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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. don't shells need user permission to run sort of like and exe file. You can't just make it run automatically and seemlessy from a website...that I am aware of.
  2. whew! okay as long as you aren't a ninja hacker *bleeds*
  3. I just looked up irony...I didn't realise it meant the same as sarcasm.
  4. aspnetguy

    wow 263

    hmmm...at 5:05pm eh?I left at 4:55pm and I don't think there was that many. The things you miss the second you turn your back.
  5. you do realise I am only kidding, right?
  6. You're not a ninja hacker are you?
  7. yeah fat chance getting people to give you the proper permissions to open executeables on their computer....then again people are morons.
  8. ok if you are going to take this topic and not share fine...screw you guys - I'm going home! :)Just kidding...if you want us to leave then we will.
  9. How do we go back to 3 and 7? what should we post about them? I think I bought 7 bananas the other day...what else is there to say about it. If you look hard enough or are imaginative enough you can find patterns and "magic" for any number in hte things around you like for instance I have exactly 53 pieces of paper on my desk.BTW how do you go about translating a name into numbers?
  10. The guy was John, the island was Patmos, and the Emperor was Domitian.Careful I am religious :)It was Nero Caesar's name that numerically equalled 666. Other popular fuigures in history that also had names that translated to 666 were Adolf Hitler, Henry Kissinger, Prince Charles, Bill Gates, and former US President William Jefferson Clinton. Nothing. Why do thing saying will cause something to happen? Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice....
  11. that is because it is a bit complicated but if they are using the filter attribute then it will only work in IE...Images is actually the easiest and most reliable way to go.
  12. three times 6 is 18! 181818 is not the mark of the beast!
  13. regardless of what backend they use (COM+, VBA, JAVA) the process would be similar...just don't know what that process is.I can't find it any more, sorry
  14. I believe PHP can create images but I don't know if that is how it is done.My guess for the safari test is they have a COM+ component that sends the url you provide to an app on a Mac server which somehow loads it in safari and then saves a screenshot (somehow) then retreives the generated screenshot then passes it back tothe browser.All that is just spectulation and I wouldn't knwo where to start to set it up. I am guessing it is complicated since I have only ever foudn 1 other site like it.
  15. I would much rather use JavaScript for ASP pages as well but the sad truth is there are very few if any tutorials that use JavaScript examples.I even bought a ASP book that started of providing vbscript and javascript examples but stopped after the second chapter and only gave vbscript. I gave up and gave into vbscript.I am very happy to see that did not happen with ASP.Net. C# is used more often then VB...from what I have sen it is probably about 55-45 or 60-40%
  16. proably the same way the safari test loads your website on their mac server then generatesa a screenshot and brings it back to your browser....how ever they do that :)
  17. I really like the biographies pages although I would prbably extend the scrollbox as width as the top navigation bar and change to a sans-serif font (just person pref tho).The rest of the site looks a bit boring. Although it appears that it will prvide very good information the users may not read it all. The more impressive a page looks the more likely it will be read. Did they give you some pictures or graphics for the site? Maybe you could make some creative graphics to spiff it up. A few simple things like well placed gradients of slightly textured backgrounds can help alot.
  18. apparently someone used that email address
  19. Actually the syntax for JavaScript and PHP only have small similarities...it is actually quite different especially once you look into the methods.Anyway I fail to see the point in you restating this point since it has been said already (about using a server-sid language and not javascript I mean).
  20. aspnetguy


    I think you can define secondary keys and then combine them to make a primary key...don't really remember and have never used a secondary key.
  21. man I had a couple of those teachers in college.Our design teacher photocopied lessons from his Photoshop book and gave us a month to do some lessons that everyone was done in a week.We only had 3 small assignments (make a logo...wow that's hard) and one test.Some how we manage to squeeze all that in a semester....hahaha...I am not complaining. It was easy and I got an A
  22. thats because you are not just posting back you are actually reloading hte whole page....that is what response.redirect does.You can try Server.Transer("mypage.aspx") instead, it is less intensive.
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