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  1. Hello, if this is not in the appropriate forum (or has been addressed already), please advise and I will update accordingly. Thank you. I'm updating my ancient website and I decided to use MODALs for my page with videos which embed various videos from various video servers; YouTube, Vimeo, etc.): My website VIDEO page Using: W3.CSS + JavaScript + Bootstrap & JQuery If I wanted to reference a specific video modal from a link (maybe sent in an email) or from another webpage (and have the modal automatically open), how do I do that? I found some code on the web using window.location.hash and it's included in my code at the end, but this does not do what I need (it's close though...). Thank you very much in advance 🙂 My code is below (including only 4 video modals, not all 55) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <title>Julie Meitz Video & Film</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- BOOTSTRAP & JQuery --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/4/w3.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/style.css"> <body> <!-- Horizontal Navbar Main & Work --> <div class="w3-top"> <div class="w3-bar w3-white w3-card w3-border w3-left-align w3-large"> <a class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-hide-medium w3-hide-large w3-right w3-padding-large w3-large" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="myFunction()" title="Toggle Navigation Menu"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></a> <a href="../../index.html" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-padding-large">Home</a> <!-- <a href="../../index.html#about" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-hide-small w3-padding-large">About</a> <a href="../../index.html#contact" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-hide-small w3-padding-large">Contact</a> --> <a href="../multimedia_shows/index.html" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-hide-small w3-padding-large">Multimedia</a> <a class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-hide-small w3-padding-large w3-text-white w3-gray">Video</a> <a href="../vj_fj/index.html" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-hide-small w3-padding-large">VJ & FJ</a> <a href="../other/index.html" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-hide-small w3-padding-large">Other</a> </div> <!-- Vertical Sidebar on small screens Main --> <div id="navDemo" class="w3-bar-block w3-white w3-hide w3-hide-large w3-hide-medium w3-large" style="padding:10px 0px 10px"> <a href="../../index.html#about" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-padding-large">About</a> <a href="../../index.html#contact" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-padding-large">Contact</a> <a href="../multimedia_shows/index.html" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-padding-large">Multimedia</a> <!-- <a href="../videos_films/index.html" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-padding-large">Video</a> --> <a href="../vj_fj/index.html" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-padding-large">VJ & FJ</a> <a href="../other/index.html" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-padding-large">Other</a> </div> </div> <!-- Video & Film --> <div class="w3-container" style="padding:80px 16px 40px"> <div class="row"> <!-- Using a href (with image) to trigger modal --> <!-- Scrap Video # 1 2017 --> <div class="column"> <div class="container" style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px"> <a data-toggle="modal" href="#vfModal" class="video-link" id="VF10a" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bUzUflnktaU" data-vtitle="<a href='https://youtu.be/bUzUflnktaU' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>EXPERIMENTAL: Scrap Video # 1 (2017)</a>" data-vdesc="<p>&nbsp</p><p class='big'><b>Description:</b> An experimental video created from unused video. 2015 : Video of myself on my 49th birthday while testing green screen and involved in art therapy. 2016 : Attempted to work with footage again and applied a Photoshop filter, short video made, but not interesting enough to publish (and too personal). 2017 : Tired of trying to figure out what to do with this footage, so I made this 'scrap' video, including sound effects. Now it's time to get it off my hard drive.</p> <p class='big'><b>Video:</b> Julie Meitz / Vaulx-en-Velin, France 2017</p> <p class='big'><b style='color: red'>Note:</b> This video was not shown at screenings/festivals, I just made it for myself.</p> <p class='big'><b>Skills:</b> Conception, camera, editing, color & correction grading & visual effects</p> <p class='big'><b>Tools:</b> Adobe Creative Suite</p>"> <img src="images/scrap-video-1-julie-meitz-0.jpg" alt="Scrap Video # 1" style="width:100%"> <div class="overlay"><div class="text2">Scrap Video # 1<hr><div style="letter-spacing: 2px;font-size: 15px;">EXPERIMENTAL</div></div></div> </a> </div> </div> <!-- The Small World / Le Petit Monde 2016 --> <div class="column"> <div class="container" style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px"> <a data-toggle="modal" href="#vfModal" class="video-link" id="VF1" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/agsb-sXB3L4" data-vtitle="<a href='https://youtu.be/agsb-sXB3L4' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Promotional Video: Le Petit Monde / The Small World (2016)</a>" data-vdesc="<p>&nbsp</p><p class='big'><b>Description:</b> A promotional video for the international private school <a href='https://lepetitmonde.org/' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Le Petit Monde.</a></p> <p class='big'><b>Video:</b> Julie Meitz / <b>Music:</b> <a href='https://incompetech.com/' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Kevin MacLeod - Life of Riley</a> / Lyon, France 2016</p> <p class='big'><b>Skills:</b> Conception, direction, camera, editing, color & correction grading, sound manipulation & correction, visual effects & graphic art</p> <p class='big'><b>Tools:</b> Adobe Creative Suite</p>"> <img src="images/le-petit-monde-julie-meitz-0.jpg" alt="The Small World / Le Petit Monde" style="width:100%"> <div class="overlay"><div class="text2">Le Petit Monde /<br>The Small World<hr><div style="letter-spacing: 2px;font-size: 15px">PROMOTIONAL</div></div></div> </a> </div> </div> <!-- DR VoltairEAM / Dream Voltaire (Video Only) 2016 --> <div class="column"> <div class="container" style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px"> <a data-toggle="modal" href="#vfModal" class="video-link" id="VF9" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zXQ1PCZeeIY" data-vtitle="<a href='https://youtu.be/zXQ1PCZeeIY' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>EXPERIMENTAL Video Mapping: DR VoltairEAM / Dream Voltaire (Video Only) (2016)</a>" data-vdesc="<p>&nbsp</p><p class='big'><b>Description:</b> An original & remix work about Voltaire for the <a href='https://www.ferney-voltaire.fr/' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Fête de Voltaire</a>. Made in a dreamlike, surreal, kitsch and political style using excerpts from his book, Micromegas, various related images and films, historical information and statistical data from Standford University. The video was mapped to Voltaire's old theater, La Maison Fusier.</p> <p class='big'><b>Video:</b> Julie Meitz (artist residency) / <b>Artistic Direction:</b> <a href='https://mobilhomme.weebly.com/' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Mobil'Homme: Philippe Pellier</a> / <b>Credits:</b> <a href='docs/Credits-Dr-Voltairem-Julie-Meitz-2016.txt' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Various AV Sources</a> / <b>Other:</b> <a href='../multimedia_shows/2016-06-voltaire/dr-voltaiream-2016_julie-meitz.pdf' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Program</a> / <a href='../multimedia_shows/2016-06-voltaire/index.html' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>MULTIMEDIA VIDEO MAPPING: Photos, info...</a> / <a href='https://flic.kr/s/aHskDg1jLF' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Photos</a> / Ferney-Voltaire, France 06/2016</p> <p class='big'><b>Skills:</b> Conception, research, animation, editing, color & correction grading, sound manipulation & correction, visual effects & graphic art (& Video Mapping)</p> <p class='big'><b>Tools:</b> Adobe Creative Suite (Video Mapping: Resolume Arena 5)</p>"> <img src="images/dr-voltaiream-julie-meitz-0.jpg" alt="DR VoltairEAM / Dream Voltaire" style="width:100%"> <div class="overlay"><div class="text2">DR VoltairEAM /<br>Dream Voltaire<hr><div style="letter-spacing: 2px;font-size: 15px;">EXPERIMENTAL<br>Video Mapping</div></div></div> </a> </div> </div> <!-- Electro-Volution Extracts (iKICK! / VJ + DJ) 2016 --> <div class="column"> <div class="container" style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px"> <a data-toggle="modal" href="#vfModal" class="video-link" id="VF2" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/87rzhcq3Ozg" data-vtitle="<a href='https://youtu.be/87rzhcq3Ozg' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Promotional Art Video VJ + DJ: Electro-Volution Extracts for iKICK! (2016)</a>" data-vdesc="<p>&nbsp</p><p class='big'><b>Description:</b> An experimental black & white video made for my performance with <a href='https://fr-fr.facebook.com/ikick.djamency.atix/' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>iKICK!</a>, DJs D'Jamency and Atix. During the performance individual clips of this footage were triggered live in my VJ application, sometimes with VJ effects, sometimes superimposed, etc. This video is a reconstruction of the original footage (which I lost) rebuilt with the VJ DXV files scaled up and synced to the audio.</p> <p class='big'><b>Video:</b> Julie Meitz / <b>Music:</b> <a href='https://soundcloud.com/ikick-live' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>iKICK! - Techno Live Project</a> / <a href=../vj_fj/images/ikick-julie-meitz-tannerie-2016-fly.jpg target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Flyer</a> / <a href='https://flic.kr/s/aHsmXgKBnn' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Images</a> / <a href='https://youtu.be/V2x7l6JneXc' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>iKICK! & Julie Meitz Live</a> / Producer: AsenseProd / Lyon, France 2016</p> <p class='big'><b>Skills:</b> Conception, animation, editing, correction grading, visual effects & graphic art</p> <p class='big'><b>Tools:</b> Adobe Creative Suite (VJing: Resolume Arena 4 + nanoKONTROL + AKAI LPK25)</p> <p class='big'><b>Related:</b> <a href='https://youtu.be/raU4ltDuxmc' target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>iKICK! promotional video</a></p>"> <img src="images/electro-volution-julie-meitz-0.jpg" alt="Electro-Volution" style="width:100%"> <div class="overlay"><div class="text2">Electro-Volution<hr><div style="letter-spacing: 2px;font-size: 15px;">EXPERIMENTAL<br>VJ + DJ</div></div></div> </a> </div> </div> <!-- OTHER VIDEO MODALS REMOVED--> <!-- Modal Bootstrap JS jQuery--> <div class="modal fade" id="vfModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-xl" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <!-- <h5 class="modal-title"><a href="https://youtu.be/agsb-sXB3L4" target="_blank style" style="text-decoration: underline">Video: The Small World / Le Petit Monde</a></h5> --> <h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLabel"></h5> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <!-- 16:9 aspect ratio --> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="" id="video" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <div class="video-desc"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- SCRIPTS --> <script> // Used to toggle the menu on small screens when clicking on the menu button function myFunction() { var x = document.getElementById("navDemo"); if (x.className.indexOf("w3-show") == -1) { x.className += " w3-show"; } else { x.className = x.className.replace(" w3-show", ""); } } </script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/popper.js/1.16.0/umd/popper.min.js"></script> <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // Gets the video src from the data-src on each a href="#" var $videoSrc; $('.video-link').click(function() { $videoSrc = $(this).data( "src" ); }); console.log($videoSrc); $('#vfModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) { var button = $(event.relatedTarget) // button that triggered the modal (but I'm using a href link! but it seems to work?...) var vidTitle = button.data('vtitle') // Extract info from data-* attributes var vidDesc = button.data('vdesc') var vidId = button.data('id') // If necessary, you could initiate an AJAX request here (and then do the updating in a callback). // Update the modal's content. We'll use jQuery here, but you could use a data binding library or other methods instead. var modal = $(this) //modal.find('.modal-title').html("<a href=https://youtu.be/agsb-sXB3L4 target='_blank style' style='text-decoration: underline'>Video: The Small World / Le Petit Monde</a>") modal.find('.modal-title').html(vidTitle) modal.find('.video-desc').html(vidDesc) // when the modal is open show video & add ?rel=0 to show only my videos when paused $("#video").attr('src',$videoSrc + "?rel=0" ); }) // when the modal is opened show video & add ?rel=0 to show only my videos when paused //$('#vfModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (e) { //$("#video").attr('src',$videoSrc + "?rel=0" ); //}) // stop playing the youtube video when modal is closed $('#vfModal').on('hide.bs.modal', function (e) { // Remove the src attribute (remove video) before closing modal $("#video").attr('src',''); }) }); </script> <script> // Sending a link from an external page - this only works sending the same modal, how to get it to pick up a specific video modal??? $(document).ready(function() { var modals = ['#vfModal']; if (window.location.hash && ~modals.indexOf(window.location.hash)) { $(window.location.hash).modal(); } }) </script> </body> </html>
  2. Hi guys, I'm already using a theme on shopify called Atlantic. i want to build a new landing page on shopify similar to a page that i like on website demo (see attach). I have no coding experience to do that. I tried installing different app via shopify to help me build the landing page but i couldn't find the right tools to do it (text with image option, styling tools), i want to keep the header and footer for the current theme and change the content. Would you please help with recommendation on how to build the landing page (see attached) and connect it to the theme that i'm currently using? Here is the preview link for the page that i want to build (shop page): https://themes.shopify.com/themes/atlantic/styles/organic/preview Thanks, Ray
  3. Is there a way for creating a template in html (css/java/php) for having a tag/id with page name to be used into links? Something like: <head> #name="this_is_page_name" #folder="part_of_location" </head> <body> <a href="111111/#folder/222222_#name.html">...</a> </body> Thanks!
  4. I made a piece of code to check wheter a url page exists. This is a part of the get_headers routine I'm using: <?php // check with checkdnsrr // validate with FILTER_VALIDATE_URL /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get_headers part $array = get_headers($url); var_dump($array); $string = $array[0]; if( strpos($string,"200") || strpos($string,"301") || strpos($string,"302") || strpos($string,"403") ) { var_dump($url); } else { echo '<br><br> this site is insecure<br>'; echo '<br> use http instead of https <br><br>'; } } ?> The problem is that some websites configure their server either http or https but this does not mean that there is page content. What can be used to determine if there is an index.php or an index.html or any alternative indexpage used? The things I'm considering are: file_exists, file_get_contents or glob() on the other hand var_dump($array) gives in several cases the parameter: Content Type. The value is txt/html . Can this be used to see if there is a page? What would you recommend and can you give an example how this is used?
  5. Here I can upload videos successfully into database and videos are saving in appropriate folder named "uploaded". As I mentioned in question, once after uploading the video, if I refresh the browser the previously uploaded video is going saving in my database. Another question is, if I click on the video(displayed name in myvideo.php), video is not going to display instead I am getting "Object Not Found" error. I request you people to give me solutions to solve these problems. Below I am posting my code: myvideo.php: <div class="content"><div class="card"><div class="header" id="stand-fix" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #E1E1E1;"><?phpif(isset($_POST['submit'])){// $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "videos") or die(mysqli_error());$name = (isset($_FILES['file']['name']) ? $_FILES['file']['name'] : '');$temp = (isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) ? $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] : '');move_uploaded_file($temp, "uploaded/".$name);$url = "http://localhost/xampp/htdocs/VS/uploaded/$name";mysqli_query($database, "INSERT INTO video VALUE ('','$name','$url')");}?><form action="myvideo.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><div class="row"><div class="col-md-7"><h4 class="title">My Videos</h4></div><div class="col-md-3"><input type="file" name="file" class="btn btn-primary" style="font-size: 15px;"><br /></div><div class="col-md-2"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" style="font-size: 15px;" value="Upload"></div></div></form><?phpif(isset($_POST['submit'])){echo '<script language="javascript">';echo 'alert("Your video has been successfully uploaded.")';echo "window.location.href='dashboard.php'";echo '</script>';}?><hr width="50%"></div><div class="content" style="height: 30em; direction: ltr; overflow: auto;"><div class="row" style="margin-left:4em;" style="direction: rtl;"><?php$database = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "videos") or die(mysqli_error());$query = mysqli_query($database, "SELECT * FROM video");while($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){$id = $row['id'];$name = $row['name'];$url = $row['url'];echo "<p style='margin:0.5em;'><a href='watch.php?id=$id' style='color:red;'>$id&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$name</a></p><br />";echo "<embed src='.$id.$url.'><video width='200' height='200' controls></video></embed>";}?></div></div></div></div> watch.php<?php$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "videos") or die(mysqli_error());if(isset($_GET['id'])){$id = $_GET['id'];$query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM video WHERE id='$id'");while($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){$name = $row['name'];$url = $row['url'];}echo "<p style='font-size:20px;'><center>You are watching ".$name."</center></p><br /><embed src='.$url.'><video width='600' height='400' controls></video></embed>";}else{echo "Error!";}?>
  6. So, I'm really stuck. I know how to make a quiz just fine, with radio buttons, go to the next page, etc., but for our project we have to make the quiz go from one page to the next and hold the answers provided, and then at the end we need to output the result by combining the answers. Essentially it's a personality quiz type thing, rather than a scoring one. My idea is to add 1 each time an answer corresponding to that personality is given, but how to I transfer those values from one page to the next?
  7. Is there a tool to find a webpage's location on a server? I am not able to locate the page www.parkinson.org/blog (which itself gets redirected from www.parkinson.org/find-help/blog). Any recommendations appreciated.
  8. Hello, I'm currently working on a school project involving a bunch of coding in html, css and js. The project's purpose is to basically build a website containing a 'quiz' system. I've already managed to successfully create one, but I'm not yet fully satisfied with it. The quiz contains 21 questions in total, and each question has their own html page; 21 pages in total. Now I have been using a java code to call a random page when a button is pressed on the home website (index.html). It works properly, but it often redirects me to the same page every time I click the button. I want to prevent it from visiting the same page whenever the button is pressed, until all 21 pages have been visited, at which point it resets the data and starts over. I have been looking for a kind of script for this, but can't seem to find it. My only option would be to ask for help, which is why I'm here. This is the code I am currently using for the page randomizer: var howMany = 20; // max number of items listed below var page = new Array(howMany+1); page[0]="spelopdracht1.html"; page[1]="spelopdracht2.html"; page[2]="spelopdracht3.html"; page[3]="spelopdracht4.html"; page[4]="spelopdracht5.html"; page[5]="spelopdracht6.html"; page[6]="spelopdracht7.html"; page[7]="spelopdracht8.html"; page[8]="spelopdracht9.html"; page[9]="spelopdracht10.html"; page[10]="spelopdracht11.html"; page[11]="spelopdracht12.html"; page[12]="spelopdracht13.html"; page[13]="spelopdracht14.html"; page[14]="spelopdracht15.html"; page[15]="spelopdracht16.html"; page[16]="spelopdracht17.html"; page[17]="spelopdracht18.html"; page[18]="spelopdracht19.html"; page[19]="spelopdracht20.html"; page[20]="spelopdracht21.html"; function rndnumber(){ var randscript = -1; while (randscript < 0 || randscript > howMany || isNaN(randscript)){ randscript = parseInt(Math.random()*(howMany+1)); } return randscript; } quo = rndnumber(); quox = page[quo]; window.location=(quox); } } If there is anything you can do, please let me know. I would really appreciate your help! ^.^
  9. Think i have a easy issue for all people here. I received some help from stackoverflow and now I need the final adjustment. I would like to change the width on a specific page in Wordpress. I'm using the theme Touchfolio: http://dimsemenov.com/themes/touchfolio/about.html my page: http://karimphoto.com/about/ This is the code I'm using now to adjust the width: .page-id-247 .hentry, .page-id-247 .aligncenter { max-width: 700px !important; The only problem I have now after resizing the width is that the image won't resize any longer. Same problem on both computer and mobile devise. Any input on this? Thanks,
  10. I want to make a page where on each **tags** :My page should look alike : http://www.missmalini.com/aamir-khan-2/Above page is coming from http://www.missmalini.com/celebrity-fan-pages/this are categories with **Tags** :I also know that the patten is likeBig Image is First ( **First** latest Post of resp. tag )... then 4 image with title are from **Second** post )and then only title after **sixth** post .. its means they have **divide latest 10-12 post** with this structure..2 } if u see on top ( above Ten Latest Aamir Khan Updates ) there is "**Aamir Khan Full Bio** " which is ***different*** for resp. **tags**.3 } If Scroll Down there is Photos and Videos of resp. celeb ( which is tags or may be category wise )Hence how i can do this ( means how i can make such Own Custom Page code ) can any one let me know.
  11. enimy6

    Center page

    My page was centered in the web page, but now it isn't anymore.. this is my code html: <!doctype html><html><head><link href="../css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Events</title></head><body><div id="page"><div id="logo"><img src="../images/ETlogo.jpg"></div><header><h1> Latest Electric Car News </h1></header><nav><ul><li><a href="home.html">Home</a></li><li><a href="Staff.html">Staff</a></li><li><a href="Subscription.html">Subscription</a></li><li><a href="Events.html" class="current">Events</a></li><li><a href="News.html">News</a></li><li><a href="Sitemap.html">Sitemap</a></li></ul></nav><article><h1>Events</h1></article><footer>Sitemap</footer></div></body></html> CSS: @charset "UTF-8";/* CSS Document */##page{ margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:1024px;}li{ list-style-type:none;}#logo{ width:203px; height:183px; display:inline-block; text-align:center; border-right:solid 1px #999999; position:fixed;}header{ background-color:#FFF; width:100%; width:600px; height:85px; float:left; padding-top:30px; padding-left:20px; margin-left:203px; border-left:solid 1px #999999; }p{ font-size:100%; font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; }h1{ font-size:30px; font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; color:#B90000}h4{ font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size:16px; margin-bottom:auto; color:#B90000;}nav { float:left; width:203px; border-right:solid 1px #999999; height:clear; background-color:#FFF; position:fixed; margin-top:200px; }nav a{ color:#B90000; font-size:18px; text-decoration: none}nav a:active{ font-weight:800; text-align:right;}nav a:visited { } nav a.current:link, a.current:visited { font-weight:900;} article{ padding:10px; width:600px; display:block; float:left; background-color:#FFF; border-top:solid 1px #999999; border-left:solid 1px #999999; margin-left:203px;}form glowing-border { border: 2px solid #dadada; border-radius: 7px;}form glowing-border:focus { outline: none; border-color: #9ecaed; box-shadow: 0 0 10px #9ecaed;}input{ width:400px; margin-bottom:10px;}footer{ clear:both; width:100%; height:30px; border-top:solid 1px #999999; border-radius:5px;} Why won't it position in the center of the page?
  12. Hi,i need help for a script that on a evet or condition to take screen shot ot save the web page on my PC. Can you help methe event is when its played a sound ... using firefox and Greasemokey to start the script Pls help we thank you
  13. Dear,I just got back into web dev, now i have a small question.I'm bussy on my new portfolio and i want it to be a single page portfolio.So i setup my site in sections ( Image rotator , home , service , contact ,...)and i am wondering how to make a menu that starts on the botom of the image rotator section and as i scroll down it will rise to the top of the page and stay there even if i scroll further then the rotator section.The following link will give you an idea of what i mean .http://themestrong.com/demo/argo_wp/Also , while i'm at it . does someone also know how to make a "Back to Top" button that will display if i enter the second Section ?Thanks in advance !Jochem.
  14. hello, i have been wondering, and this might be a rookie question, but one i simply need to ask, coz it is making me a little bit insane... i have this CSS right now: /* unvisited link */#forum_cats_title_wrapper a:link { color:#0087DC; text-decoration:none;}/* visited link */#forum_cats_title_wrapper a:visited { color:#0087DC; text-decoration:none;}/* mouse over link */#forum_cats_title_wrapper a:hover { color:#172aba; text-decoration:none;}/* selected link */#forum_cats_title_wrapper a:active { color:#172aba; text-decoration:none;} what i wish, is for the links to show what page i am at, for instance, if i am in a forum, the forum link will be highlighted, meanwhile the others will go down to a more darker blue kind of color... Any ideas? Oo...
  15. Hello Friends, I have created a website. Website pages load normally. But if any page remains open for sometime then it stops responding for a couple of seconds. After a couple of seconds, page again responds normally. What can be the problem for page NOT responding? Please HELP.
  16. Hi. Not quite sure where to start with this one. Am creating a website at the moment, and within that site - in my SQL Compact database I have a "transaction" table. There will be thousands of records in that table - what I want the user to be able to do is search based on a particular parameter - which is fine as I can just use SQL to obtain that information. However, say for instance it returns 100 records - I don't want to display all that data to a user all at once. How would I go about creating a facility to navigate on a table? For instance so it displays ten records at a time? I am using WebMatrix to create this site. Thanks. Kevin
  17. I have this php script stop.php <?phpinclude('ssh_con.php');$stop = 'screen -S testapplication -X quit';ssh2_exec($con, $stop);mysql_query("UPDATE servers SET Online=0 WHERE Owner='".$_SESSION['Username']."'");echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;index.php'>";?> now i want to execute/call/get this page/script using javascript onclick to execute the code and the page refreshes itself. Can anyone guide me to do this? Thanks before hand.
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