you google my website. When I google my name, the website link appears in the search results, but the description under the link is jibberish. It says: ''Header1. http://joostk.com/index.html http://joostk.com/about.html.'' My website url is: www.joostk.com and you should be able to find it when you type ''joostk'' in the search bar of google. Does anyone know how to change/edit this description into something more ... appealing? Thanks in advance and thanks again for this lovely and helpfull website! -JoostK

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My understanding is everything in the meta tag, the h tags and in the p tag gets spidered.

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It has to do with the HTML structure of your site. Google will use what is in the meta description tag:

<meta name="description" content="This is my site">

If you don't have a description meta tag, then Google will use whatever it thinks is relevant. It's good to use <h1>, <h2>, <h3> ... and <p> elements to give a proper structure to your document.

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Guest So Called

It is in my personal experience to totally agree with Ing. I have a hobbyist website that is very popular in Google page ranking, and I have faithfully served the Meta description content tag. My exact phrase shows up almost exclusively in Google search results, where before they always took a random chunk out of my content. IMO this totally works, or almost totally enough that you might as well just assume it is reality.

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What about dynamic sites? The pages don't actually exist.
They exist, the spider requests what is ever on a page at a given time. So if your dynamic site is showing it as April 27th, google will describe your site/dynamic page as april 27th
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There's nothing complicated about it. You just add the code I showed you earlier in the <head> section and that's it.

<meta name="description" content="This is the description of my page">

If your page is dynamic, you can have PHP set the value of the <meta> tag so that whenever google finds it it will adapt to whatever was cached at the time.

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What about dynamic sites? The pages don't actually exist.
when it is about dynamic pages search engine ignores the query part of URI. you have to rewrite the url using .htaccess so it removes the query part and structure like directory like. the rest of the things happens same like static page. bots does not care how does the page generated it will look for the data which is relevant for them and will use them.
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when it is about dynamic pages search engine ignores the query part of URI. you have to rewrite the url using .htaccess so it removes the query part and structure like directory like. the rest of the things happens same like static page. bots does not care how does the page generated it will look for the data which is relevant for them and will use them.
The search engine does not ignore query strings, ever. If you want it to ignore a particular part of the query string (such as "sid=aaaaaaa") then you have to make a Google Webmasters account and tell it to.
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Thanks a lot for all the replies! However, adding the code Ingolm provided didn't change anything :S
The description won't be updated until Google indexes your site again, which can take up to a few weekd.
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Guest So Called
when it is about dynamic pages search engine ignores the query part of URI. you have to rewrite the url using .htaccess so it removes the query part and structure like directory like. the rest of the things happens same like static page. bots does not care how does the page generated it will look for the data which is relevant for them and will use them.
That was true a very long time ago, but is not true today. The search engines have adapted their code because so many sites used query strings as part of their URL structure of the site. Today the only reason to get rid of the query lines is because they look ugly, but search engines don't care about ugly.
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Guest So Called
The description won't be updated until Google indexes your site again, which can take up to a few weekd.
It may take even longer than that, and any number of visits before they change your search result. They move vvveeerrrrrryyyyyyy ssslllooooowwwwllllyyyy.
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