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Anders Moen

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Everything posted by Anders Moen

  1. They like give out different characters. I don't remember how long they are, but I think md5 gives out 32 letters and numbers?Anyways, check out at php.net (www.php.net/sha1 and www.php.net/md5). Not sure if the links are right though
  2. Windows: it's for ASP and ASP.net codingLinux: it's for PHP codingYes, it's a operativsystem, just that it's free compared to Windows. If you are quick, you can request free cd's if you want Linux as your operativsystem. They are sending out the new version of Ubuntu in 2 days I think. (www.uuntu.com)
  3. I don't think he understands Swedish, unless he does But I've heard lots of bad stuff about one.com, and that you shouldn't use it because they lie about what you get. I searched for "php 5 mysql phpmyadmin host" at Google, and I found this host: http://www.green.de/int/de/hosting/linux/default.asp. Looks fine
  4. Site Name: Anders Moen - A personal website Site Description: My personal website.Site Owner/Developer: Myself (Anders Moen)Site Address: http://www.andersmoen.com (english.andersmoen.com for English)Or something like that...
  5. Okay, no problem :)Just ask if you need any help
  6. Ask in the PHP forum, or in another server-side language forum.If you can use PHP, and MySQL, here's a script which is really easy: <?phpmysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");mysql_select_db("database");$q = $_GET['q'];if (empty($q)) {echo '<form action="search.php" method="get"><p>Search for something:<br /><input type="text" name="q" /></p><p><input type="submit" name="s" value="Search" /></p></form>';echo'</body></html>';die('');}echo '<form action="search.php" method="get"><p>Search for something:<br /><input type="text" name="q" value="';echo htmlentities(stripslashes($_GET['q']));echo '" /></p><p><input type="submit" name="s" value="Search" /></p></form>';echo "You searched for: ";echo "<b>";echo htmlentities(stripslashes($q));echo "</b>";echo " and you got";$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE title LIKE '%$q%'");echo " <b>" . mysql_num_rows($result) . "</b> hits.";echo "<br /><br />";while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {echo "<a href=\"http://andersmoen.com/?ArticleID=" . $row['id'] . "\">";echo stripslashes($row['title']);echo "</a>";echo "<br />";}?> I think that was right
  7. I'm not sure what you mean, but do you want like a page where you can login, and then it i.e says "Welcome, yourusername"?Here's a great and easy tutorial on it: http://phpeasystep.com/phptu/6.htmlYou should take a look at the tutorials there, because they are great
  8. Ok, now I have redesignet the site yet another time, and I have also centered it :)And yeah, it works in IE 5 too, just that it's not centered but I'm really surprised since it looks whole there too hehe.www.andersmoen.com - so what you think? I have heard I should have a darker background-color, but then I have to make the shadows one more time because they're not .png files so..well, what you think? (I know it is in Norwegian now), but if you want a page where it says some more than the frontpage, you can see the portfolio, or about me. But don't think about it as it as Norwegian, hehe... Jonas, you understand what it says on my page :)And one more thing, I will make the page in English too, really soon. Just gonna fill in some content on the Norwegian part first.
  9. Maybe you can use something like this: $d = date('M'); // In example it says "Apr" in the database, and the month now is Apr and then it shows those newsSELECT * FROM table WHERE date = '$d' ORDER BY id DESC The div thing, you want a different on each news or just make them valid? You can use class="" instead of id=""#something { } /* This is for id's */.something { } /* This is for classes */Hope this helps you a little
  10. Ok, I was just thinking of sites delete users that's not logged in for example 90 days.
  11. Okay, thanks for that! Those comments might help me convince my father :)But anyways, the money that I now have accepted is on my PayPal account, but if I just log in some times and just be active sometimes, they won't disappear from my account? (Just in case it takes some time before I have convinced my father, hehe)
  12. if(!eregi){error}else if(!eregi){error}else if (eregi){email stuff and echo confirmation} Maybe?
  13. Yeah, sure I can give you a hint :)You haven't closed a span tag, p tag or some other tag. It says in a smaller text right under the error in the validator
  14. Ok, thanks!He just cancelled it, and now the money is sent to my account and I have accepted.
  15. Ah, okay.Because he wrote "moan" instead of "moen" in my mail, but I can create a new one with moan and make an account with that unless it's already taken.But one more thing...I don't know his username (email) at PayPal, forgot to ask him, so I couldn't request the money.
  16. Welcome to the W3Schools forum
  17. Whoa! Thanks for all this writing, hehe.But now he has sent money but he wrote my email wrong, but is it possible to take back that money? (I'll just tell him when he gets on MSN, or I'll send him an email later).But is that possible?
  18. Was that just an example, or is that how it is here at the W3Schools forum?
  19. That sounds just like what I will use it for
  20. I'm only gonna use it so he can pay me for my little work on his design on his website.And I just wanted to be sure if PayPal is something to trust, since we agreed to use that and I've never used it before...
  21. Hmm, I'm not 100 % sure of what you said there :S
  22. I have a credit card now (a free one since I'm under 18), but can I just get another one like that Skemcin?
  23. Hello!Yesterday I got contacted from USA, by this guy. And he asked if I could make a website, and I said yes and then we agreed we could use PayPal for the paymentm, is PayPal something I can trust? I'm thinking about the part where you give out my credit-card number and sensitive info ...
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