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  1. Hello & Thanks; Here is a ' mini-Tutorial: moving text to & from <textarea> & <pre> ' http://vmars.us/ShowMe/Tutorial-Textarea-Save-CopyTo-RestoreFrom-onLoad-Restore-RO-VM.html I'll also put code here for safekeeping : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- https://www.freeformatter.com/html-validator.html http://vmars.us/ShowMe/Tutorial-Textarea-Save-CopyTo-RestoreFrom-onLoad-Restore-RO-VM.html --> <title id="titleId"></title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> </style> </head> <body onload="documentURL() , onloadRestoreTextarea()" > <br> <button onclick="saveAs(filename, allHtml)">Save This Page</button> <br><br> <div id="inlineDiv" style="display: inline-block;"> <div style="border-style: solid; align-text: center; border-width: 1px; display: inline-block;"> <button onclick="sendToConcoleLog ()">sendToConcoleLog</button> <br><br> <textarea id="toConsoleLogId" rows="4" cols="12">:</textarea> </div> <div style="border-style: solid; align-text: center; border-width: 1px; display: inline-block;"> <button onclick="saveItAll()">Copy this into PRE</button> <br> <textarea class="copyFrom" rows="4" cols="12"></textarea> </div> <div style="border-style: solid; align-text: center; border-width: 1px; display: inline-block;"> <button onclick="restoreItAll()">Restore this from Pre</button> <br> <pre contenteditable="true" class="pasteInto" ></pre> </div> </div> <!-- id="inlineBlock"> --> <div style="border-style: dotted; align-text: center; border-width: 1px;"> <pre> Thought I would make a turorial so I remember what I learned from you all , and to pass on your wisdom. Hope this helps someone :) Try this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Type something into "Copy this into Pre" textarea box . Then click "Copy this into Pre" Button . Text is copied into "Restore this from Pre" "pre area ' . And "Copy this into Pre" textarea box , is Cleared . Study This : function saveItAll() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2) The click on "Restore this from Pre" Button , Text is copied from "Restore this from Pre" area into "Copy this into Pre" area . And "Restore this from Pre" area , is Cleared . Study This: function restoreItAll() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) Now Type something into "Copy this into Pre" textarea box Again . Then click "Copy this into Pre" Button . Text is copied into "Restore this from Pre" pre area . And "Copy this into Pre" textarea box , is Cleared . But this time , click the "Save This Page" Button . Study This: function saveAs(filename, allHtml) This .html page will be saved in your Browser's download area . Since the "Restore this from Pre" pre area , is coded as contenteditable="true" , the downloaded page will save the "pre area" text as innerHTML . A nifty feature of 'contenteditable' is that upon opening the saved-page the content of "pre area" is now " hardCoded " into page . Study This: function onloadRestoreTextarea() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See code : So in the ' body ' tag we have : "onloadRestoreTextarea()" which runs the " function onloadRestoreTextarea() " code , when page is loaded . Which copies text from "pre area" to " textarea" box . Also at ' body onload="documentURL() ' page load time: The function: function documentURL() is run , which copies ' this .html ' file's address into the ' title ' tag . BTW: for example (see code) and note that : IF you want to copy what’s typed in the box use .value . console.log(toConsoleLogId.value); IF you want what was hardcoded into the text box’s HTML , use .innerHTML . console.log(toConsoleLogId.innerHTML); Hope this helps someone.... http://vmars.us/ShowMe/Tutorial-Textarea-Save-CopyTo-RestoreFrom-onLoad-Restore-RO-VM.html </pre> </div> <script> var copyFromVar = "one"; function saveItAll() { var blankVar = ""; var fromList; // = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); var intoList; // = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); fromList = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); intoList = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); for (var i = 0; i < fromList.length; i++) { copyFromVar = fromList[i].value ; intoList[i].innerHTML = copyFromVar; fromList[i].innerHTML = blankVar; fromList[i].value = blankVar; } }// </script> <script> var copyFromVarTwo = "two"; function restoreItAll() { var blankVar = ""; var fromListTwo; // = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); var intoListTwo; // = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); intoListTwo = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); fromListTwo = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); for (var i = 0; i < fromListTwo.length; i++) { copyFromVarTwo = fromListTwo[i].innerHTML ; intoListTwo[i].value = copyFromVarTwo; copyFromVarTwo = fromListTwo[i].innerHTML ; intoListTwo[i].value = copyFromVarTwo; fromListTwo[i].innerHTML = blankVar; fromListTwo[i].value = blankVar; } } </script> <script> var copyFromVarOnload = "three"; function onloadRestoreTextarea() { var fromListTwo; // = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); var intoListTwo; // = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); var blankVar = ""; intoListTwo = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); fromListTwo = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); for (var i = 0; i < fromListTwo.length; i++) { copyFromVarTwo = fromListTwo[i].innerHTML ; intoListTwo[i].value = copyFromVarTwo; copyFromVarTwo = fromListTwo[i].innerHTML ; intoListTwo[i].value = copyFromVarTwo; fromListTwo[i].innerHTML = blankVar; fromListTwo[i].value = blankVar; } } // reloadTextarea </script> <script> function sendToConcoleLog() { var var01 = toConsoleLogId.value; console.log(var01); // alert(var01); var var01 = toConsoleLogId.innerHTML; console.log("If nothing after : Then no nothing was typed into this textarea => " + var01); alert("If nothing after : Then no nothing was typed into this textarea => " + var01); console.log(toConsoleLogId.value); console.log(toConsoleLogId.innerHTML); /* should be console.log(toConsoleLogId.value); if you want what’s typed in the box, or console.log(toConsoleLogId.innerHTML); if you want what was hardcoded into the text box’s HTML. */ } </script> <script> var filename = ""; function documentURL() { document_URL = document.URL; document.getElementById("titleId").innerHTML = document_URL; } </script> <script> var filename = "Textarea-Save-CopyTo-RestoreFrom-onLoad-Restore.html"; var allHtml = document.documentElement.outerHTML; function saveAs(filename, allHtml) { allHtml = document.documentElement.outerHTML; var blob = new Blob([allHtml], {type: 'text/csv'}); if(window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename); } else{ var elem = window.document.createElement('a'); elem.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); elem.download = filename; document.body.appendChild(elem); elem.click(); document.body.removeChild(elem); } } </script> </body> </html>
  2. https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_input.asp I am trying to follow the above examples. Forms with INPUT and SELECT are easy enough, however the above page has no examples if how TEXTAREA is used ? ive used textarea successfully on normal forms, however I cant seem to get it working on W3CSS. All I see is a single line - Not multiple lines / textarea. has anyone got an example using W3CSS & multiple lines ? If I dont use inline-block, the input takes up the WHOLE line. i want label & input on same line. and yes, i am aware of readonly. i'll remove that after testing. The latest code I'm using now is:- <label style='display:inline-block;'><strong>Description</strong></label> <input class="w3-input" type="textarea" style='width: 75%;display:inline-block;' rows='4' cols='60' name="description" value="{$articledetails.description}" readonly><br />
  3. HI i trying to create a website of forum textarea editor are necessary too for recommendation which editor are best for textarea such as summernote, wysihtml5 .... and how is work to store the data/value/text with styling effect in mysql database ? Thanks all of you
  4. HI i trying to create a website of forum textarea editor are necessary too for recommendation which editor are best for textarea such as summernote, wysihtml5 .... and how is work to store the data/value/text in mysql database ? Thanks all of you
  5. HI i trying to create a website of forum textarea editor are necessary too for recommendation which editor are best for textarea such as summernote, wysihtml5 .... and how is work to store the data/value/text in mysql database ? Thanks all of you
  6. I am coding using WebMatrix and have a strange problem with textareas when I use the mouse wheel to scroll, The attachment shows results from two different programs. When the scrollbar is used for move up or down the same effect is produced except that the spacing between lines is greater. Any idea what is wrong? textarea problem.xml
  7. I am having a problem viewing the text into the textarea box on my published blog post. I can see it fine in the editor, but for whatever reason it is not showing up live. This is the code I am using and is not displaying the text: <textarea rows="3" cols="20"><a href="http://www.rebeckahstreasures.com/blog/categories/saturday-link-party'>http://www.rebeckahstreasures.com/blog/categories/saturday-link-party" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/3/9/14399682/21012_orig.jpg" border="0" width="200" /></a></textarea> What's even more perplexing is that I have another on my blog sidebar that works just fine. This other one I have on my site works fine: <textarea rows="3" cols="20"><a href="http://www.rebeckahstreasures.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/3/9/14399682/7703103.jpg" border="0" width="200" /></a></textarea> As you can see the only thing different between the 2 codes is the destination link and picture link. I am at a loss of how to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Will be very nice to replace textarea on "Try it yourself" pages on Ace editor. Demo: http://ace.c9.io/build/kitchen-sink.html Some of options: – Syntax highlighted editor; – Themes; – Highlight errors for HTML,CSS,JS,PHP,...; – Emmet; – Find/Replace by text/regexp – and more. Keyboard Shortcuts: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/wiki/Default-Keyboard-Shortcuts Simple variant: http://jsfiddle.net/ertutggz/5/
  9. I am trying to improve one or two of my websites by using a Send email script and adding a larger text box to the form.I can't get the textarea function to work properly. It creates the textarea box but it puts the code for the "reset" and "submit" buttons inside the box??? How can I get the "reset" and "Submit" buttons below the textarea box?Here is the original code without textarea:<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><h2>Send e-mail to someone@example.com:</h2><form action="MAILTO:someone@example.com" method="post" enctype="text/plain">Name:<br><input type="text" name="name" value="your name"><br>E-mail:<br><input type="text" name="mail" value="your email"><br>Comment:<br><input type="submit" value="Send"><input type="reset" value="Reset"></form></body></html>Result:Send e-mail to someone@example.com:Name:E-mail:Comment: (This is a one line comment area.)The send and reset buttons are here-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------I then changed the code below to include a textarea:<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><h2>Send e-mail to someone@example.com:</h2><form action="MAILTO:someone@example.com" method="post" enctype="text/plain">Name:<br><input type="text" name="name" value="your name"><br>E-mail:<br><input type="text" name="mail" value="your email"><br>Comment:<br><textarea name="comments"rows=10 cols=65 wrap>Comments?/textarea><input type="submit" value="Send"><input type="reset" value="Reset"></form></body></html>------------------------------------------------------------------------As I stated above, the input types (actually the last 5 lines from above) are then in the textarea box.What am I missing here?Thanks for any and all help.Chuck
  10. Hi, I am looking for the ability to display an XML sent from the backend on the UI (In a Text area probably), Be able to make changes to it and send it back to the server in the same XML format. I checked that spring MVC offers MediaType.APPLICATION_XML and I am looking into it. If someone knows a better way or if the one I am looking into is wrong, please advise. Thanks
  11. Hello Internet, I have a basic textarea element written as follows: <textarea name="contact_feedback" id="contact_feedback" value “” rows="4" cols="26" style="border: 0px solid #000000;"></textarea> My dilemma is that Chrome/Safari they don’t place 7 tabs in the textarea when the window loads but IE8 does. Can I use in-line CSS or something else to eliminate these tabs when the window loads? Thanks!
  12. Olá, pessoal... Estou testando um script (jQuery2.0.2) para transferir o texto digitado em um elemento (tr/td/textarea) para um outro elemento (tr/td/ul) na mesma tabela. O script transfere o texto, mas três coisas indesejadas estão ocorrendo: 1 - ele transfere a textarea para o destino (não apenas o conteúdo); 2 - a textarea some do lugar de origem; e 3 - em se atualizando a página, vê-se que apenas a visualização foi feita, mas o novo estado da lista não foi salvo. Para mim já estaria ótimo se os 3 itens acima fossem corrigidos. Alguém gostaria de comentar uma sugestão para me ajudar? Segue o código simplificado. ---------------- <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Memória de Dados</title> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="../js/bibliotecas/jquery-2.0.2.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#btn1").click(function(){ $("ul").prepend(digit); }); }); </SCRIPT> </head> <body> <table align="center" width="500" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>MEMÓRIA DE DADOS</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Inserir Dado Novo</p> <textarea id="digit" name="digit" TYPE="text"></textarea> <button id="btn1">Gravar</button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Dados Gravados</p> <ul> <li>Item inicial</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html> --------------- Muito obrigado.
  13. Hi! I'm new to the whole form-making business and currently beating my way though the basics. Right now i'm clueless about what seems to be a pretty simple and straightforward function. I want my visitor to be able to add values from two different <input-type>-fields into a <textarea>. These two values (being name and e-mail) should become a single row in the <textarea>. The visitor should also be able to remove desired generated rows with a simple click on the "remove selected"-button. The result should look like this: This part of my form looks like this thus far: <div class="deltagare-rubrik">Namn:</div> <input type="text" size="45" name="deltagare-namn" value""> <div class="deltagare-rubrik">E-post:</div> <input type="text" size="45" name="deltagare-epost" value""> <br /> <input type="button" name="deltagare-add" value="Add" class="button"> <br /> <textarea name="deltagare-list" class="deltagare-list" readonly="true"></textarea> <input type="button" name="deltagare-remove" value="Remove selected" class="button"> Very grateful for help, thanks!
  14. [color=#4f76ac]<[/color][color=#823125]textarea[/color] [color=#cf4820]id[/color][color=#4f76ac]=[/color][color=#4f76ac]"event_memo"[/color] [color=#cf4820]maxlength[/color][color=#4f76ac]=[/color][color=#4f76ac]"10000"[/color] [color=#cf4820]wrap[/color][color=#4f76ac]=[/color][color=#4f76ac]"hard"[/color] [color=#cf4820]cols[/color][color=#4f76ac]=[/color][color=#4f76ac]"50"[/color] [color=#cf4820]rows[/color][color=#4f76ac]=[/color][color=#4f76ac]"20"[/color] [color=#cf4820]style[/color][color=#4f76ac]=[/color][color=#4f76ac]"[/color][color=#cf4820]text-align[/color]: [color=#4f76ac]left[/color];[color=#4f76ac]"[/color] [color=#4f76ac]></textarea>[/color][code][color=#4f76ac][/color]I'm noticing that if I create a blank text area like the one above and I place my cursor in the box there is an indentation there. I am trying to style the text area so that this indentation or extra white space area is not there. Does anyone know how this might be done?[color=#4f76ac]Thank you...[/color]
  15. I am creating a form that is captured and placed in an email. I have managed to do this fine with the exception of one item. when getting the value of a text area it will not maintain the user entered format. Thsi will be important when recieving the information in the email. what I need is this, when a user enters the below info in a textarea;---example---Reference line 1Reference line 2Reference line 3Reference line 4----------------- I need it to popluate in the email the same way. When I pull this infor like a normal input it comes out like this; Reference line 1Reference line 2Reference line 3Reference line 4 can anyone help? I am not able to use PHP in my environment I am working with, as I understand it now. I also do not know much about asp.net
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